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Posts posted by GnarrkTheHunter

  1. When playing as Nyx or Nyx prime on the Plains of Eidolon (plague star and ghoul purge bounties included) with matchmaking turned on and in a group, whenever you cast Chaos only your teammates can see the Nyx Illusions on the enemies and you cannot see a timer for the remaining duration of the ability. This does not happen in any regular missions, as well as going into the Plains of Eidolon solo. (On a related note, do the Ghouls have an interaction for Nyx's passive? As in, can Ghouls be disarmed?)


    Update: It happens whenever I play multiplayer with a full squad on regular missions and planets too.

  2. I've been leveling my Nyx Prime by doing the Plague Star and Ghoul Purge bounties. In normal missions the ability Chaos works as intended, but on the plains whenever I use it the Nyx mind shadows don't appear on the enemies, and occasionally the enemies do not get stunned from the initial cast. I don't yet know if this is the same for Nyx classic. If there is any more information I can provide please ask and I'll tell what I can.

  3. So I've been leveling my Mirage Prime on the Plains of Eidolon through the Plague Star event, and I've been getting some bugs. After about rank 2 (or whatever rank you get your third doppelganger at), when casting Hall of Mirrors I will lose the use of my abilities and be unable to use my melee. Switching weapons and firing guns still works, it's my abilities and any sort of melee attacks that are disabled. This issue goes away after jumping into the water and re-spawning, as well as it resolving on it's own occasionally which will give an inaccurate countdown timer for the duration of the ability. While in some cases when i use the ability all it does is play the animation and lock me out, sometimes while locked out there will be solid clones of Mirage rather than the usual effect they have. These clones will have a sort of high-latency effect,lagging behind whenever I move, turn, and switch weapons. On even rarer occasions these clones with be of regular Mirage without a head rather than Mirage Prime before correcting themselves. I've been leveling a Gilded Zaw at the same time, and after switching to a regular Zaw I am still having the same issues. If there's any more pertinent information I could provide please feel free to ask. I'm close to max rank with my Mirage Prime so this won't be a huge deal in the future for me but I felt like I should report this either way since it's been so reproducible.


    Update: Just did a Nitain Extract Alert on Mars (excavation gamemode), and experienced none of the previously mentioned issues. I used the same Zaw I was leveling earlier and was able to consistently use Hall of Mirrors without problems. This is only a guess, but if the Mirage clones count as entities (like enemies and companions and stuff) then maybe with all of the Grineer and Infested enemies spawning constantly during the Plague Star bounty could be causing issues with the spawning of the Mirage clones. Again, only a guess.


    Update 2: After returning to Cetus and doing another Plague Star bounty, with the same Zaw and Mirage Prime, I discovered that this issue no longer appeared. Just gonna leave this here just in case.


    Also feel free to move this page to wherever it would be more appropriate, I don't really know where gameplay bugs would go

  4. On 2018-04-06 at 7:19 PM, TheRandomDeathGod said:

    H0i :3

    kewl, LoZ bombs?

    Simple question:

    How will the "projectiles" work :I

    As in hitboxes and etc.

    It'll be just, you know, projectiles. Orbs that perform their function when they get close to enemies, and stuff like that.

  5. On 2018-04-06 at 7:10 PM, thepro44443 said:

    also what colors do you want it to be because I know I don't have good color choice on anything.


    Sorry for taking so long to get back. Red white and blue are the first colors to come to my mind, but I'm down with whatever as long as it looks good.

  6. Name: Hwacha (Korean fireworks cannon/ballista(?))


    (Made this idea in about 3 hours while at work, suddenly wondering what would a blast warframe be like and simply following the riptide of inspiration from there)


    This is Hwacha. The Boisterous. The Volatile.

    Hwacha channels his immense energy and colorful nature into his explosives, painting the battlefield with whole rainbows, but leaving it ashen and charred.



    75 Health

    100 Shield

    15 Armor

    150 Energy

    1.15 Sprint Speed

    Polarities: I don't know, most of these stats are an afterthought anyway.


    Increases the range of Blast status procs, causing a wider knockdown. (Was going to be giving throwing secondaries and bows more explosion chance i.e. Concealed Explosives and Thunderbolt, but thanks to my buddy RedMaster531 for this one)

    (Could possibly have either nullifying or taking a flat amount of damage from Blast weapon self damage as well?)


    Ability 1: Roman Candle

    Hwacha fires Heat damage projectiles from the tubes on his arms, in groups of 3/4/5/6 one after the other. The element mods from his equipped secondary are added to his damage, but the Heat damage comes last, e.g. if Cold is equipped to his secondary, enemies take Blast damage, but if Corrosive is equipped they take Corrosive and Heat damage. Strength mods increase damage and status chance(maybe?), Range mods increase projectile range and flight speed, Duration mods and Efficiency mods lower Energy cost, Casting Speed decreases the time between each projectile.


