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Posts posted by MajorTurnip

  1. I second this, at the very least let us associate focus per frame.

    Because changing focus is such a hassle/easy to forget thing I just constantly run zenurik to spare myself the micromanagent. And when i finally switch to something, and later forget it, I curse myself for using anything else but zenurik when my caster frames screwed over by not having it.

  2. Robotwars. Na, Carrier is no tryhard, why it's suddenly his fault? Them other peeps, if they knew how not to be sellfish and take care of their crew would maybe make friends too. Why is Carrier's problem that they can't get chicks and bling into my spacecar just by looking at it? So they went to complain to their mommies and mommies said to man up and start sucking things in while still "having a talk" with our boy Carry. It's good to do some self improvement but it ain't fair, man. Ain't fair (about sucking range and/or whole loot system in general).

    Gin, if Oberon was a bro, he wouldn't ditch me cause of Trin. Bros know that bros go before hos. And trinity is a ho cause she givin to anyone anywhere.


  3. Spoiler

    Disclaimer: for fun, but not off topic. Read between the lines. Not literally, obviously.

    I see people saying things about Carrier. Things that either undermine his contribution to the tennokind or aren't exactly true. Things that forget Carrier's merits and feats done for all 80% of us.

    First of all, yes, Carrier helps us with things: like moving things (usually from grineer/corpus ships to our ships), or collecting things, or packing things on our shopping trips.
    Carrier knows we are a hardy bunch and fighting is in our blood, that is why he gives us a hand - he knows we are destined for greatness. If we accept his help, he makes sure we are never in need, going about hungry, underdressed or undersupplied.  

    However this is where most of people forget that he's not just great at helping with chores. When in the midst of a battle you fire hundreds of rounds per milisecond with your prime AkTonkata, do you remember where you got them from? It was him, plopping ammo boxes down your pockets so you could do your thing, without saying a word, without ever reminding you of it. You know why? Because he cares and because he doesn't mind if you forget. He's not doing it for money or glory, he's doing it because he's a bro.

    And when there's no Trinity in sight while you fight for the tenno's plight, cause she maybe might, you know, be drinking with Oberon out of sight? Yeah, you know who's giving you them blue hedgehog pills in that meatgrinder you call "fighting"? Carrier. "I gotcha, fam" he says, but you don't hear it over all the screaming, and shooting and immolating somebody's face. But he's ok with that. Cause all he needed was you being happy doing your thing. Cause he's a bro who understands. Cause he's the coolest bro.

    For those of you, who sometimes themselves decide to be a bro and help out one of the cliques from the colorful parade of weirdos, if you bring your Carrier bro on this quest of bros, he totes helps you get those medallions, all true. All he asks is for you to smash everything with your strong manly (even if you are a woman) arms and he will scoop all the crap leaving trinkets visible clear as a day. Cause he knows you don't want to be a space janitor and cause he's not above honest work, but it's ok, he accepts you for who you are. He'll take care of things. Cause he's a bro. The best of bros.

    And when the action gets too hot and heavy, with everyone pounding you from every direction, he will cover you, he will stand with you, he will take a bullet for you. Like an action hero blasting everyone with fast firing penetrating irradiated shotgun with wide spread so they forget for a little while about giving you trouble and sort out the beef amongst themselves, giving you some time to breathe. Not like "man's friend" space dog, who will be frozen looking at a flower pot in the corner or like "i like walls" space cat, no, Carrier will be like your guardian angel, staying at your side till the end. Because Carrier isn't the bro you deserved, but because you helluva needed it right then and there. So he'll follow you. Because he can carry hard. Because he's not just some rando schmuck. He's a floating ballsack, a vacuum cleaner. THE Carrier Bro.

    To illustrate Carrier broism, I give you this totally objective hierarchy:

    Carrier Bro => Space mom > Clem > IRL Friends framing the frame > Op weapons > cool randos > noggles > primaries & melee > other sentinels and smeeta spacecat > secondaries > spacedogs > Baro and his attitude > randos > nulifiers. 

    Thank you, 80%, for being a bro for your bro. Never forget your bros.

    Why this? Cause I fed up with whining from one side and "lol it's ok cause i don't care" from the other.

  4. I'm all for LoS nerf but Mirage's blind spam is just an improvised measure to deal with ridiculous situations. 

    Lvl 100 intercept is one of those ridiculous situations. 


    Just now, SilentMobius said:

    After all, DE is unlikely to change the mechanic regardless of in-world theorizations.

    I know I know, this is just a mechanic so that people would go play void if they wanted to craft a new shiny thing that requires crystals. A way to populate content with people, who are content for other people. And that line of Ordis' is just a flavor speech text. 

    All I wanted was some funny answers about what Ordis might have been doing behind our backs and I tried my best to make intro post as nonserious as i possibly could. However everyone is very serious here. :(

  6. Just now, SilentMobius said:

    I believe Ordis is referring to keeping the Orbiter hidden in the Void during missions. While the landing craft is detached and elsewhere.

    I say this because we can see out of the Liset forward observation panel that the Orbiter is actually outside the void and near our last visited planet in-between missions. However when we are on a mission obviously we would have difficulty protecting the Orbiter, hence it is hidden.

    Shame we don't have any explanation how "void masking" works. We might be near our destination, but so is the enemy fleet. Sometimes we are so close you could go out and pet the enemy ship. I could speculate that we are in some kind of void. That's why enemy can never find us. And void is void, right?

  7. Just now, Ambiroa said:

    You mean like tying bottle of beers in a net in the water at the side of your boat to keep it cool? Ahhh...totally get it now! xD

    That's what I mean, the solution should be surprisingly simple that there's no logical way that crystals are just let to decay IF orbiter was in the void. 

    So back to my original question, what is Ordis doing with the ship while operator consciousness is on a mission with a warframe?

  8. But the thing is, none of that is anywhere in the lore. Towers are perfectly enclosed from the space outside and considering they were by the orokin for the orokin, they should have had any shielding (if any is necessary) for them to survive. We also find argon crystals as loot inside the tower. We do not go out and mine it with laser/drill/pickaxe/spoon. 

    Another thing is that tenno try to copy/replicate as much orokin tech as possible (because they were a lot more advanced), why would liset/orbiter be better? In fact that liset/orbiter combo was built by the orokin anyway as Ordis should have the memories of the old war and the transference chair is part of the orbiter.

  9. As you all know Argon crystals decay when they are outside the void. You have also probably heard this line said by Ordis: "Operator, I will never betray you. I will keep the orbiter hidden in the void. You can count on me."

    If crystals decay, means orbiter isn't in the void. If it's not in the void, what is Ordis doing with it? Is that why our ships are infested? Did or didn't he have unprotected space voyages with other cephalons? Did he? DID HE? WHO IS SHE!?




    No, I'm not jealous! Why would i be jealous about Ordis going somewhere without me? Never! Don't look at me like that.

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