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Posts posted by crimson-warborn

  1. 1.- suda osprey

    2.- S.M. roller

    3.- Hexis lancer

    4.- sinthesis scanner

    5.- simaris trap

    6.- medium energy pad

    7.- air support/dragon key - the only one variable because sometimes a dragon key is needed

    8.- large energy pad

    why spend cyphers, lvling things on solo spy missions left me with lightning hacking skillz (really, oceanum is really op for that)

  2. To me, is almost every frame that doesn't have a tactical use, because i tend to play more brain over brawn, so i choose them based on what they can add to the mission, so frames like ash, atlas, loki, all the tanks, hydroid and nekros (i know that pilfering and dessecrate are for farming, but i don't tend to farm in general, everything can be gotten with time XD)

  3. 1 hour ago, oogityboogity said:

    His 4 is not fine where it is. That "CC" as you call it, is probably the worst form of CC in the game. How is it helpful to a team to sling enemies around randomly making it harder for them to kill them? Doesn't need to be an ultimate, and honestly the person who thought of that as an ultimate ability should've lost their job. Also, you would turn it off for the same reason you turn excal's blade off. The puddle, just needs movement. I think DE clearly stated they're trying to get rid of AFK abilities. I think that's obvious seeing how they have a report option for afk players. Puddle doesn't even do enough damage to kill enemies. What should be added is the ability to move with it. And him being invulnerable is no different than a valkyr. Except that hydroid is made of water, you should know this by the fact that he turns himself into a puddle. With that being said...how does one hurt water with bullets? Making that suggestion all the more relevant.

    the tentacles are a good form of CC to do MD, like zep´s 4, in MD you need to buy time, so that type of CC is the one needed for that, and is even useful on interception, you don´t need to kill anything on those so is a good tool to have

  4. 52 minutes ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

    AkLex Prime is NOT vaulted, and neither is the normal Lex Prime. Aklex is specifically made as a Baro-only item. However, if/when Lex gets vaulted, it's likely that Baro's Aklex relics will also get retired, otherwise that would entirely invalidate the vaulting if you could just grab some relics from Baro and get it anyways. If you give the relics to Baro and they go into live circulation again, then it makes having vaulted them pointless to begin with. 

    When an item is vaulted, there should be no way to get it after that outside of trading or running leftover relics from when they were in circulation. If you can get a valuted weapon from farming Baro relics, then why the hell was it vaulted in the first place? 


    Now, if DE were to officially put Vasto Prime back into circulation in real, farmable relics, there would be nothing wrong with it whatsoever. But as it stands, it's NOTHING like Ak/Lex Prime because Lex P can still be farmed normally, and was never put into the vault. Baro's Aklex relics are NOT vaulted either, because the ONLY place they circulate is within Baro's rotation.. When Lex Prime is put into the vault, I would bet that Baro's Aklex relics will also go into the vault. 


    I just want to point out a flaw in this bit of logic here:

    This implies that all of Vasto Prime would be farmable in the relic(s) to give an opportunity to those who didn't have it originally.

    However, you also said the following, which does not follow the same logic as the quote above:

    If he only brought the Link and BP for Akvasto, how would people who don't have 2 sets of Vasto P get the gun? This wouldn't give everyone an opportunity, not even close. This would give everyone who happens to have the parts for 2 or more Vasto Prime sets sitting about an opportunity. Most people do NOT have that ready to go. Meaning that the ONLY people who would benefit are people who hoarded the parts in hopes that it would get made. 

    So no, it wouldn't be a fair thing, and it would not giive everyone an opportunity. it would give you an opportunity, and that's what seems to be important to you. Not consistency, not REAL fairness, and certainly not established procedures at all. You want them to make something you want because it suits you


    So for *everyone* to benefit from Baro having Akvasto BP and Link, they would have to take Vasto Prime COMPLETELY out of the Vault and give it to Baro

    I mean, that's not something that should happen. They shouldn't just give Baro all the parts to a vaulted weapon at all. Now, again, if the item were unvaulted and put into real circulation again, it'd be no problem. But if they ONLY give Baro the relics, that's not OK at all. That's not fair, and it's certainly not within the standard of EVERY previous vaulting to date. 

