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Posts posted by Nyxxz

  1. 18 hours ago, PikeOrShield said:

    I think your calculations are a bit off.  While armor does reduce spore burst damage and carried toxin damage, the damage does not get mitigated as much as you described when it spreads to another armored target.  Spore's burst and DOT damage is calculated of the initial base damage that caused the toxin proc.  Initial base damage does not factor for armor values.  

    The way it's calculated is: initial base damage -> armor reduction applied -> actual damage

    Because of this, damage that will be factored over to a new target does not get mitigated by the previous units armor, since the damage is calculated off of a number that does not take into account the current unit's armor.  This also applies to spores that are carried along a chain of enemies since the burst damage is calculated by the initial base damage(s) of toxin procs afflicting the target.  The reason you see spores dealing reduced damage further down the chain is because the full initial base damage is not carried over (only a small percentage is) due to how spore damage is calculated, not because armor mitigates it repeatedly.

    Important parts from the wiki:

    • If an infected enemy is being damaged by a Toxin b Toxin proc, popping a spore on that enemy will also spread Toxin b Toxin damage to surrounding enemies. The spore will have 25% of the initial base damage that triggered the Toxin b Toxin proc added to its burst damage as Viral b Viral damage with a 100% status chance for Viral b Viral and Toxin b Toxin effects.
    • Toxin b Toxin status effect deals 50% of the burst damage as Toxin b Toxin damage per tick over 11 ticks in 10 seconds. Duration-based status effects are prolonged due to Saryn's passive.


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    Yeah, you are correct o_o I didn't expect DE to have such a good formula for it. 

    I expected it to be Damage>Armor Reduction>Actual Damage then said gas proc having to use it's actual damage vs the surrounding mobs armor 

    I only tried it in one mission to figure out how it worked and it turns out it was an Eximus mission where all the Eximi mobs are resistant to elemental attacks.

    That does make high status weapon with corrosive on swap to reduce armor to 0 and using that target as a conduit for spreading spores rather powerful :o

    I'm aware of the full damage not transfering, a 224% power STR spore Saryn will have 56% of intial damage moved over, which felt right in every other test I did except that Grineer Eximus Stronghold.   Thanks for the armor info!  managed to miss it on the wiki somehow D:

  2. 4 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Eh, it's the way I use it that affects my veiw point of it. I jump in one spot, cast, go somewhere else and cast, and fight and kill what's there, because I don't like standing around watching my cheese spread around the map. This may sound weird, but Nova is very comparable to Saryn to me.

    I have ideas in my mind...

    That's kinda different from "spamming it with natural talent" And yes, obviously you should move around for best coverage as needed.    But hey. "MOVE AROUND" 

    Why is this such a bad thing as Trinity? did they change blessing so it roots you to the ground for it's duration in a recent hotfix?

  3. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Molecular prime is the worst offender, it's cheap, easy to cast everywhere, you can flip around the map spamming it for the extra coverage, I don't know off the top of my head if I had natural talent and some efficiency, but I don't see the long cast intervals you speak off.

    Frost is cool, but avalanche freezes every enemy regardless of enemy level, which is admittedly better than blessing.

    Vauban, iv never played the guy, or even worried about him in a mission.

    I honestly never mind people or the powers they use in a mission, but we start saying one thing is broken, and another isnt, and I have to nit pick with my opinions.

    A fix: At this point, if you just switch the mechanics of well of life and energy vampire, people won't complain about energy vampire being over powered, and you have a decent healing ability. Link should be shared with allied tenno when in range, and spread that energy and health over greater ranges. And trinity needs an actually useful ultimate (i mean something that takes out enemies, so she isn't the only healing frame that is only support). I will advocate for this until something happens that fixes the redundancies of her kit.


    You can only have one Molecular expanding at a time, if you want it to cover a decent area of the map you have to let it run for 10+sec, sure you can recast it every 1 second to affect the mobs within 2 meters of you over and over but that's not gonna do a whole lot for area coverage. 

    And even if you COULD spam it all the time and have waves all over the place it's not even close to the realms of broken 99% Trin was.  

    MP should and hopefully will be nerfed at some point. 75% slow is too good.

