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Posts posted by Manolukas03

  1. Meu problema é o seguinte, estou sofrendo um Bug comum a muitos outros usuários, completei a jornada preceito de Jordas, porém acabei deletando o atlas, agora que desejo faze-lo novamente, notei que o Diagrama dele não esta disponível para compra no mercado mesmo após completar a jornada e também não é possível refazer a jornada, peço a ajuda do Suporte do Warframe!

  2. My problem is this, I'm suffering from a common bug to many other users, completed the precept journey Jordas, but ended up deleting the atlas, now I want to do it again, I noticed that his diagram is not available for purchase in the same market after completing the journey and it is not possible to retrace the journey, I ask the help of Warframe Support! I am awaiting the response of the support, for now nothing!

  3. My problem is this, I'm suffering from a common bug to many other users, completed the precept journey Jordas, but ended up deleting the atlas, now I want to do it again, I noticed that his diagram is not available for purchase in the same market after completing the journey and it is not possible to retrace the journey, I ask the help of Warframe Support! I am awaiting the response of the support, for now nothing!

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