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Posts posted by Mu_Gera

  1. He's a hidden gem in the sense that his whole kit is so close to being solid across the board.

    The passive is pretty meh and not sentient or eidolon or whatever at all, which is a huge conceptual let down of his overall kit.

    Enthrall is fine for what it is, but the duration decay over thralls and thralls turned by the homing projectiles not dropping pillars really self limits it.

    Danse is offensively decent, but it sucks against single and tank enemies and the adaptation, besides the corrosion adaptation, is really lacking.

    And Reave is probably the most solid ability he has, as even mesmer is noticeably imperfect in alotta defensive aspects.

  2. Imagine playing any frame and every hit you took drained energy equal to the damage taken, that's basically my entire experience so far with hildryn. It's not so bad as long as you constantly spam pillage but you really feel it in her ult since it can't be cast during it, and especially since it's so slow. Barrier/aegis and adaptation are nearly mandatory for her cause of that aswell.

    As for the rest of the kit, the firing cost and summoning cost seem accidentally reversed for balefire and the charging costing like 350% more shields for only 100% damage to fire is insane. Meanwhile haven is fine for what it does but it's sorta lame that it doesn't buff hildryn herself in any other way.

  3. I've been wondering how uncapping his passive completely would play out, I think armor increases get diminishing returns and you'd have to keep at it but I'd imagine that'd make his playstyle more active and his tankiness more reliable, plus it'd work better as an ability consumable. 

  4. I feel like her kit will end up like revenants, as in her ult will be the most useful and practical ability atleast offensively, causing it to be overused and nerfed.

    For her 1 and 3 , they'll probably face the same problems as most stationary abilities. Mostly her 3, since it'll end up like vaubans grenades if it doesn't do good damage or cc, except maybe even worse since you have to manually detonate it. 

    Her decoy is probably the next best ability but I can see myself just mostly double tapping for the blind, unless it does something to enemies if it passes through them to not warrant that.

    And her passive worries me the least but having it work on all evasions could make it seem more practical. 

  5. Haven't thought on it much but what about her 3rd being an ability that uses actual portals useable by players? Like instead of blowing up the totems, portals are made and that way you can move between each one. And if a player or enemy uses the portals they get the totem buff or debuff version, respectively.

    That said, anyone else think the portal part of her concept is being underused? 

  6. Enthrall may be a lost cause but it might be saved by making thralls not use the remaining duration of the thrall that turned them and making the thralls turned by the homing projectiles drop a pillar. The latter especially since now your thrall limit well be bloated by useless thralls that don't do anything besides making more of themselves.

    Also adaptation as revs passive is still debatably a good idea.

  7. Oh I can 100% always replicate that same bug now aswell, except for me I can only explode the pillars with any means as a client, meanwhile I can only explode pillars with amps and void blasts as host or in the simulacrum.

    I might've even seen other people explode them too as a client.

  8. Is it me or have the ground slams become weaker despite now mostly being larger? I used to be able to break any canisters and the like within one slam of any weapon but now it takes more with weapons that have a smaller radius, unless you slam right next to them.

    I'm also having trouble ragdolling or knocking down enemies with weapons that definitely did before, but that might be a client side thing.

  9. 18 hours ago, Midas said:

    i'll throw an inate 90% dr on for his passive I guess. Although with mesmer skin I have been doing phenominal with acrobating everywhere while reaving for true damage. chance of them hitting is a bit difficult when I am moving (arbitrations for an hour and a half + exploiter). However you have a point, I struggled against prophet taker.

    I mean it still needs to stack and it's not for every damage type at once, but it's still miles better practically and thematically. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Midas said:

    He has an innate knockdown and has 100% damage mitigation with his 2. Adaptation only gives you 90% damage reduction even with 3 90% damage reductions a level 200+ will still one shot you. Revenant is probably the best tank currently for high scaling enemies

    The innate knockdown is useless to anything not right next to you and there's plenty of things that bypass or shred through mesmer skin. It's also cause of that an adaptation passive would work very well beyond just thematically.

    And downplaying 90% dr is something else though, as that should be fine for everything up until level 200+ enemies.

  11. On 2019-03-19 at 8:25 PM, Neo3602 said:

    This is my guess as well. Whne Titania is flying she has a lot smaller hit box, a 50% chance of evading enemy attacks which she can stack with the accuracy debuff from tribute, and her Razorflys which will draw enemy fire. 

    Lemme tell you that nearly none of that matters except for the evasion. Enemies well laser your butterflies down and then you half the time no problem, not including stray shots. Personally I don't think 40% dr is gonna do anything since dr only gets good at like 60-70% and above but better to have the option than not.

  12. Uncapping rubble should be good enough with the decay, and making him immune to staggers on the ground aswell to fit the knockdown immunity.

    You also missed the extra damage buff on petrify not being higher or modifiable as a good change for it, gotta remember that enemies are immune to procs while petrified.

  13. It's just confusing how revs signature melee was delayed and hyped for nearly a year and then released with mediocre stats, stance, wonky ground attack, and passive (which was atleast neat in theory). But then somehow the passive wasn't fully developed and had to be removed and delayed aswell.

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  14. Yeah it is basically what made cobra and crane meh cause it's just a status sigma and octantis on anyone but baruuk, thankfully the larkspur bonus with hildryn is pretty inconsequential for it on the other hand. 

    Honestly I'm more worried about if whatever the passive is will make tatsu good since it doesn't look like it is so far, yet again if it does it'll be kinda lame on only rev. 

  15. 11 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    That doesn't sound right. The Synoid Simulor has an explosion range of 8 meters, so unless the littered the entire area with orbs, it shouldn't have wiped a whole map at once.

    I might look into this and see if the range changed by accident.

    Maybe it was the syndicate blast which does 1k damage in 25 meters or something, yet again that's not impressive damage wise and it's on a cooldown after each blast.

    I'm willing to bet it's just a mirage that just happened to out perform their volt. Incidentally, alotta the time most weapons will out damage frame abilities too. 

  16. I hear hildryn can't cast shield pillage while using aegis storm, big yikes if so cause it's not streamline to have to go in and out of it to get back shields, especially with the landing animation locking you in place.

    Also heard that you can't using any other weapon besides balefire with aegis storm. It's understandable with titania but hildryn should be able to choose to use weapons or balefire. 

  17. Reminder that thralls use the remaining duration of the thrall that turned them instead of the full duration. It's an underlying issue that inhibits any spreading mechanic of thralls. You're better off manually enthralling enemies instead of letting them spread by themselves.

    That said I don't know how the duration on thralls converted through the homing projectiles works, but going by this:

    2 hours ago, JohnLemon123 said:

    So... you know how revenant's pillars now enthrall targets hit by their projectiles ? Well, it turns out that enemies afflicted in that manner just so happen to NOT DROP PILLARS OF THEIR OWN. Not only that, but enemies corrupted by these ''inferior thralls'' DON'T DROP ANYTHING EITHER. WHY.

     You're still probably better off manually enthralling enemies.



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