    Regarding 250% range frost abuse, enemies should get diminishing returns to prevent things like perma freezing avalanche spam, this will deffo come with the enemy rebalancing as a part of making gameplay more interesting and not trivialized in such a way.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Soulvengeance said:

    Who cares about armor on Saryn?  I mean really even if they only tic for 1 damage their strength is in numbers/hp cutting.  Use ignis and spread those spores even lvl 100s drop like flies


    If you want to build toxin spore Saryn you do care a lot about it, if you just want a spores for hp reduction build you obv go with a neg power str range build with ok duration and other utility

  5. 5 minutes ago, Ohmlink said:

    Armor screws everything spores really isn't an exception.

    Armor screws everything, yes. But no, not like how it screws over toxin spreading with spores.  

    So yeah, it kinda is an exception. If you think otherwise you just don't understand how armor works with spore toxin.


  6. 4 minutes ago, Gurpgork said:

    The thing about Equinox is that, since Maim requires buildup, it's only as good at killing as your squad is. 

    Or you yourself is, low level missions where Ember can cause this problem is easily maimed with an Ignis or Simulor alone in a squad.

    Only difference is that when it comes to high level enemies Maim is still really really strong while WoF is CC only.

    Maim will start relying on the rest of your squad when you yourself can't annihilate everything with no effort :p

  7. While this is an "issue" in interception it's pretty much interception only, Mirage could just blind everything in a 62.5 meter radius in one cast in any sort of mission type trivializing pretty much everything that didnt have a horde of nullifiers. 

    90% of sortie missions were completely trivialized by this one cast every few seconds, while Ivara abuse is silly it's not even close to the levels of ridiculousness that Prism was.

  8. Armor screws over spores, making it bad vs Grineer unless you have at very least 3 corrosive projection.

    Say mob has 80% damage reduction from armor, gas procs and it's spread to the mobs around, only 20% of the damage is spread. 

    Now that 20% damage is reduced by 80% on the new enemy due to armor aswell making him take a whooping 4% of the damage he would take if they had 0 armor 

  9. 3 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Are you just not going to anything about the range nerf? Nothing being mentioned about that? That's just swept underneath the rug, semantics, it's fine.

    Why is the range nerf such a huge issue when there isn't any other ability that can cover the entire map that comes even close to the power of Blessing ? 

    If you want a power as strong as blessing covering multiple areas just bring another Bless Trin. 


    Closest is Molecular Prime which only affects enemies it passes through, and with a 282% duration build that runs the entire duration there's so many new spawns that won't be affected by Molecular Prime due to the long cast intervals.

    Frost bubble can cover a few areas but it only protects those inside the bubble, and high lvl enemies(100+) will take down bubbles fairly quickly unless frost dedicates pretty much all his time to keeping the bubbles up.

    Bastille can't really be compared as it's only really really strong vs infested, and like frost, needs Vauban to move around a lot limiting anything else he can do.

  10. 7 hours ago, (XB1)Zargoniiian said:

    As a train main.  First off it was hard to keep an eye on your blessing duration wile watching the game and being useful in anyway.  Also keeping an eye on nullifies and your own energy.   Now let's look at what we got.   Now you have to watch duration timer, party Hp, and also,. If your trying to heals one one and there not even around you your wasting your energy.  And it's impossible to get 99 bless now.   With hard hitting enemies the squishy frames are one shot.  Now try to keep up with all of that and also aim at the enemy.   No one ran trinity to begin with. Now no one will run her at all for anything but EV.  Looks like I have to find a new main frame that ppl still need 

    If no one ran Trinity to begin with there clearly isn't any issue about her being nerfed is there?    And being able to damage yourself and watching a timer isn't very hard nor a fun mechanic to deal with.

    And doing everything while being "useful" is a dumb argument, just bring a Tonkor and you'll do more than enough ! even if you did absolutely no damage the Immortality Protocol you were giving your team is just hilariously broken

    And what do you consider "hard hitting enemies one shotting squishy frames" ? 

  11. WoF actually only affects 5 mobs on inital cast, then 2-5 hits per second on a single mob at a time for the duration of the channeling, if you think Ember clears stuff like that fast you clearly haven't seen Equinox yet ! 

    or RJ/Miasma/Quake Banshee in Dracos !


