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Posts posted by Wakata

  1. 25 minutes ago, Nehra96 said:

    Because you are using hyperbole! I have umbral saryn, I have all the different frames forma'd and potato's. 

    I do not stand still and press 1 button to kill everything! You wanna know why on earth? Well the answer is it gets boring fast! 

    For the last few weeks I was using Mag Prime with her base health on Mot for around 40-60 min runs just cuz I like the aesthetics of void and was into a Mag phase. Today I started using Mirage for everything I did. In future I might use wukong or banshee etc to have fun and enjoy the experience.

    It doesn't mean that I do not take my Saryn to some low level alert mission (like some invasion or gift of lotus) to cheese the fk out of it. But that playstyle is not satisfactory for all the time.

    Real people do not behave like in your rhetoric. It's just some nice sounding nonsense. 

    I do exactly what you say you are doing and I am still irritated because I kinda feel like the Warframe is lying to me and I need to play the game of pretend to feel the power fantasy rush.
    Now I am in my Garuda phase and I am having fun. I am pulling my combo, soaring through the air, grouping enemies, using weapons that are fun to play for me BUT in the corner of my mind sits the fact that I can always just hold W and mash the quick melee button for the same results... it sucks. The funny part is that Garuda is totally OP (indirect infinite dmg scaling), but just the fact that I need to press more than one button to pull out the kill is something engaging. I don't need dark souls difficulty, I need just something that creates the need to interact with the game in some engaging manner. To me, it's not that warframe is not difficult enough but more like its starting to lose the basic touch with the concept of what is a game.
    Let's say you are playing the game of tag and you are supposed to be hunting other players around but after some time (not from the start) you will realize that if you don't want to you can just shout "I GOT YOU!" and it would counts as a tag. All the running and dodging around is fun but players will want to achieve their goals so they will just start shouting got u on each other and after some time they will get bored and go away. Why the hell is the running part of that game? So that if you want to you can run? Why would you bother playing that game? If you like running you can go play something where running is the basic tool of success in the game. But why the creators of this game do that?
    When I started playing Warframe I chose volt I knew nothing about meta and I had a blast caring about stuff like energy management, proper aiming, deciding when to rush with melee and when to deploy shield. If the game somehow told me that after a few dozens of hours this gameplay will be relevant only for giggles I don't know if I would be bothered.
    Then the RJ come... and went away. I can play RJ solo and finish the giant point around 4 minutes solo. I better be solo if I want to actually fly around and shoot the fighters instead of spamming aoe avionics, because otherwise, I am hindering other players "game".
    I just don't understand it anymore. I must admit that maybe I just need a break. Still love the lore etc. 
    • Like 4
  2. That's a well-made summary of combat in warframe. Its one of the main features of the game so it has a great impact on the players experience.
    Let's say that DE will never do anything with combat specifically coz:
     - It's to much work and it would need a revision of enemies, movement, abilities, level design...
     - Half of the player base would go bananas
    Do you think that eventual displeasure with game flow thanks to the state of combat might be solved by focusing on enhancing the rest of the game? I mean more intriguing mission design, more coop elements, more need for exploration.
    I am asking about this coz I think that DE MIGHT be (wishful thinking) aware of that issue but they already decided to tackle it by expanding other systems in the game. Adding RJ, Squad link, those features are opening possibilities to make future mission content more engaging. Yes, I am aware that right now they are not doing much with those and that there is a possibility for those features to be forgotten like PvP, Open worlds, etc.
