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Posts posted by un.bosque

  1. I getRailjack early and paint it. Sweet I'll name it the GSV Automated Luxury Communism. I go to free flight. Systems are impressive and I enjoy ship layout. Gun positions are restrictive (fixed by intrinsics) get to cockpit and CANT MOVE FORWARD ok is bug. I do a bug report, I fix up ship so people will want to fly I pay for Zakti apok mk lI that has 4x heat generation... 

    I feel like dunce and switch back to prior guns apologize for glitch that makes me not fly, apologize for bad armarment.

    I find arcwing is superior to virtually everything else and synergizes with wisp and do that. I find my ship embarrassing and join crews. Many disconnection and matchmaking bugs later I have mk II items that cost more than twice my entire grind up to the point of finding one of each piece. I find it stupid and pay the plat (because please fly my ship and I won't disco like the others.)

    Arc wing is fun but punishing dodges don't break target locks. Imperator is fun, nothing else seems to have reach at all.

    No matter the pilot ship appears as liabity. No matter who flys it gets swarmed by midgets unless arcgunners are Keen, really want a bomb upgrade default. Is what FTL would have.


    Most systems seem interesting and have a good core I'm impressed over all, but there are a lot of bugs and a lot of sliding scales to fix. Happy hunting DE.

  2. So here's a list for fixes that keep the mechanic nearly identical to what it is and adress the hitbox overlap issue:

    1. Increase spore hitbox size

            A simple fix that would allow players to hit spores that were initially deep within enemy hitboxes.

            Players will still aim at the visual cue of the spore, so the mechanic is nearly identical.

        Potential Problems include:

            Potentially stopping hits from other weapons. Normally not an issue, but imagine getting denied a sniper headshot from this.

            It might also "break the fourth wall to hit enemies with bullets that should have been stray (unless you wanted the spore to look goofy large too).


    2. Change hitbox to match that of the affected segment (e.g. arm, head) and pop spore on hit of affected segment as well as dealing damage.

            Another simple (at least in comparison to 3 and 4) fix that transforms the ability into a near match of the Banshee's Sonar.

            This would avoid producing unexpected spore colisions off of the target's model.

            Players will still aim at the visual cue of the spore, so the mechanic is nearly identical.

        Potential Problems include:

            Removing the uniqueness of this ability with respect to sonar.

            Another wall breaking problem of hitting spores with bullets that you clearly missed (e.g. Hitting a kneecap spore with a shin shot).


    3. Change the hit registration mechanic as to allow both spore and segment collision.

            This would allow the spores to remain where they are and keep the mechanic as it was intended completely.

        Potential Problems include:

            This is potentially the most difficult and overreaching solution and would possibly involve giving projectiles some hidden amount of puncure.


    4. Move spores in a random direction with respect to their initial orgin and keep them locked at this position with respect to their orgin.

            This would displace some spores out of the hitbox of the limbs and allow them to be shot as intended.

        Potential Problems include:

            Clipping issues galore.

            Potentially not fixing the problem for every spore location. 

            May cause spores to float without new art.

            Might involve some fun math for coordinate transformations.

            The same unintended colisions as 1.


    I don't know for sure how AOE's would affect each of these, but because AOE's aren't affected by sonar, I think 2 would exclude them from popping spores.


    I really like 2 it sounds like a cheap way to fix the problem without making things appear goofy. If OP likes this post you shoud probably edit your first post to include it or a list like it.

  3. This concerns me as well. I'm in a clan of under 50 and I'm worried that I won't have enough plastids to make my own Supra (true cost 7*250 = 1750), and I'll have even more trouble contributing to the research simultaneously. Given the quantities this resource is disbursed in it's looking like a new alloy plate.



    I think they should come with extra base polarity slots compared to other weapons if they take forma.

    If DE really wants to keep forma costs in for these new weapons I think this is a great way to give the players something in return.

  4. Beware the can of doom! The rotating cylinder doors in the Orokin Void will pull you out of the map if you dash into their right side (they open counterclockwise) it will pinch you into the wall.


