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Posts posted by Ryoking

  1. Problems with Sigmas MK III engines not applying as it should.

    Simply changing the selection of motors has already shown the result on the status screen.

    This bug gets in the way because it starts with a very large resource outlay, disrupting the progression, since scrapping the Sigma MK III engine only returned 50% of the refusals spent.

  2. I'm polarizing my "Paracesis" is when trying to put the mod "Buzz Kill" in rank 4 upwards ends up reducing all the damage in the% that the mod finds instead of increasing its cut damage;
    Other cut mods work normally.

    translate Brazil

    "Estou polarizando minha "Paracesis" é ao tentar colocar o mod "Buzz Kill" no rank 4 pra cima acaba reduzindo todos os danos na % que o mod se encontra em vez de aumentar seu dano de corte; 
    Outros mods de cortes funcionam normalmente."

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