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Posts posted by brenden208

  1. ...Second Platinum is very VERY expensive. I am currently playing 4 mmorpg's and this mmo it is the most expensive, like crazy expensive! so much so I couldn't justify buying any at all which I was fully prepared to do today...


    I agree with the plat pricing, but luckily the founders packages get you plat at a reduced (if only slightly) rate, and come with gear to boot.

  2. The frames powers are intersting, I especially like the confuse one. But a question arises, what woud the fourth skill be? Preferably it should be a damage one. The event also seems plausible, but sadly will probably never be put into use.

  3. Yeah, I stopped using it because it's so glitchy when stowed. And now that the glaive can pierce, theres no real reason to keep this weapon as it is mostly just a utility piece.

    Indeed it is just a utility, but as the poster I quoted below was saying, it is possibly the single greatest utility melee in the game, with its size of slam radius (I dont believe the wiki as, unless they nerfed it, it is far greater than one meter) And the fact that it ragdolls any enemies on charge, even if it bounces off one to hit another (making a theoretical infinite as I dont believe those count as 'bounces'), you can build it up for charge speed and slap a base ice mod on it, turning it into an amazing melee, without even needing a catalyst. Just dont expect it to do great damage, as that is not what the weapon is for. Also consider the possibility of conclave dueling, if you desire to lower your conclave rank, you can equip the kestrel, with its jump attack knockdown, it will suffice for most dueling uses, and give a lot less conclave rank.



    all the reason to keep it in the world right there. Got a level 100 heavy gunner you need dealing with? knock him on his &#! and then empty your clip into him. That boss got you down? deliver a kestral to the face and watch him fly into a pit to insta die


  4. Did you time it though? .4 seconds can be hard to notice.


    I'm not sure why it wouldn't work in your loadout. Mine was similar.


    I did not time it, and it may very well be working, but it is certainly not subtracting 40% from your recovery speed.

  5. Constitution is NOT a useless mod.

    It adds power duration. I've personally not used it for the recovery factor.


    Since you're just interested in the knockdown recovery... are you sure?

    Its not that I am just interested in knockdown recovery, but it takes a a slot I used to put continuity in (gives 2% more duration).




    So if the knockdown recovery does not apply much, if any effect, I might as well just put continuity back.


    There was a hotfix that was supposed to have fixed this. Have you actually timed it, or just going on how fast you 'feel' it is with and without it?


    At the time I put continuity on here I was farming Phorid, he and the ancients around him have a habit to knock you down, so I formaed my ash again to be able to fit this mod in my loadout, and went back to Phorid, which brings us to the below statement...


    Base knockdown: ~2.3 seconds

    Constitution: ~1.9 seconds


    When I tested the mod (I have been ever since I equipped it) I noticed no visible difference, and if your test results are correct, then it is working, but it may not be worth being in my loadout.

  6. What is killing your sent? Normally my sentinel is fine, as ash's bladestorm moves quick enough to not get hit by most things. I do every once in a while, however, see my sentinel reviving itself, but not that often.

  7. I find myself using the sprint-key-roll quite often actually, especially right after being knocked down. A quick and instant burst of speed is the perfect to to get out of the way of a disruptors arm, for example. I have been playing this game since closed beta however, so maybe the mobility options come more naturally to me, as I have had a lot of time to use them and find where they are most useful.

  8. I havent seen, or heard of anything like this before, and I havent formaed any of my sentinels. This definitely seems like a bug, as catalysts dont just stop working. Hopefully the devs will see this thread and adress your problem.

  9. At the moment it seems the mod Constitution, does absolutely nothing to your knockdown recovery, leaving it to be a useless mod. Someone was able to figure out that handspring does +20% knockdown recovery at max, and with constitution saying it gives +40% it is easily noticed that it does nothing, or is listing a recovery boost exponentially better than what it really gives. Constitution has good potential, to see it glitched is sad.

  10. My captures used to work fine (pressing F6 in game) but one day, they stopped working, making me have to print my screen and save if it I want a picture. Does anyone know how to fix this?

  11. The dera is a nice gun, dont get me wrong, but I think your potatoe would be better spent on something else. If you do mainly normal missions use it on the flux, if you do a lot of defense, definitely use it on ogris (flux is still decent on defense however). A tip for new ogris users is this: stand on the highest vantage point (thats near the pod and enemies cannot reach you on) that you can and dont underestimate ogris' blast radius (unless your using ember of course, then it doesnt matter what you do, overheat+focus=91% damage reduction >:) so pretty much, your not gonna die). I personally dislike the torid, its hard to use, and it kills you extremely fast if you walk in the poison cloud. It can deal some damage though, so if you can get good with it, it might be worth a potatoe.

  12. Woot..... nightmare mode everywhere..... so .... *challenging*


    I am so thrilled about this.... so much challenge.... so much skill needed.... it's not like they take away the given rules of the game and try to make a fake challenge without any skill at all other than getting obliterated if you have no shields and energy, or just rushing through if you do.... no... not at all....


    Oh my... am i a happy kitten jumping around or what.....

    Just bring iron skin rhino, physique, streamline, and an awesome weapon, you should be fine.



    Stop your crying...


    I think you just contradicted yourself there.


  13. This is the coolest glitch I have found yet, but as a good beta tester I must report it. I was doing an Io defense and I activated bladestorm as Ash. Once the bladestorm finished it kept the zoomed out look and I floated at the altitude I was at, going up stairs made this altitude increase; so, in effect, I could fly (pictures hopefully below). I believe lag caused this glitch, but I am not certain.




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