  3. This will be long. Thanks to everyone who is able to contribute in any constructive way. It may be that those things have been told a thousand times, now it's my time to be the thousand and first.
    I am sitting in my quarantined home office, so its time for some hardcore dark, white and brown knighting. I have already made few posts with little this here and there, but I didn't put much into it. But as a denizen of those forums, i feel my time has come to make an unnecessarily long post full of whining, conflicting statements and badass suggestions that will make this game much better.
    1) Communication with players, with DE, we DONT REALLY KNOW what is going on
    2) We don't need to get more, we need to go deeper 
    3) New player experience x Veterans  - lack of meaningful progress x lack of engaging gameplay
    4) Rivens - wasted potential
    5) Bugs - Why their abundance is making everything harder and why I personally don't mind them
    The game is going through turbulent times. It might not look like it from the player's perspective (coz the gameplay experience itself is not very turbulent at all and i don't count bugs), but the big things are happening. Railjack, Liches, Squad link. What is the future of those features within the game? I don't know anymore. I remember some grand idea was at the start. Will it ever be fulfilled? I don't know. The Warframe revised changed the armor scaling, shield gating, elements. Those changes are "fun" but when it comes to actual gameplay it didn't change much. Some warframes are less to die coz of random one-shots, cool. Players with powerful mod setups, arcanes and focus schools were able to play them even before. I can still just run missions and smash that quick melee. What was the real purpose of those changes? To make the higher level content more accessible to a bigger part of the player base? Or was it preparation for bigger future changes? I don't really know.
    We got devstreams, primetimes and you guys are talking there about the future content. I might be dumdum but i totally lost the track of what is the purpose of this new content.
    I personally don't need 50 new weapons and 10 new frames. The numbers of equipment started to be redundant in gameplay impact a long time ago. If someone is able to get satisfaction from another 2 weapons, 1 more frame that can run around and smash that melee button, more power to them.
    The Glass Maker is on the way. More story! Thumb up. Revised tilesets, Ok. More railjack missions! Yes, I want them. Do we have any chance that those missions will be more than repetitive extermination again and again? I don't know.
    If someone would descent from the heavens and say:
    - We added Railjack, Liches, Squad link as features into the game because X and we hope it will do Y in the future.
    - After the first weeks of implementation of those things we realized we will need to change our plans and do X
    - After the first weeks of implementation and bunch of patches, we realized that everything is as we intended and we are progressing on the track
    - Our final vision with those features is X and it will take probably Y or more time to get there.
    During tennocon we have seen that glimpse. The vision of what is possible with those features if the stars are aligned and a bunch of people sacrifices their sweat and blood.
    I don't dream about some perfect flow chart with timestamps of when exactly will the things start to look like that 1st glimpse.
    Just any kind of REAL SOLID HONEST intel with some more in-depth explanation would be VERY ensuring.
    I don't mind if everything crashed and you will have to revise all your plans. I don't mind if it will take months and years to get there.
    If I would know what exactly is happening, my motivation to throw money in your direction would be much bigger and I would be happier as a player.
    I don't really need to know that you will repaint the corpus walls and that there will be a 1214th gun that I can level up and throw away (or not).
    That's cool but in the grand scheme of things not that important.
    And I am aware that in the storms of meme hate on your past decisions, it's hard to talk to the community, but you have shown us to much to soon it seems and now many people are disappointed, so I would understand the logic of "omg we need to not show and tell them to much anymore" thinking, but I think if someone would find those balls of steel and responsibly tell as WHAT IS GOING ON! it might help a lot.

