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Posts posted by Judanas

  1. Personally, as a large player of Trinity...I have no issues with the removal of invincibility.


    My concerns with her is that well...that's just the tip of a rework iceburg she needs.


    1) Well of Life: Balancing two healing abilities on a single 'frame is hard at the best of times. This just gets harder when one of them is a 'Full heal' and the other is the cheapest, weakest ability.


    Well of Life is an ability without much purpose. It's fiddly to use and anything it can do, blessing can do better without the work (And with some bonus damage reduction). I think, like Overheat, that it could really do with a complete scrapping and rework into something new. There is plenty of ways to do team support other than healing.


    2) Energy Vampire: Energy Vampire Suffers from the fact that outside the most advanced missions, energy is not really a concern. An ability should not be solely the realm of people going for 60 mins+ survivals. This can partially be pointed at Energy Siphon existing and thus making energy a non-issue a lot of the time. I think energy vampire doesn't need the full redo that Well of Life does but it needs something to make it attractive at all levels of play. Perhaps make it, rather than affecting one enemy, have a weaker effect on many enemies within an aura, combined with a 'Slow' Aura (Draining Kinetic Energy). We have the ability to have Toggle powers now and adding an effect beyond the energy drain would make it more useful at all levels.


    3) Link: Link is a problematic power. Many, many people have said they don't want Trinity to be a Tanky Frame...but her second most powerful ability is a dedicated offensive tank ability that really messes with the idea of her being pure support as it asks the Trinity to deliberately draw all the fire she can. A simple rework of this to make her more 'Support' would be to make it point and click on allies. Buff the Rhino with link and if you are not targeting an ally, you'll use it on yourself.


    4) Blessing: Infinite Invisibility was never good design and the new one is decent (If needing a little tweaking). The ability to recast and get more heals while it is going is required as later game, the need for healing will eclipse the duration a lot.

  2. While I'll agree that the ability to spam invisibility needed to get itself knocked down...I don't think they did enough to compensate for this loss.


    Well of Life and Blessing still have a massive use overlap that doesn't really help make Well of Life a reasonable choice over blessing.


    Energy Vampire is not terrible, I'll admit but it's still kinda meh outside the very top missions where you actually start needing the energy to spam ults every couple of seconds. Energy is just too plentiful for a 'Give energy' ability to be useful most of the time.

    The Trinity is still too fragile a frame to use Link outside of a very potent (And thus very situational) high-boost blessing.


    All in all, my issue isn't that I can't tank. My issue is that Trinity has an ability already DESIGNED to tank (Link) that requires a massive amount of work to make...work and that her lower level abilities are situational and iffy.


    In my opinion, what Trinity really needs is some ACTIVE abilities. Some things to spend when not going 'Yep, team about to die, blessing'. As she'll sit on full energy for most of a mission, which doesn't make her a very interactive frame to play outside the occasional panic moment.

  3. You already get a massive XP bonus for doing so. It splits XP among your weapons evenly, so only having one weapon gives it a significantly higher XP rate.


    The issue there is that while nice for leveling weapons, it gives no shiny to someone who wants to do so late game.



    I could see this happening, but I don't think it would replace helmet stats.


    Well, most new helmets are turning up statless as it is.

  4. With the new ability to take 'No' weapon in any slot we chose to, I had an interesting idea (That I'm sure everyone will tell me is busted) on how to replace the old helmet buffs. Allowing a little more customization, while making it cost a little.


    A bonus for each weapon you DON'T pick. So, when someone picks to take no weapon in a slot they get to pick from a list of bonii they can get in exchange. Primary would give the biggest boost, Melee the smallest.


    It would give melee only people an extra boost (Two rather large stat boosts for losing projectile weapons) as well as allow some frames that would like to run pure powers (Ember or Volt for Example) to get something for their less weapon choices.

  5. I already made a thread on it but I'll say this: I could have gone for more attacks like the third one in the basic attack pattern. THAT has some reach to it but it annoyingly impossible to use at will (That extra reach matters little when I needed less for the previous two hits to connect)

  6. I'm not going to talk numbers on the Lecta, as I will freely admit I have not 30'd it yet.


    However, it is rather fun so far. It's nice to have some serious reach. However, I do have a single complaint towards usability.


    The attack pattern for basic attacks:

    Slice, Slice, Thrusting Whip Crack (Well, not really a thrust but you know what I mean.).


