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Posts posted by DeadlyBannana

  1. Naart-Kubrow Pattern is bugged and un-purchasable. Also cant we get the option to buy the festive sigil? Even for 40 plat? I bought all the items separately and just noticed that the sigil is not purchasable. Don't want to waste 280 plat for one sigil.


  2. 6 hours ago, TheScytale said:

    Just because you only care about numbers, doesn't mean that everyone does. If I like a weapon but it sucks, I can pay to make it better. And that's why Riven mods are here in the first place.

    So Riven mods are not for the people who care about numbers right? You are telling me you would choose a zoom/flight speed/-recoil riven mod over a damage/multishot/elemental damage mod? Riven mods at the moment are not worth investing in. Maybe if they put a capacity in rolling and maybe if they remove Riven capacity then yes, maybe they will be worth keeping. At the moment for me its roll and sell. Nothing more. I have Chroma to make any weapon in the game useful. Don't need riven mods to do that.

  3. Edited my post and changed title to cap*. Never meant to say price should be set from the start. Btw I am currently at 5.8k kuva and the cost not only scales infinitely it also scales at an ever increasing rate. Here is a post I made in reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/5cs69h/riven_mod_roll_price_increase_needs_to_go_right/ . I did the math as well :


    P.S. N.2 I did some math as well. Here is how prices would go for rolling a mod 20 times: First number is the roll, second number is price for rolling. I have reached up to 7th roll so far and this seems to be the formula. Maybe some good mathematician could be kind enough to come out with the exact formula. Also please confirm my hypothesis if you have gone beyond seventh roll.

    (0)900|(1)1.000|(2)1.300|(3)1.800|(4)2.500| (5)3.400|(6)4.500|(7)5.800|(8)7.300|(9)9.000| (10)10.900|(11)13.000|(12)15.300|(13)17.800|(14)20.500| (15)23.400|(16)26.500|(17)29.800|(18)33.300|(19)37.00|

    Grand total of 265.000 kuva. If you average around 1.200 kuva from each successful run with booster, this requires around 221 successful kuva runs with booster to accomplish. Even then no one can guarantee you that you get what you are looking for. Please correct me if any mathematical mistakes where made.



    From my post. Anyone can confirm this?

  4.        Infinite scalling of cost is plain wrong. I am perfectly fine in grinding my @$$ off if the rewards are worth the investment. At its current state not only are they not worth it, many times they can be much worse. Would anyone farm for prime parts if there was a chance that they wouldn't get parts but also loose parts he already have? Rng is ok, gambling of such kind is not.

  5. DE please before you start fixing things like the hybrid kavatas or making improvements in archwing flight, PLEASE fix the game-breaking bugs first. JV is broken, Mission select is broken.,, Mission completion is broken. Fix the Basics and then worry about details. 

    EDIT : Oh and uncompletable invasions.

  6. This is important!!! I have a game braking bug that makes me stuck on reward screen and im unable to close it, whenever I complete a mission. I have to close warframe and relog in every time I complete a mission DE fix this is ASAP !!!! Lovely update but did they even playtest before releasing???

  7. Bug I keep getting alot is that challenges arent registered (scored 20 goals in a single match and still no score 4 goals in  a match challenge). Also many times I dont get completion rewrads. Realy frustrating when I do my best to win game and get no rewards or affinity.

  8. So basically if I want to max my rhino prime for strength, I have to forget about building him for cc and vice versa? Well lets be honest here, buying another rhino prime and maxing him for str, is not a reasonable solution. It is a solution sure, but if this is the only way I can make 2 different builds and try new things, I might aswell stick with one and not try anything else. However this makes warframe kinda stale. Maybe a middle ground would be if you can put forma to an existing polarity (or a formad one) and then have the ability to switch between these 2 polarities. I wouldnt mind putting 12 or 14 formas in one frame, but owning 2 frames just to try different build is 2 much grind and plat (you even have to buy new slot, put another reactor etc.). Eventualy, if the only solution to trying different maxed out builds is owning 2 frames, then its just not worth it.

  9.  So I recently decided that I want to forma/max almost every decent weapon in the game and this got me thinking. What will happen when damage 3.0 comes out and you no longer have damage/multi-shot mods? Will all my forma be useless now? Will I have to reforma everything from scratch? If so whats the point in maxing anything, if the next day it might completely change in the way it works (example is mag rework)?

     So I thought of this. Why not change the way forma works, and instead of permanently  changing one polarity, allow you to change whenever you want 1 polarity in your warframe/weapon? For example if you have 5 formas in a warframe, you would be able to change 5 polarities in this warframe whenever you want. This would allow for a much greater flexibility in building and wouldn't force you to go down one path. 

     Another reason why this would be really good is that with some of the new mods that come out, if you want to max one play-stile for a warframe, you essentially have to ditch another play-stile or build a new warframe. For example,if I want to build a rhino with a maxed out roar build (energy conversion,blind rage,intensify, primed continuity etc.) I have to completely ditch playing him as cc frame with his stomp. If I want to play vaykor hek as pure elemental damage, I can never try it with status. And the list of warframes and weapons that if you want to max, you need to forget about building them differently goes on and on. And please dont tell me to get a duplicate of every warframe and weapon, cause then I know you are not here for a constructive conversation, cause this is not a reasonable solution.

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