    Ability 2: Sparkler Fountain

    Hwacha places a Sparkler Fountain at his feet, attracting enemies in a range to it. Enemies that get close are primed with gunpowder (Imagine a Nova Molecular  Prime, but without the slow), and explode when killed, with Heat, Gas, Radiation, and Blast damage setting off the explosion immediately. Strength mods increase damage, Range mods increase attraction and explosion range(more on that on Ability 3), Duration mods increase duration, Efficiency mods decrease cost.

    Ability 3: Firecracker Chain

    Hwacha wraps a downed enemy in firecrackers, locking them in a ragdoll state and dealing damage over time to them and enemies around them. They are dragged behind Hwacha, and when they come in contact with the priming range of Sparkler Fountain, an explosion consumes the priming range and spreads more gunpowder to the outer attraction range of Sparkler Fountain. Strength mods increase d.o.t and explosion damage, Range mods increase wrapping range and explosion range, Duration mods increase duration, Efficiency mods decrease cost, Casting Speed increases casting speed.


    Ability 4: Grand Entrance/Grand Finale

    Hwacha has 2 ultimates, depending on tapping or holding 4;

    Tapping: Hwacha sets off the fireworks in his explosives pack, rocketing him forward while launching mortars from his arms. He leaves behind a trail of sparks in his wake, priming enemies with gunpowder as well as having a continuous Heat aura around him. He cannot go backwards, only slow down, as he is constantly rocketing forward. Tapping again will cancel the ability. Strength mods increase damage, Range mods increase projectile range and speed, aura range, and trail width, Duration mods increase duration of the trail, Efficiency mods and Duration mods decrease cost over time.

    Holding 4: Hwacha places down his explosives pack, taking a percentage of his energy and converting it to a proportional number of rockets. These rockets fire in groups of 3/4/5/6, and track nearby enemies prioritizing groups of 2 or more, dealing Blast damage. If placed on top of a Sparkler Fountain, it increases the range of the attraction and priming, stops prioritizing enemies inside the attraction range of the sparkler, and causes enemies to explode if they touch the sparkler itself. Hwacha Cannot use abilities other than Roman Candle and loses his shields, but gains increased movement speed and energy regeneration. Strength mods increase damage, Range mods increase projectile range and speed, and aura range increase when connected to sparkler fountain, Duration mods and Efficiency mods decrease cost per rocket created, Casting Speed increases, well, you know.


    I'm not much of a character designer when it comes to visuals, but I can at least outline some major physical characteristics. I'm thinking similar to Nezha's body type, short and slight, as if it makes sense that he can ride fireworks. There are 3 tubes on each arm opening near the wrists for the mortars and candles to fly from, and his explosives pack consists of 6 tubes each connected to a long piece of metal that curves up Hwacha's back forming a collar-like structure near his neck, connected by a belt near the middle with a buckle in the front. Either his main helmet or an alternate helmet would have something similar to Valkyr's Kara helmet with the cords in the back tied together near the top of the head, but shorter and either appearing to be lit fuses or actually being fuses (perhaps it could be a visual identifier of his held ult duration?). Other than that, something akin to a cheesy Super Sentai/Power Ranger costumer, with bright colors and bold shapes appearing to be a jumpsuit of some sort, and maybe a Sentai style helmet with a visor or no real indication of a face, just a smooth orb with a design on it.


    I do have an idea for the deluxe skin though. I specified 3 tubes on each arm and 6 tubes on the pack SPECIFICALLY for a Chinese New Year themed skin, where each tube is a different animal of the Chinese Zodiac, and his head is the cat (an animal who tried out for the Zodiac contest but lost)


    One more possibility I entertained but couldn't fit in thematically in gameplay but would be cool to have as a cosmetic thing, is giving him 3-5 energy colors to change the colors of his fireworks. There is an issue that would definitely come up with epilepsy and bright colorful explosions, so that may be a bad idea, but I thought it was neat.


    For story I thought what with the coming open-world section of Venus on the horizon, he could be to Venus and their town what Gara was to Cetus, along with him developing his powers using the high amounts of sulfuric acid and nitrogen in the air. Then on his final stand he ends up blowing up himself and all of his attackers, scattering his pieces across Venus.


    Here's a little doodle I made



    That's about all, if anyone wants to contribute or critique, this is my first post on any sort of forum anywhere, so I may or may not touch this again. If I do, I will take your comments into consideration on any edits I may or may not make.


    Explosions are no stranger to the battlefield Tenno, it takes more to make a warrior stop and admire.

  7. So I'm trying to unlock all the nodes on Saturn so I can just deploy extractors for nanospores, and the only nodes left are Pandora and Caracol. First 2 times I played Pandora I was having an incredibly hard time, so I was so glad when I was finally matchmade with someone. We had gotten it down to 1 generator left when all of a sudden the ship dissappeared and all that was left was scattered turrets and randomly spawning explosives. I thought archwing rush was hard but this is just bad. I really hope the arching missions get fixed and rebalanced soon. (BTW I was using a lv 28 Odonata and a maxed Imperator and Veritux.)

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