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Posts posted by django18

  1. 3 hours ago, bluepheonix13 said:

    As it is calculated differently, they cap out at different values. Peaceful Provocation's bonus caps out at 200% Str giving 30% extra power strength in day form and 80% slow in night form. The Provoke ability (day form) itself gives 20% Str Base and caps at 250% Str giving 50%. This means maximum slow (80%) can be achieved with 200 and maximum power strength (also 80%) with 250. With 200 Str you would have 200% * (20%(Provoke base) + 15%(Peaceful Provocation base)) = 70% Power Strength boost. Hope you understand what I mean. 


    TL;DR: To completely maximize slow and power strength boost you need 250% power strength.

    Ah ok got it now! Thanks for the explanation!


  2. Hey guys!

    So I'm currently optimising my equinox build, but I'm a little bit confused about the percentages on the Peaceful Provocation augment. I'm currently at 195% power strength and my power strength for provoke caps out at +67.9999% power strength while the slow on pacify caps out at 78%. I thought the percentages would be the same for "both" abilites? And how much power strength would I need in order to completely maximise the power strength/slow?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. so, game didnt generate a "countermeasure" BP for me to get rid of the Vor's device...... im basically stuck in my ship.

    I have the same problem, there's no countermeasure BP from darvo, leaving me stuck in the playership

  4. It's there but with lower chance to get it.

    so it's perfectly fine? Have you ever played t1 survival?

    I've done over 30 40min t1 surv to get the paris prime upper limb and i got EVERTHING BUT paris prime parts.

    It's absolutely ridicolous, i get that it's a prime weapon and people have to work for it, but this is just painful....

  5. Hey guys!

    I recently got all the blueprints for nyx and saryn but atm I only have one free slot....

    I know both of them have powerful abilities(chaos, miasma) but i really cannot decide which one I should build.

    I think miasma is one of the most powerful abilities in the game, but chaos can come in handy at higher lvl defense missions.

    So what do you guys think?


    Thanks in advance!


  6. Thanks for the answers guys!


    So rhino seems like a possibilty and I think I'll wait for the alert mission to get Vauban even though his abilities look awesome! So what about Frost, Volt and Mag? I kind of like their powers....

  7. Danke danke, das wiki hab ich schon reichlich durchstöbert haha!


    D.h. für vauban werde ich wohl warten müssen, rhino ist also nicht besonders gut und wie siehts mit frost aus? soll ich mir frost bauen oder lieber void missions für frost prime farmen? Mag und Loki schauen auch ganz nett aus....




    Erfahrungen in mmorpg's hab ich eigentlich wenig, aber Frost, mag und Volt interssieren mich irgendwie. Excalibur hab ich ja schon, ich bin mir aber noch immer nicht sicher, wie gut\schlecht Rhino wirklich ist.



    Saryn schaut von den abilities her bis auf die letzte eher mittelmäßig aus, Volt schaut nett aus und Embers abilities liegen mir nicht so....


    Wie gesagt, Frost, Mag,Volt und eventuell Rhino schauen auf den ersten Blick recht stark aus.

  8. Hi everybody,


    I'm playing warframe for 2 weeks now and I love it. My question is: Which warframe should i build? I only have excalibur at the moment. I have all the rhino parts, but I heard it got hit by the nerfhammer. Is it still worth building him? Also, what about vauban and Frost? And how do actually build Vauban? do you only have to get the blueprint in the market and find the ressources? Can you recommend me any other warframes? I like getting directly into the battle and use powerful abilities.


    Thanks in advance!

  9. hallo zusammen!


    ich spiele warframe jetzt seit ca. einer Woche, mein derzeitiger tenno ist Excalibur, nun will ich mir einen neuen Warframe zusammenbasteln. Ich habe die Blueprints von Rhino, hörte aber, dass dieser relativ stark generft wurde. Ist er wirklich so kaputtgenerft oder zahlt es sich aus, ihn zu bauen? Als Alternative habe ich mir Vauban und Frost näher angeschaut.

    Wie funktioniert das mit den Vauban Blueprints? Wenn ich den Vauban blueprint im market kaufe, brauche ich dann nur noch die ressourcen?


    Danke im Vorraus für die Antworten!

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