  12. 13 hours ago, Murkar said:

    One hit, It was a sortie, I was moving faster than possible for most trins, and while I didn't have mods for health or shield I did have link on and it was active. All I know is I lost my favorite support and its made me very upset. Now the most efficient way to support and protect my team is to obliterate all enemies before they have a chance to attack anyone, which leads to boredom for most players. At least I am living up to my name now... It's kinda odd how I never got complaints for trin's bless at all during any of the matches I played before the rework, mostly just "I love you" or a friend request.

    If you had link and Blessing on there's nothing that is capable of one shotting you there, except radiation affected players killing you.

    Also 300/300 Trin with no Quick Thinking is a very nice example of you not being able to adapt, at all. 

    Expecting your base hp paper Trin to always be fine is hilarious, no loss here I guess.

  13. On 3.6.2016 at 6:08 PM, Murkar said:

    all I know is I get one hit by most enemies past level 100 and a team healer is not viable in any way shape or form anymore, thanks everyone involved....

    If 75% damage reduction is not enough for level 100-120 enemies for you, you're probably not playing very well.

    And you probably forgot to put any survivability mod on your frame on top of forgetting you're able to move your character around.

    Only exception is lvl 100+ enemies in T4 void as the T4 "special effect" is just terrible and will be reworked when enemies are rebalanced,  there's no point staying until you face lvl 100 enemies in T4 either as the keys are so easy to get, camping sewer obv works but it's not much fun when you start approaching an hour.

  14. Just give Ember a 50-100% damage boost on heat procs as a passive, they don't stack like Ash's bleed procs or poison procs so it's not like it's going to get out of hand.

    I'd be ok with 50% myself as it's at least something. It makes decent status chance fire weapon builds worth considering.

    This way you don't need gimmicky reactivation of WoF from some str increase passive to make use of the passive.

  15. No, they should clearly make Ember like Trin used to be.

    WoF deals 99999.9% more damage (so it's sort of equal to Trin's 99.9% damage reduction) but you need to damage yourself to 2 hp first for it to work! scaling and challenging gameplay is a MUST for this to be balanced and FUN!

    Also WoF should affect the entire map, just like Trin used to.

    Actually. It should just affect the entire planet Ember is on, and if there are any other Embers currently doing missions on that planet they can also hit targets on your map. 

    Without range mods ofcourse, I don't have room for that crap on my frame. 

    Ty for reading my post DE! :)

  16. On 3.6.2016 at 5:49 AM, shootaman777 said:

    I'll address exactly how the answer to this question is YES, and that it is not delusional to say so.  I am currently typing a post of book length in Microsoft Word that will do so, which is an addition to a post of novella length that I used to have on this thread, but was deleted.  I will post it somewhere and let you know when it's up, somehow.  

    Also, you're wrong to say that the entire squad was invulnerable.  This was never the case, as of a week prior to Update 18.13, as the DR could never hit 100%.  I can testify to this, as I still took damage (mostly in the single digits) even with what was displayed as a 99% Blessing DR (casted Blessing at what was displayed as 2/300 health), from LoR and Sortie 3 enemies.  

    In addition, this Blessing DR cannot feasibly be maintained for 99% of a raid or sortie.  If it was the case that it could be maintained for 99% of the time of a raid or sortie, then averaging a raid as 30 minutes in temporal length (especially in public squads), Blessing would only be only inactive during said raid for 30 - (30 * 0.99), which = 30 - 29.7 = 0.3 minutes, or 18 seconds.  The maximum duration of Blessing's DR was around 30 seconds, or 0.5 minutes, which would make it necessary to cast Blessing a grand total of approximately 60 times to achieve a DR for 29.7 minutes.  Ignoring a variety of other variables that can increase the time in between a Blessing Trinity casting Blessing for a 99% DR, self-damaging and recasting Blessing for the DR takes about 1-3 seconds, which when multiplied by the amount of casts of Blessing (60), gives a total of anywhere from 60-180 seconds (1-3 minutes) of not having Blessing's DR active.  As such, this would mean that Blessing would be inactive for, at least, 1/30 to 3/30 of a raid, or 3.33 (repeating, of course #LEEEEEEROOOOOOYJEEEEENKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINS) % to 10 (all the numbers can't be quite the spicy meme, ya know) % of the time in a raid.  This means that Blessing was only active, in perfect conditions, at a maximum of 96.66% of the time (repeating, of course #LEEEEEEROOOOOOYJEEEEENKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINS).  So, you may want to rephrase your question.  

