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Posts posted by Mycall628

  1. I was playing revenant and piloting my railjack. I play on an Xbox 360 controller. Whenever I press the ability menu button (I've bound it to multiple buttons, each with the same result), i get locked out of my controls. I cannot dismount, shoot, use ordinance, etc. I can only look around and use railjack abilites. When I pause and unpause, I dismount (piloting or side guns) and can only move around, and my XYAB buttons use my warframe abilities. I still cannot shoot, jump, roll, etc. I can only move around and use abilities.

  2. Not sure if this is a bug or an oversight or whatever, but I'm having trouble with my bindings, specifically with Melee Channel and Secondary Fire

    I am currently unable to rebind Melee Channel to any other button. I play on PC with an Xbox 360 controller. After they fixed the initial problems with controllers and melee changes, everything was fine. Then a hotfix was dropped and Melee Channel and Secondary Fire were bound to right stick press. Normally I have Sprint/Roll bound to RSP. When I went to change it, I got the "Cannot bind [Action] to a button that has a melee stance action bound to it" error. This also occurs when I try to rebind Secondary Fire. So I tried moving Melee Channel to a different button (D-Pad Down) and it told me "Melee Channel cannot be moved to a different button."

    I don't understand why Melee Channel can't be rebound when every other action can. Because of this, my control scheme is totally out of whack. I'm not saying I can't play, its just annoying and inconvenient. I also cant be the only one experiencing this issue. 

  3. While playing an alert, I encountered a bug with my Kitgun. When I fire it, no projectile comes out and no damage is dealt. The sounds and animations play fine and ammo is still consumed but...it does nothing.  I'm not sure if mission type, warframe, kitgun parts, etc. is causing it. My kitgun is made from the Tombfinger Barrel, the Haymaker Grip, and the Zipneedle Loader

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