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Posts posted by papey

  1. Back when the charged blade hitbox was awful, it used to have a lot of punch through


    Now with the hitbox fix, the punchthrough on charged hits is gone, making it impossible to hit multiple targets :(


    Is this intended or just an oversight?

  2. For one thing, most textures have been able to be combined, which allows you to have less loaded.


    The reality is that PBR isn't really more complicated from a performance standpoint. The issue is that originally 3D graphics were incredibly simplistic, and new features were just layered on top. First we got polygons, then we got textures. After that we got crude lighting and so on. Every element was treated distinctly, and was tailored specifically to its purpose.


    More recently people have realised that they can make a single shader that acts closer to how a wide range of materials work, and that is PBR. The actual shading isn't more complex, but the input information is much more precise and controllable.

    And today I learned about what PBR really is

    Still sort of weird getting such a diverse range of results.. Huge FPS decreases, minor decreases, increases, I guess it has its degrees of compatibility with different graphics cards. Sorry if I seem dumb, but I'm not much of a PC builder or anything to be honest

  3. when i logd in this morning   cant run   am walking very slow   ,i have made   defaltseting but nathing v´work pleas help 

    Check your gear

    If you have a Hobbled key in there, take it off

  4. hmm, it speeds up performance actually, my toaster PC runs faster in void now, I think it is the bloom that reduces your FPS, try un-checking it if u have it on, or high dynamic range for that matter, they both make it look like Jesus not metal

    I run with everything off.. I can confirm my 60-70 FPS dropped to Galleon-tier 20-30FPS. That room with the two sewer-like tunnels is hell to me right now alongside some of the bigger rooms.

  5. I've been fine on the Grineer ship, until the PBR treatment.

    Now there are only two rooms which I can get over 30 FPS in (over 60 before)

    Now the same thing for the void, I get that you want to make the game look better, but could we have it as an option somehow for those who either don't like the effects or simply have low performance with their graphics cards?

  6. The Tonkor was fun...also pretty handy, my teammates saved me a few times with a well-timed bounce.  It's sad to see these things disappear and guns become just another kill-all tool. :/ For a game that's about teamwork, these sorts of things could be very nifty for puzzles and such.

    I'd say that should be a mod or something.  "Friendly Fire - Teammate explosives launch you", since we now have Augments to power up others' weapons with elemental strengths.  I rather liked the teamwork potential of the Tonkor's friendly-fire bounce.  Instead of taking it away entirely, make it the recipient's choice whether or not they can be bounced or affected.

    no pls not another bandaid mod

    Maybe an option or something?

  7. i agree that event is newbie unfriendly and requires certain abillities that only certain frames provide(but srsly how much time need to pass for one to craft frost? its like on the 3rd planet or so)



    Ceres isn't the "3rd planet or so"

    It's the highest level Grineer planet

    You have to grind lech kril and pray for systems (if you're unlucky this can take like one day)

    Then you have to spend 12h making the parts

    Then 3 days for the frame itself

    And that's half the event gone.

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