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Posts posted by deawon2

  1. So, DE decided to rework Limbo AGAIN.

    I've been playing Limbo since he was released, and he's been my main warframe since. I've logged more hours on him than all my other frames combined.
    When DE first announced a Limbo rework back in 2017, I got worried, but when it came out in March, it was all we could hope for and more!

    And now, on account of the community complaining about his abilities being "trolling" , DE have implemented the following changes:
    - Halved Stasis duration
    - Changed Stasis to only affect enemy projectiles

    And I have to ask: Why?
    Limbo got changed because the community complained that he wasn't multiplayer friendly, but he has, is, and will always be a solo frame.
    Not to mention the complaints are only about people who are new to the frame, because experienced players know how to mod him for specific mission types and know when not to use abilities in multiplayer.

    The most fun thing to do with him would be to wait till enemies swarmed you while in the rift, pop your stasis and catclysm and proceed to shoot everything. After which you got into a good position to view the carnage and disabled stasis, watching everything die like a glorious action scene.
    That's no longer possible.

    The duration nerf: Seriously what's the point? Stasis and Cataclysm had a beautiful synchronicity between them which is now completely ruined. The timers are now completely off, and you're looking at your ability bar more than you're actually playing the game.

    This seemingly tiny change has made a frame that I was proud to main, into something I don't even want to play anymore. Thank you for ruining my experience DE. You did something right with this frame when you did the rework, but now you've turned that positive a complete 180.

    I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this change, and I'm not that good with words, but this guy explains it much better than I ever could: 


  2. I was doing a syndicate mission for Steel Meridian on a Grineer Forest tileset, I don't remember the map.
    I had loot radar (max rank Thief's Wit) active to search for marks.
    However to my dismay I searched the entire map twice to made sure I hadn't missed anything and not a single mark spawned.
    I know about defense and interception missions sometimes not having any marks, but this was a capture.

    See added pictures for more info

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