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Posts posted by Hoganmer

  1. Tribute is currently bugged for me.  It doesn't appear to actually give any buffs, or if it does I can't find them on the buff bar, ability bar, its own new pop-up hud, the effects don't seem to apply.  I've restarted, tried changing builds, gone in unmodded.  Maybe I'm just crazy.


    That said, I'd greatly prefer if we're going to have this for it to be "Hold to Cycle, Tap to Cast".  It feels *very* clunky right now.


    I'd prefer overall if all her buffs just got wrapped up into a single cast, however, as this is just housekeeping.  We're going to always theoretically want all the buffs, and obtaining them isn't inherently any fun.  I'd prefer a complete rework of her actual buffs to be something that fits more in line with how the game works, but at the very least removing the drudgery would've been nice.


    This is coming from a titania lover.  The only reason my girl isn't umbral forma'd is because Titania Prime is supposed to be up soon.

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