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Posts posted by Blazepyron

  1. There's already multiple threads about this topic but thank you cause it still needs to be noticed.  I'm in the same boat as you, I have Saryn but I still need the systems for Chroma. 

    I will say that I disagree slightly with you because I think it would be nice to introduce new players to pvp in a co-op vs AI setting like Rathuum.  But, of course, arena 2 and 3 is too difficult for new players, so it completely fails in that purpose.  Reducing the level of arenas 2 and 3 to actually be in line with the rest of Sedna would be fine, I don't think it's the conclave aspect that will frustrate a majority of new players (and everyone else), it's that the missions that give a reasonable amount of points are too difficult. 

    But I'm in complete agreement on eliminating the point cost for Kela.  Once I hit 100 points I should be able to run Kela until I get the parts I need.  Also I'm thinking Kela needs a slight nerf to, again, keep her in line with the rest of Sedna, but that's a lower priority than all the other issues with Sedna right now. 

  2. What doesn't make sense to me about this change is that there's not really an obvious way to pay your way past it. 

    You can't pay plat to challenge Kela directly.  You can't pay plat for the Uranus nav segment.  You can't buy arena points with plat.  There's no shortcut to getting through Sedna at all, unless you spend a lot of effort to buy maxed mods from other players and prime weapons and such to be able to tackle the 40 or 60 arena on your own.

    You could pay plat for Saryn but paying plat for a non-prime frame isn't that common to my knowledge...also I'm not sure Saryn is really worth it.

    You could pay plat for Chroma, but there's a whole quest for Chroma.  It seems silly to have to skip a chunk of content simply because of a recent design change.  Also buying Chroma won't remove The New Strange, to my knowledge, and you can't buy the Saryn systems with plat to be able to progress.  I'm still keeping those players in my thoughts who don't have any other quests in progress and so have to listen to Simaris/Ordis/Lotus banter every time they come back to their ship. 

    So all in all if this change is supposed to encourage us to buy plat to advance, I'm really left wondering: on what exactly?   


  3. This makes a lot of sense, yeah.  I know I am much more likely to run an invasion if it's exterminate than if it's defense or survival or etc.  I can do all three exterminate missions in the time it takes to do one of the timer-based missions. 

    Or maybe make mission type influence the potential rewards.  It would be sort of mean to have pre-built mats and salad coords be significantly more likely to be rewards for timer-based missions, but it'd be an acceptable mean imo.  But running a timer-based mission three times for 10,000 credits isn't my idea of a good time if I can just as easily get it from an objective-based mission. 

  4. There's a couple major problems with that like a) it's Kela's event b) Kela has to be the one to drop Saryn because their designs match c) I'm not sure it's a great idea to move Saryn to Eris or somewhere later, just cause I think frame progression is pretty good as it is now.  It's just not feasible to relocate the entire event.  It's much much simpler to just calm it down so it fits within the progression of the game instead of being this odd cumbersome relic for new players to try and navigate.

  5. Also does Kela scale to squad size?  When I fought her a couple days ago she was long but not overly dangerous given that I knew what to do.  Today, however, she was level 38 and her rockets tore through 1) my iron skin 2) my 900+ shields and 3) about 400hp.  Sedna is a level 20-30 planet, roughly.

    I think Kela needs to chill, along with literally everything else left over from the Rathuum event.  It all needs to chill, basically.  It's just not healthy for the game in any way as it is now. 

  6. It's always interesting to see the mats other people have trouble with.  For whatever reason, I have more than enough neural sensors (for now), but neurodes are my major bottleneck.  I hear that oda is the best way to get them but I usually do Earth defense, Eris missions, or odd and still have trouble with them just simply not dropping. 

    But anyway, yes, I think rare mats need to be looked at a bit closer.  I wouldn't mind if morphics, control modules, and even gallium were a bit harder to get in exchange for increasing the drop-rate of neurodes and neural sensors.  I would be really really happy if the drop rate on fieldron samples and dedonite ampules and mutagen samples (how many things can i misspell) were lowered in exchange for increasing the drop rate on rare mats, as it seems pretty easy to get Fieldrons, Dedonite Injectors, and Mutagen Masses from invasions anyway. 

    Feel free to disagree with any of this though, I think there's a lot of variation in what mats people get mad about.  I know a lot of people always find Argon Crystals to be an absolute pain, and I've been there, but I just find them sort of amusing because when I need them I have none but when I'm not really looking for them I end up with ten and nothing to use them on.  The decay mechanic has grown on me. 

  7. Since there's two topics about this I'll put in my condensed two cents here as well:

    1) drastically lower the levels of the arena nodes to match Sedna's overall level.  Arena 1: 15-15, Arena 2: 20-20, Arena 3: 25-25

    2) Remove the point cost for Kela.  Once a player gets to 100 points, they should be able to fight Kela as much as they want in order to build Saryn and Chroma. 

    I think this is a compromise that retains the intention of the Rathuum system without being unquestionably unfair to new players and without frustrating those of us who would just like to build Saryn or to progress in The New Strange. 

  8. I thankfully unlocked Uranus before this event even started, so I don't have that to be mad about.  A new player trying to get to Uranus to unlock Natah is gonna be stuck grinding the level 20 arena. 

    During the event, a new player could probably grind the level 40 arena because there were always open squads, and so it was just a matter of getting carried.  Nobody is playing those missions anymore unless they have to. 

    I did Rathuum, it was fun for me, personally, and I thought it was a nice way to show off Conclave mechanics in a PvE setting.  I'm even mostly ok with it being a permanent part of Sedna, except for new players, running the level 40 or level 60 arena missions is unrealistic and so they're stuck grinding away, alone, on the level 20 mission until getting to Kela.  I think, now that the event is over, changing the leveling of the arena nodes to something like 15-15, 20-20, 25-25 would be a massive improvement.  In general I would think that non-event/non-alert nodes should all be around the same level on a planet.  Having a level 40 and level 60 mission as a permanent, almost required, node on Sedna makes no sense to me.

    My personal problem, however, is the fact that points are spent battling Kela.  This makes it UNBEARABLY monotonous to not only make Saryn, but to make Chroma.  I'm not as bad off as some people cause I'm at a spot in the Limbo quest where's there's no dialogue so that's now my active quest so I don't have to listen to Simaris for the next week until this is changed. 

    Once you hit 100 points to challenge Kela, you should be able to farm her.  Period.  Having a unique build-up to her is great, but there is no way I'm going to put up with doing that build-up every single time I want to run her to try and get the Saryn systems for Chroma. 

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