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Posts posted by Aeon-

  1. Again guys, trading isnt for everyone and if you feel compel to use the trading sites, go for it, its just honestly a 3rd party trying to manage an open market. But a game like Warframe attracts more "smart" people so use your smarts.

    I forgot to add, if someone undervalues your values of your riven, and keeps at it, yeah you have the f.cking right to curse their shiit.

  2. Say, first of all trading isn't for everyone and that includes haggling...and that's all I got for now. But boy oh boy what really burns me most is 3rd party website pricing rivens. It kind of goes a little like this, stats gives a certain price mark depending of desire, for example maybe "multi" is desirable and because of that a riven is 500 plat plus or more. I dont really do the math and just base on player and trading chat experience, but I get some crazy prices for low to none rivens (shiit isn't allowed). 

    For example, someone wanted 1.7k plat for a euphona riven with stats of, Multi, Impact, CC and no neg. And the response was, 'that's the websites price, and well if you dont F^^^ like it learn how to F**** trade". It was unrolled and I just wanted because it was unrolled.... but geez-la-weeze I cant express enough of what an OPEN MARKET is. I get it hes probably a noob and doesn't understand how to trade and I understand how the websites may give new players a leverage so they won't get rip. But the worth and payment ship of a riven and other various items is between a seller and a buyer and this skill is experience, not Ducking forced down your throat by a website. 

    Here is my tip, If you are new on trading chat and etc, observe what you are selling, stay cautions and polite. If someone offers 20p for your rubico riven and you know you can get more, dont say "LOL what do you take me for, a F**ing noob etc" its obv they are testing you, so politely say no here's what I want...And if you dont know, do more lurking. Also, if they disagree, bid your farewell to that guy and your time for your riven.

    Lastly to ppl who says PMO, just dont. Its obvious you have a price or a range and if you are willing to settle for lower than none haggling and not do the above. "strategy to make more?" fine, just be a poop head. AND Don't use websites to price your rivens, because it is godly ridiculous. 

    Thank you,

    PS. I get it its an OPEN MARKET, when someone says all that (website wise), I just say GL. Because if you've got some experience you'd know.

  3. OK, Astilla is a slug base weapon so you don't need the 100% SC to proc like pellet shotguns. Did that change? If not, I have a riven with -101 impact and 86% SC and for some I can't proc slash. I can only proc the innate impact, puncture and elemental dmg (if I add it in). I can make it 100% and only proc the impact and puncture, I tried adding in sweeping to give slash a higher proc, but nope.

    Granted I was gone for half a year, was there a change with Astilla?? Or is my Astilla broken? or is this a bugs/fix aisle deal.

    Feed me your thoughts!

  4. Hello,

    I was unsure where to set this topic, so here it is. Recently after Fortuna release Mag can no longer magnetize enemies under certain affects (that I've came across, there may be more) such as Khora's Strangle dome, Nezha's Divine spears and also when enemies are rag dolled under her Pull skill. What ends up happening is she loses energy and nothing happens. Its quite problematic as one, she loses energy for no gain and two, it disrupts quick plays and set ups. Before the Fortuna update it was working fine, but after, this started to occur. 

    But any who, please take a look at this issue, as a "connoisseur" of Mag it really ruins the gaming experience with her. Because we all know, Mag is GOD. te-he

    On another note, laser like weapons, (so far rattleguts, arca scisco) doesn't really add anything into Mags's Magnetize bubble. Is that a design flaw? What does that say about opticor and her bubble?

  5. Hello,

    I was unsure where to set this topic, so here it is. Recently after Fortuna release Mag can no longer magnetize enemies under certain affects (that I've came across, there may be more) such as Khora's Strangle dome, Nezha's Divine spears and also when enemies are rag dolled under her Pull skill. What ends up happening is she loses energy and nothing happens. Its quite problematic as one, she loses energy for no gain and two, it disrupts quick plays and set ups. Before the Fortuna update it was working fine, but after, this started to occur. 

    But any who, please take a look at this issue, as a "connoisseur" of Mag it really ruins the gaming experience with her.

    On another note, laser like weapons, (so far rattleguts, arca scisco) doesn't really add anything into Mags's Magnetize bubble. Is that a design flaw? What does that say about opticor and her bubble?


  6. Hello DE and Readers,

    I was so excited to see Gara's Tennogen skin, it LOOOKED SOO GOOOD. And I was even happier that the glass on his helmet stayed when you use his 2nd skill (her glass is remove and floats around when used) because that is the best part of the skin, is the glass samurai design on the helmet. However, with Fortuna:Hotfix 24.1.1 they made "improvements" to it. Which include the glass of the helmet dissipating when using the second skill and the glossy glass became duller. Her head now looks like the egg heads from that one movie.

