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Posts posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. Alright, I personally DESPISE the sound of a dog in pain. In fact it hurts me inside. so when i do anything on earth i almost have to turn down the volume of the game to avoid it. Thats an inconvenience i dont want to deal with, and I KNOW i'm not the only one who hates "dog in pain noise".

    So, I beg of the DEs, Insert a toggle somewhere in the menus for "Kubrow noise on/off". It may be that im a little whiner but hey, it hurts. 

    Just a suggestion!


  2. So I've noticed this a few times but i always forgot to screenshot. One thing I've noticed is that when the game rewards you with fusion cores for completing a time/wave in an endless mission, the fusion cores arent the same rank as the ones rewarded. For Example 10 mins of a T2 Survival:



    And then when the rewards were done at the end of the mission:



    As you can see, the fusion cores received weren't R5 but R0... I dont know if this is supposed to happen, but i get R5's too from this. It seems random to when it happens. Here are the rest of the rewards, no r5 cores


  3. Ive been noticing some unusually strong grineer bombards when farming keys from lua, earth. They can one shot excavators once you hit 700 cryotic (as in 7 excavators deployed and completed). The missiles range is too big, i watch a volt get downed three times without being hit, but the missile was a good distance away when exploding. Does anyone else notice this? Its getting kind of annoying. Also, I believe with a snow globe deployed with inadequate range, the rocket will hit globe, destroy it, and the explosion will hit the excavator. Is this normal? 

  4. I recently had been playing t1 captures, and my entire computer crashes when i get to the second capture target. I run in fullscreen mode, so it doesnt let me alt tab out. i ctrl alt delete then i get my taskbar back but nothing works, screen above taskbar is black. I have to actually restart my computer when it crashes on the capture. it will not let me force close warframe. i cant even get to taskmanager. This problem occurs when matchmaking is set to public, and as far as i can tell not on solo mode. does this happen to anyone else?

  5. Hello,

    So recently, I was doing a T3 Survival, and all of a sudden, I lost the ability to pick up items. I initially ignored it and hoped it would fix itself, but it didn't. then a squad mate (we met through the recruiting channel) died, and i went to revive him. I couldnt. the "X" key basically was unfunctional in game as I found out later; I couldnt open storage lockers, or revive team mates. This is a huge problem, and I get that it may be lag related, but it happens quite frequently. I was not using carrier either. It just happens, and has happened 4 times in the last 3 days when ive been doing void runs. 


    One thing I've noticed is that getting downed, bleeding out, and USING a revive (not being revived) has 4/4 times fixed the problem. So thats good. Except it sucks having to use a revive.


    I am hoping one of the dev's for the game would be willing to work on the implementation of a / command (kinda like /unstuck) that does what the revival uses to refresh items pick up and x button presses (call it "/refresh"). That would be totally great. 


    This is a random occurrence, and cannot be reproduced at will ( i think). I fully understand that it could be lag related, as later on in the mission, another team mate had the exact same issue, leading me to believe a connection broke, but it is still awful. If it happens again, i could submit an "unstuck" bug report and title it the same, but yeah. 


    devs pls to fix ty 

  6. I came across a glitch in a deception mission following the capture mission on Quirinus on mars. The intelligence spawned behind the row of lockers in the capture room, and would have been unretrievable, BUT thanks to the wormhole ability of NOVA, I was able to get it, but it took a while to get out. There was a small area behind the lockers to wait for my energy to recharge, but I would hate to do that again. Please fix! Thank you!

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