    People are saying that they want more. More quests, more story, more rewards, more loot, more frames, moooore content. Oh, where are the good old days when we were showered by operations and quests for new frames. I might be crazy but do you remember the gameplay of those operations? You can still play the quests for warframes these days. Do you remember the Limbo theorem? Hidden Messages? Do you remember what you need to do in those quests to obtain those frames? Can anyone explain to me how exactly it was better and different from what we are getting now? Is Glast Gambit better content then Railjack? Yap, they were less buggy, but I can't ride that meme for much longer. Bugs are a trivial problem, in contrast, to design choices accumulating in time.
    Warframe has TO MUCH CONTENT!
    I could start talking about Plains and Fortuna. Two giant maps used for petty repetitive missions that are no different from normal missions on start chart. If I am not doing those missions I am not getting any rewards for running around and exploring the world. Minning and fishing can be interesting for a little while and the need for specific resources may push me to do it. And if I am not thinking about it, those worlds are so beautiful. Just standing on the top of mountain in Orb Vallis could be so epic for a moment. But the utilization of those places is so shalow. Last weekend I was doing bounties on Venus with returning player who was eager to farm parts for Garuda and i myself was so embarrassed when, as we were grinding those missions, EVERY MISSION WAS THE SAME, The objectives were even sending as to exactly same spots every time. That player was never before in this location and the whole time I was just thinking "Please don't ask me if this is all that you can do on this map" because YES, THATS ALL WE CAN DO. There are some boss fights, and those are awesome. I love eidolons and orbs. But those fights don't justify the existence of 2 huge open-world maps. Animal hunting? Kill me but I like it. Probably mainly because it's something different. But as like anything else in the game, it has a standalone complex.
    We have 2 main types of missions. Run around and smash that melee and stand on a spot and smash that fourth. We got some combinations of those two and we got a spy. I love the spy. To be honest, I don't have some grandiose ideas for totally new mission types, that's coz I think we don't need totally NEW MISSION TYPES. Don't tell me that no one ever came up with the idea to smash those old missions together. Yea it will still be a lot of work for code and script, but at least technical design can be pretty chill, because we don't need some new mega feature, just use the designs u already got. Yea we got a loooot of diversity in the content.
    I can run Capture missions (Run around and don't kill stuff coz its slowing you down), Extermination (press 4th while moving), Defense (press 4th while standing), Mobile defense (guess what?), Spy (That one is the most interesting coz you have a choice to play the game or take Ivara, veeerrry nice, still love it), Disruption (That one is also my favorite, so meta. You need to create a defense objective than you need to ignore it and exterminate the capture target that has more effective hp than most of the bosses on the start chart. That's a lite version of what i am talking about!) And god forbid to play those missions in the squad coz in that case you need to compete with other players for an opportunity to play the game. Imagine the mission where you need to defend moving defense target (btw how the hell can some mastery rank tests be more intriguing then the rest of the game is a mystery), while the other player needs to hack some complicated consoles in some guarded vault while other players need to kill enemies as fast as possible coz that is giving the hacking player more time to open more vaults. And we can keep old missions if we really need them. People love their 60 secs relic runs. We can just slap 3-4 new nodes on each planet and here we go. Hive missions where you can destroy multiple hives, but as you are destroying those hives, each will powerup the boss at the end of the mission, and then as you fight that boss, it will start falling apart and you will need to catch each part capture style as they are running away to the edges of the map but more hives you destroyed before, more resilient they are but you also get more and better rewards if you destroy more hives and... Slap the railjack into those combinations and possibilities are limitless. Is or was there some kind of plan like that? Is this the connection you were talking about? Coz I don't know... Yeah, you got me, if you make the "new" types of missions, combining old designs that's a lot of work on new content, my bad. But maybe that's the reason why we got Railjack, right? You can have a rj node and there can be starbases there and every base could be a different kind of old mission mode and objectives can be connected and players might need to spread so we can justify the fact that warframe is a multiplayer game. Maybe, I don't know.
    The way warframe pilles up loads of content is what makes it so interesting but its also a blade in the back. Redundant design is something that makes me mesmerized most. Spy missions with complicated vaults? Lets create Ivara and Limbo so players can ignore them. Different enemies? Let's create frames that will wipe whole rooms on cast of one ability.. or two. Level design. Have you seen the way players can move? Yea I know you are working on this one. Still not sure if the coptering was best or the worst thing that ever happened. I love the way I can move in waframe, sad thing that game has no idea what to do with me. Ok, enviro rocks. It would be nice if the actual gameplay somehow makes me pay attention to my surroundings so I could appreciate it more.
    And I am aware that most of this is the side effect of the incredible freedom I have as a player. I can tackle the game in many possible ways but I can't help myself and just feel that it's only for giggles. In the words of legion these days "TO MUCH SIMP". Everything is too primitive, to shallow. I don't necessarily need THE DIFFICULTY, just more complexity in things that will make me engage with the game more.
    Some say that Warframe is a complex game and that its hard to get into it. Well, the second part might be true, but complex game? That leads me to...