    All this dilemma can be solved with one little change, DE rotates relic sets that have the parts of lex, but with vasto, meaning that they rotate the ''vaulted'' set with baro's chance to have an akimbo maker (that could work to do vasto, marelok, pandero, sicarus, euphona, pyrana, hell even the beam weapons like atomos, spectra or gammacor)

  5. for raptor go ivara full invi, and kill him, it can't detect you during the full fight (i did a solo assasination sortie with that method and it was a really cheap method XD), is fun to see the beam one shoot to the sky in ''anger'' because he can't lock you

  6. i don´t get this type of complaints, do you really want DE to eliminate nullers and in their place use more combas/scrambus? because they are really a pain for your powers because you can´t really turn off their powers (yeah, headshots, try that in a room filled with them and all your powers off), not the nuller, who can be seen and deal with it even at point blank without losing your powers (stealthly, by shrinking the bubble until you reach him, laying tactic weapons like sticky pentas in the floor and blowing it when he touch it, you name it), and the combas/scrambus are the more op of them, with the pseudo bombard shots (i don`t remember wich of them uses that weapon, but he always appear -.-)

    besides lorewise they can integrate the nullers in many ways, some ideas are in this thread even

  7. 22 minutes ago, Separius said:

    The energy loss and stack loss isn't what's important. What's important is both of them losing the damage reduction and getting butchered by sapping ospreys, moas and corpus, nullies included.

    The energy on Nidus don't matter most of the time, it's the stacks that matter, no point in you going into this.

    Happened a couple of times, idk? Nullifier bubble cleansed the link and I lost 10 stacks or got shot dead because no damage reduction. Anyway this is trivial, doesn't justify the nerfs.

    Yeah, no. Other frames should be brought up to his level, not the other way around.

    Let me ask you this. Why are you trying to justify this nerf so hard? Why are you so emotionally invested in this? I did say I don't care about the nullifier buff all that much and I gave enough hints that I do not wish to discuss this further. But since you insist, why are you so adamant on this? Does it really hurt you, in a co-op horde shooter game that one character has better survivability than an other frame? Is it really that annoying? It doesn't affect your enjoyment of the game unless you are annoyed by not having the orange numbers on the score screen.

    We could have had a situation where people just accept Nidus, and noone would have had their experience made less fun, because Nidus being bulky did not affect anyone else's enjoyment of the game, unless ofc because of the previously mentioned orange numbers or is it just envy? 

    Was that it? That your frame doesn't have the cool survivability features that Nidus still has just worse? This is how all the youtubers and forumers who complained sounded like and that's pathetic.

    Now what we have is Nidus players having a worse experience while others are like "well at least they got it worse now, hah!", while their experience of the GAME ITSELF didn't change at all, they can just feel better about themselves. What a mess.

    Why does this matter to you this much? Why? How is one person in your party of 4 or 8 or inbetween, having a relatively easy and fun time, how is it affecting your enjoyment of the game other than the aforementioned pathetic reasons?

    Yes, I was making that point, so don't twist it like you are making it just now. No warframes were corpus sortie friendly, neither was Nidus, he was fine before the nerf, it wasn't needed.

    ."It doesn't affect me, it's not an issue" Stop this.


    You are contradicting yourself. You know pretty well what I meant.

    Surely insulting is a great way to convince anyone that you are right. And I'm not upset because of the nerfs, I'm upset because of the attitude that they happened, this "oh no he has better orange numbers, he has invulnerability, he's OP, so OP!!! Somehow him being able to carry is ruining my experience in a co-op multiplayer horde shooter!" coming from the forumers and some youtubers and DE caving in. Him being the way he was literally had no effect on anyone else's hordeshooting.

