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Posts posted by (PSN)SmartCaveman626

  1. 35 minutes ago, BeeWhyOhBee said:

    as i've been playing Khora for weeks now i realized that her skills are somewhat -- meh or off-themed. 
    we already have frames with 'almost the same' skills so why not make her have a theme of her own instead?

    i have some suggestion/ideas for her skills, and for me this is what i think that'd suit best for her to be some sort of a Beastmaster frame

    1st skill Whipclaw -- same as the default first skill, dealing slash damage, scales with melee weap -- i think it should have punch-through or something. Then it should cause Venari to teleport and hit the targets for a short time (or hit them once, to follow-up on damage) -- so if Khora hits 4 or 5 targets, they will have a status that will cause venari to blink towards them and hit all the targets 

    2nd skill Rabid -- i got the idea from Lone Druid, it makes Khora and Venari's attack speed/movement speed increased (i think it should be based on STR for the amount of increase, and DUR for increased duration) 

    3rd skill Venari -- keeping the same stances, tapping it changes them to heal/defend/attack stances and holding 3 makes Venari teleport near you if she goes too far. Same skill can be used to resummon her (or keep the same 45 sec respawn time when she dies or resummon at the cost of energy) 


    4th skill Blood Bond - links Khora and Venari, increasing both of their crit chance / crit dmg (based on STR) and gives both of them lifesteal-link as long as the link/tether is active (disabled if venari or Khora goes too far based on Range(?) ), when active it gives venari cleaving/punch-through attacks, and causes enemies to attack her for a certain period of time, during Blood Bond - when Khora deals damage, it gives both of them increased armor (up to a certain amount) and when that amount is reached, it will continously drain energy.


    passive should still be the same. (though i prefer the older one that gives armor depending on X companions/sentinels) 


    again, these are my ideas based on what i think the theme of Khora should be (?) or something. Some might think her skills are already perfect as it is and i have nothing wrong against that. 

    your skill ¨rabid¨ sounds like valkyr's warcry and blood bond should be a mod/augment for venari

  2. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

    I'm sorry you see it that way. I'll have to chalk that up to a lack of imagination really.

    The concept of this frame would be lost if he could equip guns, and for me, a frame that only uses melee weapons would be great fun. I hate using guns. Aiming and shooting is not my thing. If this game didn't have melee weapons, I wouldn't play. There is enough diversity in melee weapons to make a combination of 3 very fun for me (if only to take advantage of the 3 IPS damage types, or the niche bonuses of certain weapons, like the Health restoration of Hirudo, while I wouldn't take on entire missions with the Hirudo.)

    It is entirely within the realm of possibility that they'd add a frame like this, in my opinion. And it's not "some childish original concept"... it's based on iconic mythological figures (Shiva/Durga - google them), like several warframes we already have (such as Wukong and Nezha).

    With the outrageous color pallets available, I see garish, outlandish color schemes every time I visit a relay. My proposed default color scheme doesn't even come close. I mean, we have OCTAVIA... and Oberon... and Nezha (again, he's a childish prince, so they kept his playfulness in tact for his model and animations... a giant ring circling around him? a frame with 4 energy-based arms is in no way out of place.)

    I'm sorry my concept sketches weren't up to the quality of professional concept art or 3D models. They're rough pencil sketches with minor digital clean-up. I feel that if I were to have produced "professional" quality concept art, you wouldn't be nearly put off as you have been, by the "crayon-like" quality of my highly magnified tiny pencil sketches.


    we have the nova asuri collection for a frame design like this, theres no point, i could understand  it being a skin, but a skin, but we also couldnt force people to use melee, DE would never do that, 

  3. 34 minutes ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    That's pretty weird.  I looked at the host and they only appear as 1/2 for LOR, yet this JV run is recorded as well?  Sounds like something got messed up with the stats.  I'd present this to support when they look at your claim.

    is that website run by DE?

  4. 2 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:


    The tracker shows no attempts.  Are you certain that you did Jordas Verdict and not Jordas Precept?  The former is the trial, the latter is the quest for Atlas.

    yes i did, it was about two years ago, i completed Jordas Verdict, with a few guys from my clan, i found his trials attempts, 



    JV 2016-10-25 14:43:37 Golem Encountered 00:37:49 Reactor Detonation Triggered 1050 66 ko-str23 roch6363, Tranzastik, TROLLWEST1994, stoopidcaveman, PaganEarl, mig2004856


  5. 16 minutes ago, NovusNova said:

    It was removed from certain people's accounts as it has been given to everyone accidentally rather than only those who had completed trials.


    If you had completed trials before they were removed and do not have the sekhara then please open a support ticket.

    Support: http://support.warframe.com/


    What would the support ticked be categorized as? i finished jordas verdict and didn't receive his Sekhara upon completion too, but i didn't know i was supposed to get one when i completed it back then.

  6. So, i finished a couple raids and got one of these after they got rid of them, but a week after i got it, the Sekhara disappeared from my inventory. I still have the inbox message but i cant find the cosmetic, what do i do? latest?cb=20180410193739

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