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Posts posted by Valkyr

  1. 4 hours ago, xERENx said:


    I saw it on reddit and it looks tidier and without having to give much to the mouse wheel

    Jesus christ just THIS, a million times THIS. I want comprehensive information DE, you can achieve that while still sticking to your 'aesthetic' that you seem to value over informing players.

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  2. The Warframe launcher normally displays (or has done in the past) a warning to the user if they are running any 3rd party cheat software, and forces them to deactivate it before it allows the game to be run. This function no longer seems to be working, as I accidentaly left the software running, booted up warframe, played for a few hours and then recieved a ban. I was very generously given a one-time warning and told I would be banned if there was any further suspicious activity on my account. While I entirely agree and understand why I was temporarily banned, this launcher function would have saved me dealing with this situation all together. Has this function been changed in an update and I've missed it amongst the patch notes? If not this could be a bug that needs fixing if it is not localised my myself. 

    Note: I'm not here to debate about the ethics of cheat software, the warning system that was in place stopped players from booting up the game all together while trying to simultaneously running cheat software, and invariably, protected the game. Without this functionality people have a chance (however slim) of attempting to mess with the game and not being caught, or, like in my case, be caught out accidentaly rather than being forewarned and result in a ban. I wish to know if this was either a concious decision, or a legitimate bug. 



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