    I'm also upset because of the glass-half-full people trying to defend this whole trend or that they jump to DE's defense in general, no matter what. Always just happily accepting what DE gives you and trying to look on the bright side doesn't help improve the game. It's the half empty attitude that does. They are the ones who find mistakes and errors, they are the ones who give criticism, and without feedback like that we'd have a much much worse experience, because everyone would just happily accept everything, because "it could be worse!". 

    When/where did I ever tell you that you said to "deal with it"? Deal with what even?

    DE caving in to youtuber and forum people crying that Nidus is OP is everything but justified.

    Why is that important even? Sure we shouldn't have demigods, but Nidus was nowhere near unbalanced. And even then why was it him that's the priority? How about buffing Oberon? Mag? Nerfing ember's early game and improving her for lategame? Anything else? Why nidus? Because people bloody complained on the forums that it's OP, that's why.

    And why does that annoy you? How does that affect your gameplay?

    I have no idea what point you're trying to make with all of the rambling at the end there. They got praise for vanilla nidus. The feedback forum is mostly constructive criticism. Don't generalize because of a few bad apples.

    i understand your passion about nidus, but a real fact of him is that he needed a little nerf (be thankful that the nullies didn´t outright delete all the stacks), now a nidus user will have to use him a little more smartly and in a active way (the pre-nerf let him play like the older ash, autoplay style)

    also, like ash, the "nerf" makes him a little fun to play with, and not just a "100 ways to see everyone die without your intervention" frame, and it will change the variety of frames used for advanced missions

    one of the examples that you gave is a good way to see the need of the nerf, ember is OP in early, and nearly average in late game, that´s a healty power curve, because you can use her to cheese the early, saving the late frames that the other players bring the "effort" to reach their peak moments

  8. 16 hours ago, TotallyLagging said:



    I mean, yes, he is really good for killing enemies one by one, but sadly this game doesn't really have a place for single target assassins like him. His use is very limited.

    Not to mention that he's completely powerless vs. nullifiers. Oh what, you can control your own plane of existence? Well screw you, I have bubbles. 

    well, single target assasins have 1 use in a co-op play, single targeting (ancients, eximus, heavy tank units), also limbo can be a default team saver, and can make objetives immune to the enemy fire, therefore getting rid of one problem for the rest of the team


  9. 6 minutes ago, SarpaSalpa said:

    Just because their blandness can be rationalized doesn't mean it's preferable. Besides that, the Corpus aren't a corporation, they're a solar-system wide collection of guilds, wealthy families, and cults that share common beliefs, methods, and stupidly huge trade and manufacturing enterprises. We can see that there is variation in their ships, their symbols, their robotics (we can plainly see that the Bursa and the Bursa-fied robotics are of a different style than traditional proxies, and Alad V's Zanuka project seems to be a private enterprise).

    just because literally aren't a corporation doesn't mean they aren't a Big corporation type of enemies, they could be 1000 guilds or 1 million but the facts are that they ''standarize'' their methods in the game, all the way from mercury to pluto they share the same basic sets (yes, i'm aware of the reduced types of cells available but if their true and tested build tactics are solid, why change them), the grineer have more variety because they are less prone to standarize because they have more ''special'' types of units lorewise (the nightwatch, the kuva for the fortress, the drekar for underwater missions)

    this doesn't mean that they don't need to change, but the Dev team will have to justify the change in the corpus ''norms'' to start playing with visual changes (maybe with a board division?, sort of two groups that work together but aren't alike anymore), zanuka was a private enterprise and it became a sort of success in combat so that could be something to expand, or maybe they start to ''allow'' more private groups to test changes, prompting the aparition of new corpus types and map types (they don't have underwater maps yet)

  10. i think that the corpus doesn't need a diverse cast because they are Big Corporation in space, and no real corporation values visual diversity, the variations that they have can be justified in the functions that they have (color codes in the crewman to identify their roles, visual changes in MOAS and osprey because of their different weapons), but they can be ''diversified'' by means of new enemy types (an engineer that carry, arm and control portable turrets, pseudo zanukas, hyennas and/or lynxes (correct plural? O.o) being controlled by an ''walking control station'') or a change in their spawn system so their uniques can be seen more (bursas only appear in alert, combas and scrambus can be counted with one hand even in high level areas before the alert, same with the oxium osprey)

