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Posts posted by jefferyrlc

  1. Okay so a Mac port wouldn't be worth it. A Linux port would be easier than you think, Even with some distribution differences, they use the same kernel/drivers, the same video system (X/Wayland), the same audio server (Pulseaudio). And if they can't afford to do a full port, making the game support Vulkan would do wonders for getting the game more stable with Steam Play (proton)/wine. Plus the move to Vulkan would be a good investment for future proofing the backend.

  2. Never claimed it would be easy. But saying something to the effect of, "hey, people are interested in this!" is better than saying nothing at all.

    Also the idea of, "DE needs to make money so they can't invest resources into that," isn't a helpful argument. If we let cost and difficulty stop us from doing things, then might as well shut the whole studio down along with the game. Some risks do need to be taken.

  3. As a primarily Linux user, I would like a native port of this game. Thanks to steam proton, I can play this game on my machine, but it's far from stable.

    The first thing I'd like to see is a Vulkan backend to the graphics engine. Pretty much every modern graphics card supports this API, and many modern features are going to be available for this. Windows 7 is losing support in 2020 and along with it, DirectX 11. I know Windows 10 can support DX11, but it will be legacy and not likely to get new features. I know MacOS won't support Vulkan natively, but they have the Molten project.

    With Valve's proton project, and a growing wariness of personal privacy on Windows 10 coupled with the aforementioned discontinued support for Windows 7, making this game cross platform on PC would be the best approach forward as Linux will take more and more market share. This is also in part to Linux's general lower overhead during runtime and better support for legacy hardware. Not to mention AMD's open source drivers and Nvidia's generally very good Linux drivers, gaming on the GNU/Linux is not the joke it was even 2 years ago.

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