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Posts posted by Imortist

  1. The gun performs just fine. Put damage % crit chance and damage % in it and you will one shot enemies well... with some elemental mode. Atm Im leveling Vulcar and its on lvl 1 with one ( ! ! ! ) damage mode in it just deals damage and one shots enemies at its level and two shots enemies at higher levels. So stop Q.Q ing and just use the weapon as it was ment to work. Its a SNIPER rifel means you dont run like a crazy monkey in front of the enemy you stay behind the team and cover your teammates. (Im not saying you need to be always behind, personaly, I enjoy running like a crazy monkey with my Vulcar at lvl 18-26 or higher and just to have fun. Yesterday I got 1050 crit on a boss in Void Tower and we were so happy) To sum up Vulcar is a perfectly balanced weapon with huge damage and armor piercing but slow reload and 5 (with mode) bullets in the mag.

  2. Hello. I've been playing warframe for a long time now and sometimes I get confused what I got from this or that mission. Especially after alerts. It doesn't show what I got as a drop. It would be nice to have window in menu mode to check my runs with all the stats and loots I got. That Way it will be easier for players to follow their loot and improove their warframes.

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