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Posts posted by OoZE_23147

  1. Impact knocking down enemies is just a terrible idea especially since impact is one of the better options going against shielded enemies. Why have something that requires good aim for the head to bypass shield gating, but have a damage type knockdown enemies rendering it almost impossible to get headshots. With old blast you could opt-in to knocking down enemies with this new change there is no way to remove impact from weapons and most weapons have a form of impact. Now every weapon knocks down enemies and there is no way of avoiding it. 
    Please make impact stagger only. These knockdowns are terrible. 
    Swapping impact and blast would seem like the easiest fix. You could opt-in to knockdowns with blast and impact would just give accuracy reduction benefiting most weapons.

  2. Exact same problem. I finished Vor's prize and still no arsenal. Driving my crazy, my tickets are only getting responses for the actual quest and not that I am missing my arsenal. 

    Worst part is that I was leveling my Boltor prime before u14 so I am stuck with only that at lvl 11.

  3. Finished Vor's Prize. Sent a Ticket in for this got a response about that quest and not the fact that my arsenal is the thing that is missing. Other people have said that sending in a ticket got them to receive an arsenal.

  4. A team member was being a troll in survival and activating every life support as soon as we got it. I just died and left the game, but every time I tried to start a new game I was shoved into the same lobby I just left. Also every time I rejoined I was at the death screen of revive or forfeit. If I leave a lobby it is for a good reason either my team mates are trolling or the host is so bad that I can't benefit the team staying there anyways. I would like to be able to start a new lobby after I leave, and if warframe crashed or I disconnected I would just join through a friend if I wanted that exact lobby again.

  5. Overheat was Ember's one utility, like people have said look past your original thought of the frame and see that it was great how it was. When DE changed it to have the damage reduction I was overjoyed because it meant that Ember finally had a utility and not just 3 powers that were basically the same, with one that didn't do anything. Please revert overheat to how it was.

    World on Fire was a surprise not being looked at, it only goes after 3 people and with higher levels the armor on even infected make it rather useless. I was really hoping to see it have a armor ignore. What I thought World on Fire is it is just melting any metal because the heat is so great and would just go straight for health, but this is not the case. This was the skill I was hoping to have a real look at seeing as it didn't feel like an ultimate just a normal skill that cost 100 energy. One idea would be to have the 3 enemies that Ember sets on fire to cause other enemies to catch on fire and cause a chain reaction.

    Fireblast is great for initial damage but I want it how it was were anyone that entered the ring would get the same damage or close to the same as the initial cast, that way it could be for more of a defensive skill when enemies are surrounding you and keep swarming after the initial cast of Fireblast

    Fireball is to weak to do anything and even at low levels were it can kill enemies the travel time and casting time are so long that it is so much easier just to shoot the enemy you are aiming at rather than waste 25 energy on one target.

    Please DE relook at Ember.

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