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Posts posted by Victory14881

  1. As a PlayStation user I find new UI somewhat inconvinient. Installing mods or choosing a warframe was much easier and faster when it was attached to "hotkeys". The cursor is useless.  Some basic operations now take more actions to do them. I'd like to note that my wish to play warframe has just lessened. Maybe just a little bit but it's true. 


    31 минуту назад, ICFXRS сказал:

    IMHO as a longtime player on PlayStation and Xbox, we console players have come to expect a standard of performance and anything less is unacceptable.   Please remove changes or provide an Off/Disable switch in the next hotfix!

    I'd like to support ICFXRS on that thought and hope that there would be some kind of 'Disable new UI' switch in the next hotfix.

    Thank you!

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