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Posts posted by drakegt

  1. 7 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

    But that's wrong, given the context.
    Armor has diminishing returns only if you take it relatively - and in that sense, the vast majority of stats in the game (barring positive efficiency and negative duration) have diminishing returns which kinda makes your statement irrelevant. Aside from that every 300 points of armor provide you with fair 100% base HP increase to your EHP.
    Not to mention, unlike flat armor increase, multiplicative coefficients aren't affected by the "diminishing returns" which makes your statement flat out false - ironically so given it's the direct opposite of what you're saying.

    You're right about the EHP and the multiplicative coefficients not being affected by diminishing return. However, the amount of damage you are actually preventing decreases. For instance, going form 900 armor to 1200 armor is only a 5% increase in reduction. However, going from 150 armor to 300 has about a 22% increase to reduction. My point is, gaining more armor has more impact for low armor warframes than it has for high armor warframes. 

    Considering this, I took the average of the base armor of all non-prime warframes and applied a 20% increase and a +60 increase:

    Base Armor Average: 146.7

    Base Armor * 1.20 Average: 176.1

    Base Armor + 60 Average: 206.7

    So the total average armor will increase. There are only 5 of 34 warframes that benefit more or equal from the 20% increase. I think this change is better for the most frames and really opens up variety of play, something that warframe lacks in general. 

  2. Armor has diminishing return. The Calculation for armor is [Armor] / [Armor] + 300. Increasing that armor number on warframe with already high armor does very little. Flat armor is much more impactful for lower armor frames. Valkyr  already has insane armor and adding another 20% isn't going to do that much. I think it's a good change because it allows player's to use different frames in different ways, something that I think the focus schools should be aiming to do.

  3. While browsing the available mission tabs with a controller on PC, the navigation controls lock preventing the player from interacting with the menu. The only thing that can be interacted with is the "main menu" which allows the player to switch to another station and break the lock. 

    The lock seems to occur regularly when attempting to view syndicate missions. 

    Hope this gets resolved asap, it is very annoying when queuing up a mission!

  4. I loved farming the octavia parts because each one was unique. It allows DE to really open up the world by having different parts availible in different ways. I would love if they went back and did that with the other non-boss warframes, like make a nidus part drop from the juggernaut, infested salvage, and dark sectors or something. It just allows for more variety in play, which I appreciate.

  5. So far, three of the syndicates have gotten quests for a warframe (Loka, Perrin, and soon Suda). These quest really bump the amount of activity at relays and cause players to explore the relay more. However, once the quests are done, there isn't much reason for someone to go visit another syndicate leader. 

    This looks like an opportunity to add some endgame content to me. It would be cool if there was some sort of mission that took place in the unique tiles of each mission (defending the shrine from the silver grove, or helping the myconian colonists). These missions could be unlocked after the main quest is completed and would come up every couple of days, kind of like the ayatan sculptures or clem clones. To make it more interesting for veterens, maybe the mission is really high level and it could award something cosmetic that could be traded for standing if you didn't want it. 

    What do you guys think?

  6. 1 hour ago, LTDaWolf said:

    personally I think they should make traces harder to get and reflect that on using them so that when you do get them and use them you get something worth while 

    Reason because at the moment it seems a waste of time to farm for hours to build up your traces to make a relic radiant just to get a common reward.

    Example I spent a day farming traces  900 to be exact   used them  to make 9 relics radiant in the hope of a rare drop for parts I wanted  just to do 9 runs and get 9 common rewards annoyingly common rewards that I would have got if I just used intact relics (so what was the point of making them radiant to start with?.

    Make the traces harder to get  so when you do use them you get a reward  from the uncommon or rare section  either that or  make rewards reflect tenno level.

    Its almost as bad as doing  all 3 sorties to get a lens I dont even need or my 19th anasa

    You're totally right. That would be another valid fix to the system! 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    Here's the thing.

    It said that it was the first Clan Operation in a while. Logically, you should have looked up what the Clan Operations entailed in the past-- ranking and rewards based on effort from the clan that were scaled to clan size.

    You were given warning and you were given enough information to reasonably deduce why you should adjust your clan ranks.

    Yes, I could've deduced the information, but whats the harm in being more specific?

    Additionally, as far as I know, no other event has been this clan intensive. Rathuum and Shadow Debt merely had trophies, but this event has actually content locked behind it. That caught me off guard. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, NovusNova said:

    Well we did get a bit of a warning: 

    Had basically a week from when that thread was made, but can understand that its not the most visible as most people just play the game and don't check the forums much.

    I did see the initial post. And while I new the event was coming, I didn't know what to do to prepare for it because the stakes weren't clear. It said to adjust membership, but gave no reason why. I only kicked people now because it mattered. That's the lil' nugget of information I would've really benefited from. 

    If it had said "Btw, you're reward is based on clan size" I would've kicked people earlier. I know for the future that the second an operation is in bound to prune the clan. But future clans might not because they would've missed this event. 


    Also, to be honest, this post got meme'd so much I forgot the original purpose of it :awkward:


  9. It would be nice if there was some advanced notice from DE about what a clan should do to prepare for an event. After culling inactive members, my clan was eligible for a downgrade, but its too late to do that now. 

    In the future, I'd appreciate a few days notice to get things in order before everything just gets locked in. OR, start the event and have a days grace before the size of the clan is locked. Right now, my clan is a little bit shafted. We're technically a shadowclan with 3 active members. This happened because we grew to accommodate more people, but those people have since left. After removing them there's a whopping 3 of us. 

    Yes, I should be better about kicking people out and keeping numbers down, but it wouldn't hurt to have a 24 hour period so that warlords can make sure there clan is ready. There doesn't need to be any specifics about the operation, just a notice that clan participation was going to matter. 

  10. Honestly, I think that all of the wraith/vandal items should be colorable to some degree. Maybe a limited color pallette or one color that can't be changed (like the black), but if the Prime gold parts can be colored so should the wraith/vandal items. Rather than making them unique for their colors, why not give them a special effect like the prisma weapons?

  11. 14 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    But then Toxic would be rendered useless. Magnetic needs some changes to be somewhat effective against the other factions, maybe jam their weapons? Or restrict their movement since they wear metalic armor? 

    One Idea I had for toxic is that it could bypass shields/armor if the enemy didn't have a mask. This would make certain grineer/corpus units immune and others very vulnerable. This would also add functionality to shooting off corpus helmets. This is very hard to account for, however, since its kinda random which units have helmets vs. those that don't. For clarity, the toxic damage would still be effective, just not the status effect. 

    Another option would be that DoT is reduced (or removed) if the enemy is shielded. This wouldn't impact armored enemies; toxin would still bypass armor, but this is less important on those enemies because they have a butt-ton of health. This could make magnetic+toxin super effective against corpus (as if its not already) since the mag proc will take down shields so the toxin can proc the poison. 


  12. 37 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    Aren't they already? We build for corrosive to deal with the Armor, we build for Viral to deal with the Health, we build for Radiation to deal with Machinery and provide CC, same with blast, we build for toxin or gas to ignore the shields.

    Magnetic is the most useless one of the bunch. 

    I think that the other damage types are too useful if that makes sense. OP is correct that the reason it is useless is because only one faction has that quality. I think there needs to be better balance between the damage types, but the proc is fine as is. If shields were more significant (and couldn't be bypassed) then magnetic would be better. 

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