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Posts posted by ShabDez

  1. Finally I made it through the endurance test and only find out, that there is no way for me to pass the speed test. I checked all videos and sorted out every kind of information about it, but nothing works out for me. I´ve tried rushing through the 2 hallways with Loki, Rhino (Iron Skin), Valkyr (hysteriaI), Nova (portals), Volt (speed) and Limbo (rift walk). 2 times I actually managed to reach the end of both ways without being blocked by one of the closing doors, but the plates at the end were already inactive and the exit door open. I don´t understand how this is possible as I´ve seen videos showing successful runs with doors closed on the way and the player being forced to wait for it to reopen.

    My last hope was shooting an navigator arrow with Ivara but the doors close faster then the arrow flies.

    And I did not trgger the plates with syndicate weapons or warframe abilities before starting the test.

    If you have any advice other then "run faster", please let me know.

  2. Spoiler

    I´ve seen several videos on youtube showing people successfully soloing the endurande test. I did it twice until the lasers stopped firering but the way to the mod never opend. Can anyone tell me, what really HAS TO BE DONE (or avoyded for that matter) for completing the test.

    In my tries I was standing in the middle of the round structure where all beams hit you, I shot at the two upper lasers and dropped a healing pod eventually.

    One guy I saw on youtube summoned a syndicat spectre befor activating the machine but never shot at any laser. Another player shot all the rotating lasers but did not summon anything.

    If anyone can help me solve this puzzle I´d be very thankful. Maybe it´s a bug...


  3. 1 hour ago, Double_Rainbow said:
    •  DESCRIPTION: Vulklok weapon bug, Adding more mods to the weapon decreases its damage instead of amping it up... 
    • CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes, the more mods (eg. elemental damage) added, the LESS damage it deals (at least the numbers in the UI)
    • REPRODUCTION STEPS: Add one elemental stat mod, add another, and the damage is halved almost.

    I can confirm this bug. Tested it with several mod combinations and almost always got weird results (damage and stat chance reduced when adding a crit improving mod or simply nothing does change at all when adding split chamber). Seems like split chamber and the elemental mods don´t work well together.

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