    I've also noted that there is a loop that keeps placing you below ground level when you are out of geometry. Why not simply replace this teleport with one that goes to a standing player and tp's the faller in 1 inch off the ground?

  5. I feel like there has been a reduction in rare resource drops as well.


    I started w/ a Volt and never ran J-3 for BP's, but I recall that it took 3-4 runs per neural sensor before mutagen started showing up, but now I expect to run 8-14. Other players in game were also of the impression that the drop had become rarer, possibly as a result of the mutagen showing up. It feels weird that I can farm more volt BP's than I can build with the neuralsensors that drop.


    Perhaps I've been unlucky and mislead, but I'd really appreciate if someone with the actual numbers looked into it.


    To those of you who who dismiss this as a rare resource, and therefore should have a low drop chance, I would like to dissagree with you that running the same boss 80 times is fun, or legitamate content.


    It seems likely that this was an unintended consequence of the research resources anyway, and believe the multiple drop tables approach would provide an excellent solution if a problem exists.

  6. Regarding accuracy I think it's important to note that the Grakata has a significant and randomized kick-back in the vertical and horizontal directions. It's the only weapon I know to have such an unpredictable pattern. It makes accurate fire difficult in both full auto and 5-10 shot bursts.


    I've leveled most of the other primary weapons to thirty and haven't had much of a problem w/ or w/o catalyst, but this weapon seems to underperform by a wide margin, even on M-prime (in comparison to other primaries [i expect to use 9 bullets or more per marine unmodded]). There's got to be a worst-gun-in-the-game, but performs so poorly that it feels more like a developer's joke, that we're playing with the same weapon that our storm-trooper-like inaccurate enemies use, rather than a primary weapon that should be forged or bought.


    If it is a crit weapon, then it takes 18 points of mod to get full benefit, and even with all of that it gets an effective damage multiplier of ~2.275 (.375*2*2.2+.625) which puts their damage on par with the Braton. I assume this average damage to be a good measure of expected damage given the high fire rate of the Grakata. With these mods it sounds like a ok weapon.


    The problem as I see it is that this critical mechanic isn't encouraged with polarity slots, with two v-slots for crit-mods and later damage and split mods then the weapon could keep it's humble roots as the bread and butter of our enemy and at the same time both develop into an interesting weapon and become even more identifiable as a critical based weapon.


    I'd also buff the damage 2-3 points, but that's just more of an IMO to bump it closer to the boltor and gorgon and further away from the sub-MK1-Braton level I see it at now.

  7. First and most importantly is movement.

    Now it seems to me that  the single most important thing with most games is movement as it forms the foundation for gameplay. I know that DE's been working on movement mechanics and I have been patiently awaiting fixes to things like the inability to jump while on certain surfaces. (like while standing still on the cryopod in a defense mission, or the inability to jump on most iced over surfaces in missions where the is randomly ice due to cryochamber malfunctions) But that's a different tangent. My main complaint with 7.11's changes is wallrun activating when it shouldn't. The 'Hold jump to wallrun option' was introduced awhile back to aid players who play with keyboards lacking n-key rollover.  unfortunately, something in this last update seems to have broken it. I have always had 'hold jump to wallrun' enabled as i prefer the added control. Now however, i'm randomly stuck wallrunning when sprinting near a surface to spite this setting being enabled.. I'm not the only one experiencing this issue- everyone i play with regardless of whom is hosting has this occur seemingly without cause now. It's a very frustrating intermittent issue that really needs to be resolved.

    I get this too. I have been repeatedly locked in some sort of wall run frenzy as though I were diseased (this would make an interesting debuff) and jump from wall. I have also noticed times where I cannot stop sprinting for some reason. I also feel as though I may be rolling (landing with the sprint active) more than usual.

  8. I actually have to join this plate-rage now that basically every primary requires it it should be easier to obtain. Or you could reverse that and make different playstyles appear accessible to new players with or without money.

    I've invested into this game but still avoid spending platinum because farming can be fun, but the quantity of resources, specifically alloy plate requested for frames and weapons has me qualifying the free-to-play status of this game when I bring it up now.

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