    Lack of information is not a difficulty. Mountains of content are not a complexity. Complexity might naturally occur in natural systems, but man-made structures need more deliberate touch. For now. When I was starting with Warframe years ago, like everyone else, I was able to take a ride on that "WOW WHAT A COOL NEW THING" train. But I was a special boy! I didn't check all the stuff on the wiki and youtube, I was playing the game. After 3 weeks I realized I can combine dmg elements by putting more than one elemental mod into the weapon (The icon for dmg has changed and numbers to woo). It was probably an accident or maybe I tried to max dmg of my weapon so I slapped those bad boys there. I started using the scanner to find out what are the weaknesses of enemies (Look mama I am doing something!) I was learning the way how to do all the spy rooms (I had no idea about cheese frames at that time). And then I used a void key and vent into the VOID mission for the 1st time with my undermoded Volt. I was fighting for every centimeter. It took like the whole magazine from my latron to destroy one shield drone. Ancients were priority targets. Every energy and health orb was Christmas. Every cast of shield life or death decision. At the end of the mission, I got my 1st prime part (wow there is a real loot in this game?). That's where you got me. I was alive! I was undermoded noob and I wanted to get more powerful. So I started grinding. I didn't know that this is not what the game is in reality. I had no youtuber to show me his Inaros spamming quick attack in 5h survival. That was my joy and my fault.
    There is a hi chance that if I have not explored the game on my own if I have just been following guides on the net, I would never stay with Warframe. Now I am sitting in my orbiter, enveloped by the darkness of space, with all the weapons, all the maxed prime mods I could have, wondering what happened to the gameplay.
    It's easy to start playing warframe as a free to play game. It's hard to stay playing. I have many friends who are hardcore gamers, but we are old(er) now. None of them was able to get into the game. They didn't know what to do, why to do it, some of them were bored by primitive gameplay loop or they didn't want to spend their gaming hours by grinding one mission again and again for that progress. What progress? At the start of the journey, we have low MR weapons, low level mods and at a certain moment, you realize that the starting gear and mod capacity are not enough. So you want to get better weapons and level up your mods, formas, reactors, but it all ENDS SO SOON. As soon as you have your 1st frame that can survive in lvl 100 environment and weapon that can tackle it, all real progress ends. Everything else is just for giggles. All those weapons and dozens of frames are just interesting quality of life sidegrades. I can't get my friends into this game, I can't keep the majority of new clanmates in the game. The active clans with a lot of active clan members are usually keeping themself alive by having lively discord channels. I am not good with chitchat. I need the game, around with I can socialize with other players. No pain, no gain, no game.
    The story. Why the hell after all those years is a story beginning somewhere in the middle of the star chart. Yea I like it. I was there when the second dream was "what are you talking about" dream. For me it was amazing. But last month one of my friends went to play Destiny2 instead of Warframe coz he at least knows what the hell is happening there. We don't need whole new cinematic quests with cutscenes and special tilesets and new features. For start, we can have more audio messages from Ordis and Lotus, ship logs talking about the past and the state of the system. Last year I was talking with 3k+ hours player in the game and she had no idea there are audio messages hidden in cephalon fragments. Her fault I guess. And we need better tutorials. Not exactly screens with explanations but something more natural. For example series of 3 missions. In 1st I will get fire elemental dmg mod, in the second toxic and before I will be able to enter the third one Ordis will tell me to mod my weapon with gas dmg. We already got a quick tutorial story but it seems not enough. I love the way Warframe presented itself to me those years ago. I was a hit. Others not so much.
    So now I am THE VETERAN. I am playing warframe a lot. And I am bored with it. I love the art, the story so far, I love the potential. I got friend around MR27, 5000+ hours and rolling. He has no idea how to create a corrosion element on the weapon. From time to time he asks me but never remembers it. He is just slapping those hi level mods on the weapon and he is done. Running around those arbitrations with Inaros or Nezha wiggling his dmg stick. Well, the meta changed these days and he knows how to make viral so... but he doesn't remember that hunter ammunition exists. Or that he should combine viral with a slash. AND IT DOESNT MATTER. Warframe mod system is not complex, it's swollen. All the possibilities became redundant in the end. The power we have has no value coz there is no real threat on which I can exercise it.
    We have no difficulty and I say we have no real complexity. If I want to engage with the game in some, for me, a meaningful way, I need to play it solo and I need to play it "wrong".
    And some people say "But that's what the warframe is Braaa. Its a chill game so chill".
    All that time, the cloud of the promise of something more is hanging above our heads as Damocles sword. Its torture.
    But the fond memories of past glories and glimmering dream in front of me keeps me playing. I need help.

