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Posts posted by Cataswyrden

  1. Harrow has an extremely strong kit but is heavily harmed by the fact that he has to get the kills to do any form of support, in a normal game since spawn rates are so low other damage frames will kill enemies far quicker than harrow and leave him with nothing. This effectively make his kit far less viable, his 1 and his 4 can still be used but, using his 2 in conjunction with his 1 is at a detriment due to the lack of enemies around him leaving him with less healing to the team. Unlike Harrow, Trinity can easily support the team without killing anything, her energy generation only requires her to find an enemy and the other team member nearby can still kill them and gain the rewards of having a Trinity in the squad. To make Harrow more viable as a proper support character it would not be very difficult. All that would be needed is when a team member in within range of Harrow's buff's influences (his 2 and 3) the teammate could also kill and do damage to the enemies to give those buffs to anyone within those areas of influence. Having this could allow for some extremely powerful setups and would also give no reason for the Harrow themselves to engage in the combat. To fix that issue you would simply have the team kills give energy or health at 1/2 the amount harrow would get. Similarly this could also be applied to his 4 for the collection of damage to translate into his critical buffs. A small change like this could easily bring Harrow on par with Trinity thus giving a proper reason to use him. I do not care exactly what is done as long as he becomes more of a team player while keeping a kit that is just as powerful while giving proper team support.

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