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Posts posted by Bredok23

  1. I always wanted my Valkyr to do her histeria on a gory way and I never liked it when I claw someone with her and...no flying limbs and stuff. Well I studied her abilities and I saw that her damage is distributed evenly between Impact, Puncture, and Slash so I tought that...a Slash damage weapon slice and tear enemies apart..what if I just try and add more to the Slash damage with a maxed Jagged Edge mode on my weapon...Well I tested it and it worked, now my Valkyr tear everything apart in her way when she is in her Hysteria :D

    Its not a big thing but if you too wanted your Valkyr to do her clawing on a bloody way then I glad to help, but if anyone else already figured it out, then just ignor this.

  2. Warframe is a very good and fun game a master piece! I really like crossbows in games and real life too, the Paris and Dread are such awesome weapons I hope they release a crossbow weapon in the game! Maybe it can deal more dmg then the Paris and Dread but its not needed to be charged instead its have slower reload speed like in real life. Its damage can be Armor Piercing damage beacuse its fires a bolt with such power and its penetrate the armor of the enemies. The bolt of the crossbow have faster flying speed than the Paris's arrow. Maybe its have superior zoom capabilities like the Seer has. This crossbow weapon can be an exelent Infested weapon the bolt can be a sharp bone fang maybe. I hope you like it.  (Sorry for my bad english!)

  3. Well last night I finised playing warframe and went to sleep, in this morning I saw the Update 9 is here so I updated the game. I tried to log in and its says to check my info... I writed it right and NO I not used my allias! I used my E-mail. I dont know whats wrong with it any1?

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