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Posts posted by (PSN)TheZac268

  1. I've been playing around in Captura quite a bit lately and I've found an odd bug while using the Vectis Prime (not sure if this happens with regular Vectis).

    If you aim down the scope, fire a bullet, and immediately activate the free camera everything freezes. Sounds like the normal free cam right? Except you lose all functionality.

    All menus become unresponsive. You can still move the camera around but that's all. Not long after this happens, the entire game will freeze and the only option is to shut down the game and restart it. I've tested with this and I can consistently trigger it the same way every time.

    I have noticed some differences though. The moment in which you were able to activate the free cam can have some weird effects. If you are a little late (like a nano second after the bullet fires) the camera will dart outside of the map into black empty space. You can still pan around in this space but you'll notice the camera is moving at light speed! After you've seen all you can see (which is mostly a blur of the original scene as you zoom past it) the game will eventually crash the same as previously stated. I've only been able to repeat this crazy version of the bug once, as the timing is very hard to get.

    I'll switch to taking screenshots with my Dex Sybaris until further notice ;)

  2. After the Spectres update my game is finally back to normal! No more freezing as my ship begins to load, no more trying to fill the void with other games that are way less fun, no more binging entire series on Netflix because "what else am I going to do while I wait."!! Is it safe to say we can finally move on from these dark times? Has anyone else had any luck?

  3. I now have this issue as well. And just like Riot951, I tried logging into my sister's account on the same PlayStation that mine is on, and hers works perfectly while mine still insists on freezing. Starting to seem like really bad luck as it appears to be only specific accounts having the issue.

  4. I have this same issue as of yesterday. The launcher screen loads fine, but as soon as the second screen loads and I click "Start" it barely loads the inside of my ship and then freezes. I've tried deleting and installing the game twice now and it still does the exact same thing. Still looking for some sort of solution, but you're the only other person I've found with the same issue.

    Edit: Found more people in the Bug Report section, probably a better place to post this.

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