    Have a nice day!  

    Also, you're wrong to say that the entire squad was invulnerable.  This was never the case, as of a week prior to Update 18.13, as the DR could never hit 100%.  I can testify to this, as I still took damage ----> (mostly in the single digits) <---- 

    Mostly single digits. Oh noes. The horror.

  17. On 4.6.2016 at 5:28 AM, Hellmaker2004 said:

    Oh look i found something else fun and interesting. Now i am yet to test the Two Trinity's Blessing and if they do disable each other.



    Trinity grants up to 75% Damage resistance, and this equal almost the same as upgrading someones health by 4x.

    A Ash Prime with Full Vitality mod will have (150 x 5.4 + 300 + 375) x 4 = 5940 Effective health before armor.


    Frost Snow globe have a base value of (5000 + 5 × 300 × 1) × 1 = 6500 Health.


    Frost have no Duration, Frost also offers 4 seconds invulnerability that absorb the damage into more effective health, globe only cost base 50 energy and it does stack. Frost also protects against status since you are not taking the hits.


    So Trinity offers less health value and no invulnerability, have a ~1,5 second window where the buff is not applied even if you time it perfectly. Trinity can not go away to reapply a new Blessing to someone outside of range since it removes the old one and all this for a higher energy cost. But i guess the healing makes up for it, that is unless the allie you need to heal get hit by anything high level during the window of course.

    Now it is true that Frost can not "move" with his globe, but he can have up to four of them in different areas, frost also knock nearby foes back upon casting and slow enemies entering it and although Trinity does scale with shield values as well, i can assure you that unless you are buffing a Inaros, the EHP will not even get close to what Frost can have.


    So Trinity's only "good" thing now is Energy Vampire. Am i the only one wondering why Frost, is now better than Trinity to provide defensive support and with a overall better kit than Trinity as well? Or are we going to see even more nerfs all across the board? 

    This is something i am skeptical about. Most damage frames when they do get a patch are buffed,(with the recent exception of Excalibur but his damage is still high, just not the same range.). It is starting to feel like two different teams are working on the "balance", since damage frames keeps getting touched up, making them able to instantly kill foes well above Sortie 3 levels (100 - 120). While support frames keep getting downgraded.

    If nothing get changed on Trinity, they could at least change her entry in the codex. 

    From "Become the bastion that defends allies using powerful healing abilities with Trinity Prime. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization."

    To "Become the battery that energize allies using a powerful ability with Trinity Prime. Featuring altered mod polarities for one potential build."


    At least then Trinity Primes codex would not be false advertisement.

    In about three hours i will test two Trinity to see if they dispel each other, luckily i believe that they will not. Overwrite each other yes but at least not dispel each other.

    And Frost bubble also reduces damage from bombards through shield by 75% and damage of all mobs that hit you inside the globe by 75%... wait.... no D:    also it doesn't heal you. ever.


    This is pretty much the dumbest comparison I have ever seen. 

  18. On 4.6.2016 at 4:00 AM, Kurayami_No_Yenshi said:

    Well, looking at the current state of bless is highly unnerving. It is now all but useless. The resist starts at 50% and is capped at 75%. It takes 50% powerstrength to achieve the cap which is a quite poor resist considering this games content. I main trinity and know that link wont save you much at all against level 80+ enemies so neither will the current bless resist should you even manage to cap it. Bless has NEVER needed +50% powerstrength so all bless builds only have the +30% needed, thus this change has completely INVALIDATED all of the build that people have used until recently. To get even to this all but useless resist cap of 75%, you either need to trash some of trinitys duration with transient fortitude which starts to defeat the point of bless further as it wont even have very good duration. Otherwise you need blind rage or stacking more than Intensify and power drift as thats only 45% and on some builds like mine, i have no extra slots at all. Making it so that you need these mods also makes it so trinity cant be used by new players to any effect and, due to how bad the resist even is at this point, experienced players will want nothing from trin but a 0 duration EV battery. In my case in particular this version of bless makes the build I spent months perfecting worthless and unusable. I think if your gonna have bless reduced at all, undo the range nerf and change the base resist to 80% so that the 30% powerstrength of basically all bless builds is actually useful and it will naturally cap at the current max resist of 95% which is actually usable to reasonable effect in late game but not quite as powerful as it used to be.