    The attack for charge attacks is likewise a slice like the first two basic attacks.


    However, this gives very little control of when one can use the vastly increased reach on the thrust. It does feel like the thrust should have been the charge attack. That would give the charge a vastly different feel to the mainline attack which are mostly just AOE damage, while the charge would have been a single target long reach attack for spiking toxics etc.


    It's a fun weapon and one I rather am enjoying, however I do feel that the charge could have been done a bit better with the existing weapon animations there are so far.

  7. I'm looking forward to seeing some more missions with allies, especially different mission types. Defence against the infested with a few corpus Napalms as support would be amazing. The only things it leaves me wanting is a way to give some form of info to allies so they can act on it. Like saying for them to hold an area or such. That and maybe some information on any 'minor' groups that are not big/evil enough to be a fightable faction but would be good to support in a mission with allies. Like armed colonists and such.


    Still, I'm aware that would be a lot of effort for not a heap of gain. That and I'm not sure how well the factions would listen to 'Tenno Scum' anyway.

  8. Sonic Boom isn't bad. For a 25 power ability it's ability to knock people over makes it stay usable as CC for quite a while. Still, it wouldn't be bad if either the damage or the CC was improved a little. It's not terrible, just a little sub par.


    Sonar is great, no one is denying that.


    The two abilities that most need work are Sound Quake and Silence.

    Sound Quake suffers from being an ult that simply doesn't line up with the design paradigm shown in stuff like Rhino Stomp. It could do with either a damage boost(Perhaps make it physics impact damage?) or a MUCH bigger improvement to CC.


    An idea a friend and I were tossing about was the idea of making it mostly Crowd Control. Have the initial waves be ok damage and stunning over a large area...then the final one be a Sonic Boom style shockwave to finish it.


    It would still suffer from 'people outside that area can shoot you dead and you can do nothing to stop it' but it would allow it to at least lock down an area better.


    Silence, I fear, will need a complete redesign to quite work.

  9. I must say, Silence as an ability really annoys me in many ways. It's so very situational...and even in that situation, it's not very good compared to say, invisibility.


    It's an ability that could easily be replaced with something actually able to improve combat or make stealth easier.

  10. <Lotta Text>


    While I agree with your general point, I think that hostility will not gain anyone anything. It will antagonize people defending the developers and put more stress on the developers themselves.


    A polite talk will do more and leave a better working relationship with the Devs for the future than a hostile environment where players and Devs feel like the other is deliberately causing them pain. It has been less than a day, I imagine deliberation is still being done.

  11. What does it matter which direction it goes in?  when they were completed they were done.  Just like each stage in this event.  Was spelling VICTORY in giant letters not enough for you guys?


    I am simply pointing out that it is incongruous with previous ones. From prior experience:

    Events that count up: Do not end at 100%

    Events that count down: Do end at 100%


    While there has not yet been enough events to draw a true pattern (As there has only been one that counted down before), that is what has happened prior to this. The presentation of this event was more in line with the Fusion MOA or Grineer Informer events, which did not end than the Ships, which did.

  12. 2) Claiming that something which classically represents the completion of an item, such as a progress bar, does not represent time to completion is not common sense, nor logic, nor fact. In fact, in this game, do you not pick up your foundry items once the progress bar is full?

    Oddly enough, this one has prior situations in the game. In the Fusion MOA event, it counted up to 100% but did not end until time ran out. The one that DID end before time ran out? Counted down from 100% to 0%

    Going by prior experience, 'Counting up to 100%' would not be an indication that it can't keep going in events.
  13. I myself have found myself with several unused keys because rather than wish to run it alone or with unknown people, I wanted to coordinate with friends and have us all get to 100.


    I feel a bit put out that it ended quite literally for me, as I was sitting in the void start up screen waiting for a friend to log in and join me.


    I play this game so that I can play with my friends. While the wider community does exist and I like it, my intention was to actually run the void missions with friends. Coordinating four people's schedules is not something that can always be done perfectly and thus we all individually ground up the keys themselves so we could get together an do the void missions themselves as a group. However, due to it's premature end, this turned out to not be possible.

    I personally feel that this is poor design. I'm not blaming the Devs, this IS a Beta and thus a learning experience. I would just hope that in the future, they make it a little less miss-leading.

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