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Posts posted by (PSN)compliantj5k

  1. Yea i can say it isnt a controller issue i know that much for sure, and as for the zipline it doesnt matter where im standing underneath the zipline he will jump straight up and onto it.  Personally i find the ziplines pointless but i guess ill just try reconfiguring my reload button and see how that goes

  2. Anyone else find the zip lines very annoying when using guns and you go to reload and it jumps you onto the zip line instead?  Maybe the should make it where you can only jump on at the start of the zip line?  Also and idk if this happens to anyone else but i go to slide towards an enemy and it stays in the crouched position, i checked options and toggle isnt turned on

  3. Anyone else think the syndicate AI needs rework to have a little more tact when it comes to fighting and instead of just shooting up enemies with their cheap guns and making them aware that we are here and setting off alarms, shouldnt they only attack if enemies attack and/or when we attack?  Maybe its just me 

  4. The one time it did let me log in it started my game over at the point of choosing a warframe so im really hoping my game didnt get erased, though im sure they could get my game save back for me but its still a little unnerving as i wont restart this game again

  5. So having trouble logging in as ive seen other people having but it at one point let me in but started me from the beginning at the point of choosing my first warframe, hopefully this isnt the case and im not gonna have to start over... Fingers crossed

  6. Lately when I go to select a mission and before accepting the mission to begin ill realize I need to go to my arsenal, so ill press the option button do what I have to and back out, once I exit the screen glitches and I am unable to move and select anything from the options menu.  Hopefully you read this and experience this so you can fix it, thanks.

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