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Posts posted by TortoiseBoy

  1. Just to let you all know, my problem (which involved being able to see everyone online but being unable to join certain friends) was solved by completely removing AVG - disabling it didn't work but it was the only difference between my laptop and desktop and now I have no issues...

  2. Firewall maybe?


    Also check the antivirus system, it's given me problems in the past, not with the upnp settings but still. 


    I'm just spitballing here, still got this same issue and I've basically given up trying stuff. Only thing I can think of is maybe getting another modem which i can actually work with. 



    Was the first thing that occurred to me so I turned off all anti virus and firewalls and other security but to no avail, one thing we have found is that occasionally the person I'm trying to join has to just keep relogging until I can join them so the void only knows what's causing that...

  3. I'm just going to shake things up a little here, I've been trying to solve this for many days now and I can categorically say that there is an issue that is nothing to do with the router, I know this because I can join friends with no problem from my laptop and yet when i try from my PC with exactly the same wireless setup it doesn't work... discuss.

  4. Just to add another voice to the throng, thanks for all the hard work and very glad about these updates (especially the 30 max on Shadow clans - suits me down to the ground) just wondering whether us small clans should hold off on building anything for the time being?




  5. This seems to have been posted by multiple people but I've yet to see a response, so here goes nothing.


    The Strict NAT and Firewall issues are one thing, but as far as I can tell many people, like my clan-mates and I, have a separate issue altogether.


    We've each successfully passed the in game network analyser tests on multiple occasions and have been informed that all systems are nominal, yet, since day one, the majority of people cannot join each other in a private game session (session unavailable, failed to join session etc.). We overcame this problem early on when it turned out that every clan member could join a game as long as I hosted, strange considering there is only one other member whom I can, in turn, connect to.


    The issue we now face is that many members are procuring void keys and most of us cannot join certain members despite following all advice regarding port forwarding and being assured by warframe that "All systems are nominal". Our computers can clearly communicate with each other as we see each other online and can always play together in my lobby. This is rendering our small clan utterly helpless in terms of dojo progression and despite many posts it doesn't seem to have been acknowledged at all. 


    I appreciate that you're all very busy and I think you're doing an utterly stellar job in terms of most aspects of the game and for that reason will continue to persevere regardless, if the issue is known and being worked on I'm sure many of us would appreciate hearing about it (even just a workaround that would let me host the void key games would be fine). We're all in England and have BT as our ISP so it's clearly not consistent across the ISP if that helps.


    Many thanks in advance


    Yours frustratedly



  6. Okay, so this has been written multiple times across the technical bug forums but, as far as I can tell, has been met with only stony silence - which is a real shame - so I've brought it here in the hope of receiving a response.


    The Strict NAT and Firewall issues are one thing, but as far as I can tell many people, like my clan-mates and I, have a separate issue altogether.


    We've each successfully passed the in game network analyser tests on multiple occasions and have been informed that all systems are nominal, yet, since day one, the majority of people cannot join each other in a private game session (session unavailable, failed to join session etc.). We overcame this problem early on when it turned out that every clan member could join a game as long as I hosted, strange considering there is only one other member whom I can, in turn, connect to.


    The issue we now face is that many members are procuring void keys and most of us cannot join certain members despite following all advice regarding port forwarding and being assured by warframe that "All systems are nominal". Our computers can clearly communicate with each other as we see each other online and can always play together in my lobby. This is rendering our small clan utterly helpless in terms of dojo progression and despite many posts it doesn't seem to have been acknowledged at all. 


    I appreciate that you're all very busy and I think you're doing an utterly stellar job in terms of most aspects of the game and for that reason will continue to persevere regardless, if the issue is known and being worked on I'm sure many of us would appreciate hearing about it (even just a workaround that would let me host the void key games would be fine). We're all in England and have BT as our ISP so it's clearly not consistent across the ISP if that helps.


    Many thanks in advance


    Yours frustratedly



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