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Posts posted by apdjz

  1. I wasn't able to take a screenshot, but the normal face when the stalker is talking to you and eventually comes after you did not display correctly. No idea what I was looking at, but definitely not his face. Maybe his lower body?

  2. Before the update using a scanner if you melee attacked but then left clicked it would go back to that item but now it defaults back to your weapon. Is this on purpose? It was frustrating enough to get kavat genes 😞

  3. I want to begin with I enjoy Warframe as a game. New content comes out regularly and improvements also. I have over 1100 hours played

    Weapons- few weapons dominate the top tier weapons list. I am not saying every weapon needs to be late game. I just wish you could take different weapons' style to late game. 

    Sniper rifles arent used because of their slow rate of fire and low ammo count. I would like to see more bosses, so there would be an excuse to use them

    Melee-- i would like more of a plus and minus system. For example, fist have faster attack speed--less damage; heavy higher damage--slower;dagger more stealth damage; blades--higher combo stacks, whips--stun?proc

    Kubrow--Sahasa specifically seems to be out done by their's sentinel counter part. 

    Why does ember flame work during the time you seem to be in outer space? The noise seems to dim, which leads me to think that <--- it is outer space.

    I cant say specifically, but one title set of the corpus have pillars. These pillar seems to be octagon, however there is an invisible square around it. You can only wall jump on four sides.

    Warframes-limbo, equinox, banshee before the arguments and before the prime of vauban they seemed to be hardly ever used. If I want to play one of those frames I find it frustrating to do so.


    Bonus affinity is great, but I don't think you should get ones that aren't obtainable for that mission. I don't mean because you forgot a pistol you don't get 20 kills with pistol bonus.  But getting a hack a console on a defense mission.

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