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Posts posted by (PSN)CazzyFace

  1. With the VIP tickets Selling out so quickly (in a mater of hours) will their be any more released? If I remember correctly DE repurposed some unsold standered tickets into VIP passes last year. Will there be anything like that this year? Was willing but unable to purchase them and would love a second chance, but understand if this is a pipe dream.

  2. I have all ready decided that I'm going to tenno con this year. I am going to attempt to cos play as volt. I was looking at all of the different skins and helmets trying to settle on one so I can get started with the costume. I absolutely adore the volt graxx skin & helmet ( thow it isn't on my platform yet, wink wink DE ) So I would like to use it for the cos play. I feel like I should ask permission from faven_ps the original creator before using it. Is there any way  to contact him directly so I can ask? Would really love some help on this fellow tenno. Also am I crazy for thinking I need to asking permison?

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