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Posts posted by (PSN)LightningBlazzze

  1. I've been playing Warframe for a little over four years. I know DE is working hard to keep the game fresh so here are my two cents to hopefully help further that objective. Let's be real, players are here for the Warframes. There's nothing better than finding a frame that speaks to your heart, a frame that makes you feel like a tenno really using transferences. The variety of looks and personalities are wonderful, no complaints there. However, their powers I feel are lacking in that department. Lately, the newest frame abilities seem like reused variants of past frames. I was excited when I heard there was going to be an Eidolon type frame but when I saw their abilities, I won't lie, I was disappointed. Here I am, night after night fighting against the Terralyst, Gauntlyst and Hydrolyst. Excited at the thought of how cool a Warframe version of those sentients would be. I felt that this could be what Warframe needed to really hit the fans with some fan service, give us a frame that would really switch things up and add a breath of fresh air to the lineup. A frame that could tap into the abilities of the Eidolons. For instance, depending on how he's colored, He would draw from a different Eidolon's powers: Bluish would be aligned with the Terralyst, Orangish would be aligned with the Gauntlyst and Greenish would be aligned with the Hydrolyst. Even if it wasn't this in depth, just using a frame in general that applied any variation of the Eidolon's abilities without a doubt would bring so much joy to the fans of this series, in my opinion. Do we really need another Nyx/Wukong type? We loved Nidus because his abilities were so unique to him. There's a REAL opportunity to do that here with the Eidolon Warframe. He could be a standout and fun to play with. I appreciate the effort of giving us new Warframes on a regular basis, but I'd rather wait if that means getting a Warframe that is not only incomparable in looks to other frames but their powers as well.         

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