  11. 1 hour ago, Sziklamester said:

    Because it is a fair game and many of us like the football. (Like me)

    aaand is sandwiched between TF2 and ARK, being a completly different game altogether, THAT is the weirdest part for me XD, but it must be a good game, i know a lot of people that likes that kind of games

    (i'm from argentina, here you breath football but personally the electronic football games never resonated with me >.<)

  12. 3 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    TF2 isn't that much more popular than Warframe...


    Warframe is consistently in the top ten of all games on Steam, not just f2p games.

    Honestly, what does it matter how many people are talking about a game if they're not actually playing it? Warframe's player numbers and retention are very healthy.

    how the hell a football manager is over Warframe? jajajaja

  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Romulus93 said:

    See? Already the judgements based on a hypothetical kit. This is why less is more. I don't want people to make judgements about me based on my weapons/frames.

    is not judgement, is logic, a lvl 0 weapon/WF it simply doesn´t have all the things that it could have, is a handicap for a team without asking for it, you could be a penta master but without mods it simply can´t do all the damage

  14. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Romulus93 said:

    That brings up the age old MR debate and skill. A level 0 weapon doesn't show the forma.

    a lvl 0 weapon doesn´t have all the mods that it could have, so that could be a problem, and a under 1 lvl WF doesn´t have all the powers yet, regardless of forma

  15. 11 minutes ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

    How about if it dropped multiple portals, that you determine with your cursor, that you could move around through at will up to a max of say five.  So you could have Portals A, B, C, D, & E.  you could move around them in order of when you placed them.  So whenever you go through A you'd always come out at B, and it'd take you right back to A from E.  thoughts?

    that's a neat idea, but could be difficult to use in combat, maybe a system like the quiver of ivara or the grenades of vauban? hold to place the marks, tap to open/close the portals from your idea, could be used as a extraction system for others and with a ''control'' at hand you could prevent the enemies from using it

  16. 56 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

    They added nitain because they saw a lot of high MR players with only about ~7 on hand with not a lot of nitain items built. I don't think they took in consideration how much we care other than the usual alert hate and that they cant buy outright from the store with plat.

    I did alerts as I saw them and built everything casually quite easily.

    Add nitain packs for plat since there seems to be a market for it.

    you can´t buy it from the market?

    25 minutes ago, MystMan said:

    One way to make Nitain relevant for those who have a lot of it is to have some sort of optional Nitain sink introduced. I'm just throwing out some random ideas here, take these with a grain of salt (no pun intended):

    • craftable cosmetics for our Orbiter (or craftable skins for said cosmetics)
    • fuel to speed up crafting time by a certain %
    • a fun new mini-game that can only be played by paying with Nitain
    • used as a craftable gear item that can be used in battle. Like grenades for example. It's about time we start throwing our own back at them! :crylaugh:

    nitain sink?

    how about melt them with another hard to stock resources (tellurium, oxium) and build plat (nothing crazy like 100, but a 10 pack could be nice) seeing as the sorties drop 3 nitains and with a simple table for the average quantity of alert nitain posible to get they can make some mathgic so you can buy some of the cheap things with a resource without resorting to trades, like slots for example, or maybe outright create slots with that?

    but the grenade idea is something that i love aswell XD

  17. 1 hour ago, Krumplifej said:

    no pls.

    DE will read this, and starts throwing in mechanics like enemies get alerted by seeing corpses, although we only have 5 ways to hide corpses:

      Hide contents

    molecular prime (not sure about this)
    broken scepter

    3 tied to a specific warframe ability, and one needs a quest weapon, and very limited usage.

    Only for making stealth what? More broken?

    correct me if i´m wrong but that is something that TWW added to the game (if i recall correctly from the patch notes)

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