    4) Riveted Rivens - This is not a looter shooter

    Warframe is not really a looting game, coz there is no real loot cycle. I am not killing enemies hoping that the next batch of nano spores will be LEGENDARY nano spores with better stats.
    There is nothing exciting about mowing the enemies in waframe coz there is nothing I can get from them (Broberon cries in the corner). And Warframe knows it. A few months ago one of my friends who spent his childhood playing Ragnarok (Super Grindy Asian RPG) came to me and said "Man, imagine if the looting was like... the other way around. Like you are not killing 1000 enemies for that 0.01% chance for a drop, but after killing those 1000 enemies you will have a 100% chance to get what you want!" ... "Yeah we call it Warframe"  At least when you are starting playing the warframe its like "Ok I bought a bp, now I will farm resources for a while and then I build it, yap done"
    There are a lot of exceptions. Warframe parts, relics, arcanes (not anymore). But the chances to obtain those drops are so hi. Titania prime access went live. So on Wednesday and Thursday, I have done some scarlet spear runs and disruption missions. Bem, I got 3 - 4 from each relic I need. And then on Sunday when I felt like it, I have done few premade runs and I acquired Titania prime and Corint prime in something around 1 hour (pango can wait). That's not a grind. It's a grind for a person who can play 3 hours per week but I think that people who don't have to much time to play games understand pretty quickly that Warframe is not for them. If DE thinks that their game is motivating players to take a break after every hour coz they already played to much, then something went horribly wrong.
    And then there is hema. Shoot me. My point is that warframe is in 90% very chill "work for it and here you got it", other 5% is grind ( focus, arcanes from eidolons, intrinsics) with is deliberate coz DE naively things that players understand that those things are supposed to be done over the course of months or years (not saying its fun), 4% is public outrage (Railjack resources, Scarlet credits, Markets gonna be swimming in those R5 energizes) and 1% is INSANE grind (Hema, Railjack reactors in past, Specific warframe parts).
    OK, so there is no looting in Warframe. I am not acquiring exciting stuff on the move, I am working on it. That's not bad and for many people its exactly what they like about Warframe but we are lacking that looting spice. Those random chances, numbaaas. And so, before the RJ equipment, before the kuva weapons, we got
    THE RIVENS. I feel that the first idea behind the rivens was to substitute for that lack of farmable loot, those random juicy big ass numbers. And then, when the technical design came to the table with the task of implementing that idea into the game, it faced the northern stars and shouted "BY THE POWER OF GIIIIRRRAAAFFFFEEEE" and the aftermath of this event is quaking within the trade chat till these days.
    There is not a single inch of content that demands the ownership of the riven from the player. That's fine coz they are supposed to be just an interesting bonus. And they are fun coz the thing called riven disposition exists, right? Yet every "bad" weapon is still maximally mediocre with riven and every great weapon is much better with one (exceptions allowed). Why is disposition changing only every blue moon? And why are the effects of changes so minimal? There is no balance in the warframe so why we cant go full bananas and change disposition every week. And every week we can have some random set of weapons that will become "Rivenized" or "Awaken" or "Giraffed" and their disposition will go over the top and it could be story linked to some syndicate so we could have weeks when the Lato will be the best weapon in the game and the next weekend it will be Panthera so the players will be motivated to collect as much rivens as possible because the system will be rewarding those with big collections.
    Or you can say that those super buff mods are a mistake and they are totally disbalancing your game with is a problem because you got the plans for remaking the whole thing in the future. I don't know.
    And yea we also got people running around in the game putting value into those mods and trading them for 2k+ here and there (Thanks btw). I hope they know they are doing this on their own risk and most of them are doing it primarily because they don't know what to do with their plat, I really hope so.
    I love the fact that one riven can have 3 positive and 1 negative stats, so I can roll it (buy it) in the way that makes me able to free 2 mod slots in the weapon and that allows me to put in the mods that otherwise I would probably never really tried to push there. But the rolling is a slowpoke slot machine.
    RIVENS are just another cherry on the oversized cake of cool ideas. I love that cake. It will probably kill me. Or...

