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Posts posted by Eupatheia

  1. Can ignore. Was a misunderstanding.


    Warframes with Exalted weapons have an additional Energy customization slot under Appearance. This extra slot also allows the user to set two colors for the Energy of their attachments and syandanas. Notably, Grendel Prime's Ephemera can only be two-toned via this method. (But Grendel cannot take advantage of it!)

    Suggestion: the Ephemera can be changed to take a second tone from the emmisive or accent slots, or allow all frames to set both Energy slots for their attachments/syandans regardless of Excalted weapons.

  2. -Howl of the Kubrow: Purchasing a Kubrow Starter pack may conflict with flow of Quest.


    This also seems to apply to purchasing an individual egg not just the Starter pack.


    Purchasing an egg during the related portion of "Howl of the Kubrow" for finding an egg resulted in that portion of the quest to never complete. Even after said Kubrow egg hatched and begin maturing -- no quest progession.


    If purchasing such wasn't an intended to grant a completion, I might suggest adding a disclaimer to either the quest or market purchase.

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