    If level 80 enemies are an issue with blessing for you, you're already struggling vs lvl 40 enemies without blessing and if this is the case, you are doing something terribly wrong.

    if you need 20x hp for lvl 80 enemies those perfected setups can't be very perfect at all.

  19. 2 hours ago, V31L said:

    i really believe that some people dont understand plain english. i said it like 5 times through this thread, THIS IS MY GOD DAMN OPINION BASED ON MY PLAY STYLE, there is no intention of pissing of people or whatever you think it is. if you wanna be useful just leave your constructive comment without being salty about my opinion. thanks anws 

    "I decided to play Saryn in a bad way and therefore she is bad !"

  20. 3 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    It's not comparble numbers wise, compared to blessing. But they still affect(ed) all enemies in a ridiculous range (blessing affected enemies by making tenno near unkillable)

    Nullifiers of course mess up Ashes abilities. Ash cannot blade storm nullifiers, and yet we still agree he is broken.

    And I will dedicate as hours to playing my Nova as it takes to understand her 2 ability, if I don't understand it now as you say, but it will always do more against primed enemies than non primed enemies, no matter how much the enemies or you shoot at it...

    Ofcourse it deals more damage to mobs you debuffed to take 100% more damage, everything does about 100% more damage infact!

  21. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    I have probably only spent maybe 5 hours in my whole warframe time playing nova, so I'm just going to say how it feels playing with her. 

    Nova is a team support frame, like trinity, molecular prime can be cast infinitely, almost all over an entire map, and to me, what it does to the enemies is pretty much just as good as 99% damage reduction, sure you can still get shot and die, it's not completely easy more on super high levels, but it takes the enemies and reduces what they can even do to you, damage wise ( just like blessing pretty much). In my eyes, molecular prime fits the criteria for what was wrong with blessing, and why it was nerfed. Both are ultimate that make the game easier. I'm just being salty and asking for things to be fair.

    Nova actually has a weird synergy, before synergy was cool, her mini balls and giant ball do way more damage to molecularly primed enemies, and the portal ability is cool. But the damage the balls do is negligible against non primes enemies...the portal is just kind of for fun, or a smart ability to trap enemies at spawn points, so it really all boils down to molecular prime being her only really important ability...

    I like what they did to Excalibur...

    And what if you had the mini ball ability, held the button down to send them all out as the giant ball or form all remaining into a ball. 

    Teleport would stay.

    Molecular prime would be a smaller ability like blessing is, may be being spread from explosions (as anti matter explosions hitting other non primed enemies will spread it like saryns spores) 

    And a new ultimate (trinity needs a new ultimate, blessing also needs to be a third ability, or go away and well of life be more useful)

    Because molecular prime overshadows everything in novas kit and makes all missions easy mode.

    Molecular Prime is overpowered. But if you think a 75% slow and 100% damage taken vs *MOST* mobs(nullifiers can't be MP'd obviously, and any mobs they run past are dispelled) is as good as having 100-1000 times more EHP at all times unless you're bad and stand in nullifier bubbles you're really bad at math and generally bad understanding the game.

    MP makes the game quite a bit easier while Blessing removed any challenge it had for survivability pre lvl 500 enemies.

    You also don't seem to understand how her #2 works.

  22. 42 minutes ago, Noobinator29 said:

    Wow ... now i can't even solo with trin ... great ...

    If you need 99% damage reduction to solo I'd dare say there is room for improvement in the way you play the game.

  23. 1 minute ago, Jenemba said:

    What do you mean the team no longer rides entirely on the shoulders of the Trin? How dare you deprive everyone of their right to be carried. Game ruined. Literally unplayable! 

    10/10  75% is still hilariously strong though :>

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