    Or it will be the best thing that ever happened! It might seem like I am writing my "WHY I AM LEAVING WARFRAME" epitaph here, but I love Warframe. Its an awesome game with totally alien development format. I love my space cat, I love my space guitar, I once played my Space fighter... And I love the features you are implementing into the game right now. Railjack kicks ass, Liches. I want them harder stronger and better. Squad link, cool af, it really made me feel (before the grind kicked in) like I am in some kind of battle coz there are other people working with me and depending on me. But it's not clicking, it's still lacking... yet. But I believe in your insanity. People say that you bit off too much, I say start munching coz there is much more to go through.
    And I never (ENTITLED OPINION FEELINGS ALERT) really cared about those bugs. When the mission got stuck, I aborted and started another one. Your patch cycle is freaking fast.
    I don't think you are stupid and that you are not listening to your player base. Warframe community became too big, the moloch of thousands youtube comments, forum cry outs, memes, overhyped hopes, hate. And you are still somehow tackling it. But the costumer is costumer and many people playing Warfrane got short fuses, dont give af, or just dont have time and will to tackle the beta testing part of new features. Kinda true that no one told them what it will take... or that its happening. So i hope that new tester cluster will get clustered soon and they can start ironing the future stuff.
    Things are getting raw and I am cycling back to number 1. I would not want to be in your position. Your dream is now co-owned by the giant player base. Lots of opinions, a lot of pressure.
    So in the next Devstream or online Tennocon, it would be cool to hear WHAT IS HAPPENING (little more in-depth), HOW ARE YOU DOING?, CAN WE HELP SOMEHOW?
    I don't need an announcement of 3 new open worlds and VR for warframe. Just tell us what is your goal, coz now it somehow seems like community thinks it knows what the warframe should be much better than you. I don't know. Got some entitled suggestions and my feels for the game. If we know what you are doing maybe we might want to pay for it you never know.
  4. Heh so thats why is so many people leaving void missions? Thats stupid XD i was just thinking that they are droping out due to net issues or whatever.
    Why they are not using recruit chat to make premades? Or are those leaching runing randomi missions hopeing that someone else will use desired relic?

  5. Limbo overflow:
    Some players are not happy with the way scarlet missions are hadled by other players but,

    It goes hand in hand with the design of the mission.
    DE could do it differently. Just from the top of the head ideas:
    1) OP links dont have HP and cant be destroyed but specific sentients can steal them and run away with them. You need to catch them capture style and get them back so you can progress.
    2) The ground team needs to put the condrix down and then defend it from other sentients that try to resurrect him
    3) Space mission has more objectives that would force you to fight crew ships and sentient fighters (they are blocking code transmission)
    But we get hardcore defense mission and the frames like limbo, nova, mag and many others are just players answer to that.
    At the beginning i was always running limbo, then i get bored so i started using mag and messa. And you know what? it's not much more exciting than using limbo, but as a bonus i am in a bigger risk of failure. Having a def target with permanent health that could be healed only by players on stations is an interesting idea but in general, the design of the missions is the source of chore gameplay not limbo.

    Edit: pardon for posting under wrong topic
    • Like 2
  6. It goes hand in hand with the design of the mission.
    DE could do it differently. Just from the top of the head ideas:
    1) OP links dont have HP and cant be destroyed but specific sentients can steal them and run away with them. You need to catch them capture style and get them back so you can progress.
    2) The ground team needs to put the condrix down and then defend it from other sentients that try to resurrect him
    3) Space mission has more objectives that would force you to fight crew ships and sentient fighters (they are blocking code transmission)
    But we get hardcore defense mission and the frames like limbo, nova, mag and many others are just players answer to that.
    At the beginning i was always running limbo, then i get bored so i started using mag and messa. And you know what? it's not much more exciting than using limbo, but as a bonus i am in a bigger risk of failure. Having a def target with permanent health that could be healed only by players on stations is an interesting idea but in general, the design of the missions is the source of chore gameplay not limbo.
    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Savire510 said:

    Dont worry, DE will continue to make warframe for the foreseeable future and nothing shows like they will stop development and let warfame die. If you want to know more about warframe's future consider watching warframe devstreams where future patches is basicaly the only thing they talk about.

    Well i am watching those, all of them. But as I said in the OP it kinda doesnt tell me much when it comes to the the more distant future. If DE clearly stated "THIS IS WHAT WE WANT AND WHAT WE CAN DO" I would sleep easier XD I know that they were talking about what players want in that Steves questionnaire, but thats kinda chaotic and i remember only the "LESS BUGS OMG" and "MOOOORRREEEE" part.

