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Posts posted by gamepsych

  1. I was testing out Auras in the Simulacrum and decided to remove the polarity on my Octavia's Aura slot. This resulted in the following.

    Octavia was reduced to unranked

    All mods were unequipped after leaving the Simulacrum (not just enough to meet capacity)

    The Forma was consumed.

    The polarity was NOT changed.

  2. I found that when inviting a friend to my squad if I am in the start chart, then leave the star chart, the player gets a "Session not found" error when trying to join.

    If you invite from the ship but enter the star chart there is no issue.

    If you already have a squad formed, invite from the star chart, and leave the star chart, the new player can join without issue.

    So it seems to be that the "session not found" error only occurs when initially forming a squad from the star chart and exiting before they can accept.

    Not a major bug by any means but just something I noticed. 

  3. 1 hour ago, KubrowTamer said:

    instantly cuts out for me and anyone on my team every time.

    This is because only the host can complete the puzzle. The pattern shows differently for everyone and the host's is the only one that works. Try it solo or make sure the host is the one to complete the puzzle and you should see better results,

  4. At a minimum what I would like is to be able to load in tile sets.

    Being able to freely explore a mission tile would greatly improve your ability to manuever in an environment.

    For current and future trials you can explore a map and form a strategy without the added pressure. 

    On top of that it's just a lot more fun smashing things in a new setting instead of feeling like you're in Tron

  5. Having been running this for the last few hours for a good chance at the mods I'm looking for (thought it was good but endo seems to take up 50% of the drop table), I completely agree. I get there with more than enough time (about 45 seconds) to take down all 3 transports but the mods I want are on tier 2. In a way I am actually getting punished for getting there faster.


    *wiggles fingers* post necromancy

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