    Please revert the changes to Gara. That would be greatly appreciated. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Borduglas said:

    The chakram is a great skill now, only hampered by the subpar aoe of the skill.

    A solution would be to a.) Keep the current skill as is when not targeting enemies to keep the teleport intact.


    b.) Have an “expanding chakram” effect—- Trinity’s energy vampire like effect——when targeting enemies. All enemies hit will have the additional effects that current chakram has. Effects would be tweaked abit I’m surebecause that would be too good imo.

    When this happens Nezha will be a dam great Warframe indeed.

    But you can't not target enemies when it will target enemies auto magically unless you throw it straight in the air. The 4th already does your option B as it synergies with 2. It will spread 2 if enemies killed by 4 and were affected.

  8. 9 minutes ago, axellex said:

    I mean your changing your opinion now but it's written right there.

    I'm glad you can see it, because it clear does not say "I want to spam the chakram". It's called an option and I just thought of another one, read it again on the "bullet" edit. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

    I'd prefer to keep the teleport, I used it a bunch before, and I think I still will now

    I would love to use it too, but you can't teleport viable. And honestly Nezhas passive makes him quick, I don't know why the teleport would make you quicker when it's bouncy through enemies and not the ones in front of you, but the ones next to you or behind you. It's like, I wanna go forward, not spatial.  

  10. 2 minutes ago, axellex said:

    Why do you want to spam the ability? if you want it to hit multiple enemies use 4 then press 2 and you will hit most of the targets that are in close proximity now of course if you have max range so his 4 is 50m it's pointless because chakram doesn't go past objects/walls.

    But even if you are using max range your suggestion seems pointless just because you want to spam it when it doesn't need to be spammed in the first place, and you want the teleport removed simply because it conflicts with your spamming tactics...🤔

    I think you misread, I didn't say I want to spam, but it's a good option to instead of teleporting because the ring doesn't hit everything even if you use your 4th. It's better to have it reset and use it to increase health/ energy drops instantly. Imagine you stun lock 50 enemies, with your 4 and the rings hits 5 and comes back in like 8 sec and you want to hit them all. Takes a lot of time. But incase you haven't read the update, your 2 effect can be spread if your 4 kills enemies affected. 

  11. Alright, let's get to the point. Since the new change allows the ring to seek targets it bounces everywhere, even in the direction you didn't mean to throw. With that being said, can we just remove teleport when pressing the skill again. Maybe change it to instant ring return so you can spam it more? or do something else because when that thing bounces around and sometimes you aren't sure it's back yet you teleport to some odd places. Or when you are really trying to use it as an efficient teleporter in plains or what not, it brings you somewhere else.

    Edit: Or instead of teleport, make it explode dealing blast and fire.


    Just a thought/ suggestion. 

  12. There is cold proc and dmg with or without the cold dmg on the list. I believe melee is different that this because the stance itself is different. But back to the topic, it doesn't make sense to need another cold mod to change the whole cold damage to another type. 

  13. Well if you add in cold mod and let's say toxin, cold on the list is gone, but when you use it, cold is still there. So I am saying kinda for the whole thing because the arrow will have a elemental proc chance and as well as the blast. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    The way you keep phrasing this is confusing. Do you mind doing a longer explanation?

    Yes of course. So, why can't we add in a elemental mod and get rid of the cold and have the cold combine with the other elemental mod. For example, if I added malignant force to Lenz, why can't it just be viral instead of viral 16 and toxin 426 (numbers when you add in the mod) like other weapons with innate elemental damage like the ignis. Because, on another note but still viable, if you add in rime rounds and malignant force, the cold changes to viral and the cold damage is removed. 

    Let me know if that clears it up.

  15. Ok, so I was playing around with Lenz again and I realize the odd elemental distribution. If you put Malignant Force it combines with the innate cold with 16 viral but then it has 426 toxin. It's the same with the other elementals besides Rime Rounds and Thermite Rounds (which increases the cold with Rime or increase blast +16 and 426 Heat). 

    I would like to know why this odd distribution (not just lenz but others with innate elemental and a type of base damage like puncture and etc.) that gives the combined and the elemental mod you've equipped. If we compare it to pure elemental for example Ignis with innate fire, no other types of damage and add in lets say Rime Rounds, it turns to all blast. There is no mix between blast and then cold. 

    Edit: I forgot to note that, if you put cold mods ex. rime round and etc. with another elemental mod, the cold is removed and the elemental mixes into one.

    Example: https://imgur.com/qNnCcys

    Is it possible to have this change to purely mixing with the innate elemental on the weapon or is there a reason why its not?


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