  8. I might be a little bit slow but:
    - I have no idea what are real plans for the future of warframe
    - I see that we are getting new big features in warframe but I don't know why anymore
    - We are having dev streams and prime times but they are not helping to send the message, at least not to me
    OK, tennocon 2019. Big railjack demo, liches, squadlink. We were shown a big vision of dynamic interconnected game features. Warframe gameplay is stale for some time now. It seems that changing it by totally rebalancing the power of players isnt something that the majority of players want to bear. And maybe they are right, maybe we don't need it. I remember once i was in a corpus survival and sudenly a jackal proxy ported in and i needed to take it down and i was like "WOW something is happening!"... I took it down in 3 secs but still, it was a pleasant surprise. The vision of 2019 tennocon seemed like a perfect romedy. Not a flood of new tilesets and random mastery-fooder weapons but an idea of game features that could potentially take all old content and make it great again. And we did not get that. Railjack is out, Liches are out, squad link is in scarlet event but non of those features are bringing the revolution that was promised.
    - Why?
    - Will we ever get it?
    - Did plans change during the developing process?
    All the information is pretty vague. It's a bit here bit there, but I have no idea whats the big picture here. I am not hating here on results, I am just confused. Will someone come and clearly tell
    "Yes we are now implementing those features one by one into the game and after stabilizing them we will use them to create the vision we showed you on tennocon"
    "Nope, sorry, it seems that we cant make it"

    Upon Review, stats show truly the only people that saw Rising Tide to completion were our veterans, which was originally our intent to design content for veteran players. 
    However, to sustain the cost of future development and events like Scarlet Spear, accessibility is key and we have to adjust the barriers to entry for Railjack.

    - This was in one of the patch notes. Does it mean that future developement is in risk due to the lack of finances? Why to put sentence like that to patch notes. I am all for reducing the railjack cost for new players but that part with "sustain the cost" is kinda scary.
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  9. All of the existing modes.
    I could imagine railjack replacing normal start chart. You fly to the sector, you need to destroy fighters, crewships (hopefully some real moving fighting capitals in future) and also there will be bases in those sectors. And there you will participate in majority of old game modes we already know, it could be random. You will board a missile platform, you will need to destroy it but also capture a few targets. If you fail to capture them in time limit they will escape and the ship will spawn outside of base and railjack crew will participate in infamous pursuit mode. If even that fails you will just not get a reward for that part of railjack node but you will still get rewards for the rest of the completed objectives. The rest is self-explanatory. On some bases, you can participate in endless defense or survival, but it need to be somehow tight with the railjack part of the missions. Let's say 2 players are defending objective inside of the base while railjack crew needs to be destroying increasing numbers of rampods rushing the base. When pods lands on the base it will spawn demolishers trying to rush the objective. Or something totally different it's just the 1st idea. Point is that DE could make rail jack much more divers without designing totally new things, they can use stuff that's already in the game. I expect that implementation of old modes to railjack might not be that smooth in reality but it could be a way.
  10. Its supposed to feel bad so if you dont like it its functioning properly. If you cant bear with that feeling, try to not fail. If you still cant do that you need to fail more so you can get used to it. Its like going on toilet at 2.am when mum is sleeping. Keep it up and one day you will make it.

    Or you can try to make DE to patch failure out of warframe to make it more save game for everyone.

  11. I cannot bath in the crowds of chargers now as before coz they are able to do some dmg. Gameplaywise its still the same, not like I need to do something differently. Sometimes the toxic ancient pops up and it might one-shot me if i am not paying attention and I am playing warframe mission against infested faction, so you can bet I am not paying attention.

  12. As a player with optimized loadouts for  hi lvl content i cant really experience difference during normal gameplay. I would probably need to do some 3-4h+ survival and thats not my thing, Would be nice if someone whos doing runs like those could tell us if there is any practical difference especially combined with shield gating.

  13. Well, I am vet (no pun intended) and basic practical change I can experience right now is, that the game becomes much easier. Enemies are dying faster, I am one hitting (+bleeds) lvl 165 crew ship officers with some weapons. That wasn't possible before. So am kinda curious, why have you done that? Will the power of players be descaled to some reasonable level in the future?

