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Posts posted by MightyMigit21

  1. 1 hour ago, Rekkou said:

    If you guys want to fix Hydroid, please realize the problem with tempest barrage is that the barrages are coming from far away source in a weird angle that sometimes the whole barrages can be blocked by a wall. That's why -range works very best with Tempest Barrage because it focuses the barrage in smaller area that the barrages has more chance hitting the enemies than walls.

    Same goes with Tentacle Swarm, with max range the tentacle are more spread. 12 tentacles and it can completely miss a single enemy. - range made them more focused and increase the chance it hit the enemy.

    This change actually made Hydroid worse, it doesn't fix anything but it took our own band aid away. If you guys want to fix Tempest Barrage i suggest moving the barrage source much closer to target area, no need to make it look like it's coming from far away ship.


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