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Posts posted by -Pudge

  1. I swear I cannot get it to work, the closest I’ve done is getting it to auto block. I can manually block perfectly fine with my paracesis and other melee weapons but not with EB.

    Please help, does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

    ps. I know you have to use the melee weapon by holding F to block manually, I did that with EB and he does nothing.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    The Quils don't technically unlock focus they mainly deal with Amps after you have your Focus unlocked.

    You unlock your Focus initially by completing The Second Dream

    and further unlock it by completing The War Within


    Edit: To get to The second dream you first need to complete Stolen Dreams which requires you have completed the Phobos Junction. 

    It says that I need to unlock the quills so that I could unlock parts of the Focus like Energizing Dash

    and yes I completed the second dream

  3. It would be great if there is a Confirmation Message asking if ya really want to claim items in yer foundry, I've claimed 7 items by mistake overall,  some from using the app. I claimed weapons I didn't want to rank yet before the others and was forced to sell some cause of the limited space i have left in my inventory. I wonder why it hasn't been added yet considering it just easily takes one wrong click to claim it. 

    I know, why not just craft what ya need? Well I've pre made weapons and such to be able to claim the moment I want to, instead of waiting hours fer it to finish when I maxed what's in my loadout.

    "Just watch where ya click ya scrub". I'm not perfect, I make mistakes.

    I really hope this simple option gets added.

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