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Posts posted by Datcoolguy

  1. Just now, Chipputer said:

    Because when you've already gotten the reward it rolls you get a pack of cores instead. You all rolled the same item, then it chose a pack of cores for each person. You happened to get 50, they got 25.

    How is it then that i got 25R cores 17 times in a row and now all of the sudden i get 50R cores 3 times in a row?

  2. Just now, Chipputer said:

    The group gets the same rewards. Take 4 people into a sortie with none of the items checked off yet and they will all get the same item.

    Explain why i've been getting 50 cores rolls for the past 3 days while everyone else gets 25R cores?

  3. 3 hours ago, SHADOW666WESKER said:

    Btw doing the sorties with random ppl actually increase the chance of getting cores if you have a lot of the non-repetable rewards, because if the reward is something that you already have but the others don't, it will be cores more likely 90% of the time

    No, they don't the group doesn't get the same reward, sortie rewards are individual and everyone gets their own roll at them

  4. 2 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

    Lotus: Tenno are you abandoning this battle? Return to you objective or...

    Ordis: Operator, you are leaving the battle, if you go any further I will be forced to...

    Tenno: .."or"? / ... "to"?

    *Tenno dies*

    Yeah... no.

    Still better than getting kicked out of an hour long mission

  5. 7 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

    Lotus or Ordis warns you if you are leaving the area, just make an U-turn when they do that.

    To be honest getting kicked out of the mission is a bit too harsh, killing you without a revive timer would be enough (resetting you back into the map while you are dead)

  6. I'll quote my post on another topic wich fits


    Two changes that would fix all of this:

    1. Make the kela fight reduce no points.

    2.Turn the rathuum nodes into additional nodes (kinda like with invasions) and have two versions of kela with different drop tables, one version doesn't have rollers, is better suited for players fighting away at lvl 20 enemies and drops regular uranus mob mods and the warframe systems corresponding to kela and the other one requires the 100 points and drops the event mods.


  7. Two changes that would fix all of this:

    1. Make the kela fight reduce no points

    2.Turn the rathuum nodes into additional nodes (kinda like with invasions) and have two versions of kela with different drop tables, one version doesn't have rollers, is better suited for players fighting away at lvl 20 enemies and drops regular uranus mob mods and the warframe systems corresponding to kela and the other one requires the 100 points and drops the event mods

  8. Anti AFK shouldn't be removed, it just should be tweaked to be a real anti afk, meaning that if the player isn't actually away from the keyboard (he's using abilities, shooting, looking around, using the chat even) it doesn't go on, but if the player went to take a dump and hasn't even moved the camera for 1.5 minutes then yeah, activate anti afk measures

  9. 17 hours ago, Chipputer said:

    You remove the ability to farm Draco and they'll just find the next easiest way to farm and you'll be right back in the same boat telling people to nerf the next node. You will always have bad players who rushed to the end game level as fast as possible. Draco has nothing to do with that trend.

    Yes, OP you are part of a group of players who fails to see the big picture, all you see is people on the recruiting chat making groups for Draco and you think Draco is the issue, when if Draco where reworked people would just start making meta groups for the next big thing, the only thing that would change is an increase in grind time to level up stuff

  10. 1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

    Because if you were a Grineer boss, you would do everything you could to deter your enemies from murdering you, up to and including creating a puzzle for them to solve.

    If i was a grineer boss i wouldn't put a puzzle that turned off my main advantage inside the arena my enemies are locked into.

    I'd either design it as a kill room if honor wasn't a thing or outright face them 1 on 1 with something really strong as a weapon

  11. 1 hour ago, Hellmaker2004 said:

    The first part is simply a design choice by the developers, to teach players how the fight will work. This is used and seen in a lot of other games and one example is World of Warcraft. Except they have trash with same mechanic as the boss have yet more forgiving. It is a clever way to introduce a fight mechanic to new players and remind old players of the fight.


    So instead of trying to see it in a lore perspective see it in a design choice.

    That still doesn't explain why it's a thing in the boss fight either

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