  14. What weapons are you using? I am soloing veil and i am using pair of MK3 Zetki Carcinoxes (Hyperstrike, Predator and all other needed stuff). If i am using just the weapons, i can delete light fighters in 2-3 seconds. Heavier ones takes more time but if i pair it with munition vortex i can delete 90 fighters in 3 minutes in solo mode. I got tons of railjack resources and no use for them and its not like i am playing railjack everyday. How fast would you want those fighters go down? I am not ridiculing your post i just dont understand  your idea of "this is not enought"

    Whats certain is that some weapons are still not good to use in veil. Apocs got to low range. Cryo fire rate. Others are just week.

    And i am on board with that repetition, railjack is fun 1st few missions and then you saw it all and grind starts.


  15. Its kinda DEs doing. The action of "HUAAA I SEE THA PROMT MASH THAT BUTTOOON" is entirely on the player, but its the DEs fault that players are not thinking when playing their game coz the overall design support this mindset so yap, as @HomicidalGrouse said, it will be better if the system would be totaly human proof and there was a dialog cutscene there.

  16. 20 hours ago, Corvid said:

    And what of the Elite Terra Corpus? Because DE didn't just nerf them, they added in new enemies that used the pre-nerf stats that show up at around level 30 or so.

    Yeah Terra Corpus are move in the right direction. I was surprised how much gameplay is hidden within those guys if you are not able to one-shot them and they have time to do their stuff. And this is exactly why I think DE will try to nerf player damage somehow in the future OR try to improve the enemy survivability to the point where they will be able to do something and not just spawning and immediately die to saryn's 4th. It would make no sense to put developing time into AI units with such capabilities and then say "yap our intended gameplay design is that player will run around with the stick and he will one-shot those bebes around the whole map"
    Also, that power fantasy argument is silly. The game doesn't have to be brain dead to achieve that attribute. I would say it must not be. To feel the rush of power fantasy, that power must be relevant in the gameplay context. Doom is a power fantasy for me. Player there got immense power, but if he doesn't exercise it right, he will die. The opposition in the form of active enemies pushes me to play to my best capabilities, thus when I clear room full of enemies and music stops I feel badass and powerful. How the hell am I supposed to feel powerful within the gameplay loop that when played in coop boarders with blatantly playing itself without my interaction? That's like if in the game of soccer, there was a team that has one player that can score from any position on the field all day long without opposing team able to react on it. The first time you would see that it might have some wow effect, but after the week you would never watch the soccer again coz there is no more game there. No pain, no game.
    It doesn't have to be HAAARD, warframe doesn't have to turn into dark souls of 3rd person shooters, but there must be at least some sort of pushback from the game that makes a player feel like they are exercising their power on something.
    Now I will be a jerk but the mentality of defending the current state of gameplay in warframe with "but that's the power fantasy" reminds me of a child that likes to spend its weekends by stomping on the ants all day long. Very powerful and kinda wrong in the head.
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  17. Game is to easy at its current form, zero engagement. The problem is that it didn't tell me that beforehand. When I started playing and I was weak by Warframe standards the combat pushed be to think about what I am doing. No self-heal, headshots were important, melee was tool to control enemies, energy management. I had fun. I remember when I got my 1st void key (before star chart was a thing) and spend 30 minutes trying to sweat through the 1st tier void capture. These days I might say that would be too much, but still, it was more thrilling than what I got now.
    This weekend I grabbed my Gauss, rank 0 Falcor and went to level it at Orb Vallis in solo mode. I was traveling on foot or via board, enjoying open space, killing enemies with my "weak" weapon that was unable to one-shot them so I needed to decide when to knock them, which combo will be enough to finish them at certain moments if I am safe to throw (no attack speed added)... I will never more level my stuff in eso.
    I don't believe DE wanted the game to be hold-forward press one button experience at the start, but well here we are and the game created large player base around that concept.
    Changing this concept is not allowed by the power of majority voting with their money.
    And it's fine. I don't think its objectively wrong.
    But that is exactly the reason why we will get more railjack stuff. If DE cant change how the game plays at its core, then they can try to shovel that game into the different one.
    We can keep mashing that quick melee and 4ths and DE can develop something different than a clicker. Win-win.
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  18. Btw bug is permanent after the reveal of third murmur, not even the relog helps! players are unable to proceed with lich hunt now.
    The lich on with the problem occurred was existing before the update.

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