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Posts posted by trainrek

  1. its just the range and speed of the wepons m8. the machety is comicly slow and rather short so hitting fleeing baddies is abit tricky with short and slow wepons. try a great sword or a whip, or a sword whip if it tickles your fancie. but i have also noticed the melee auto target aims a little low. with my chroma swinging down at the mid section on baddies rather them smahing them in there dumb faces for the crunchy splat that i do so desire. but evething splats with the galatine prime so i cant complain.

  2. as a long time chroma main i like what they have done with vex armor yes its alot weaker but it was honestly broken op pre rework/patch. but i have noticed that now that the abilitys is shared with your squad, even tho it could use abit more range 30m ATLEAST. im my opinion. i have noticed people stick near you for that sweet ass damage and armor buff. but vex armor has alway been chroma be all end all ability. with his spectral screem a joke, and his effigy always being lackluster. and his number 2 a personal heal at most if u run a fire chroma witch most ppl dont most ppl like ice for dat sweet armor bonus. i feel like his 4th effigy needs a rework hardcore. cus as far as ultiamte abbilitys go. you could kill more ppl with a hair dryer on the hottest setting. i feel like for his 4th to be any good it needs a damage boost or its damage needs to scale with vex armor's buff. actuly if all chromas abilitys scaled in damage with his vex armor and his vex armor was made to last 60second un-modded. and the energy cost of all his abilitys decreased with his scorn. and damage of all his abilitys increased with fury. he would make a presweet berzerker caster frame. and would add the ability synergie thats not there atm. also if DE. ever reads this as cool as his extra cedit drop chance is becus dragons like to horde gold yadayada. it needs to be boosted so you make a ton of dosh for using him. or change it up its a lame passive. my idea for a passive would be to make it like frost's passive BUT make it do any of the 4 elements to melee attackers AND have it so the passive scale's with vex armor to so without vex armor on it dose 100 base damage of any of the 4 elements and for every 100% of fury boost that damage by 200% so at 300 fury your passive would do 700 of a random element. or somthing cooler them the un-noticleable credit boost im sure other people in the comment will have a better idea for a passive change or boost. also prime chroma already. pretty please.

  3. 13 hours ago, Ziltrex said:

    Would be nice but then we need more number of emote in the menu. The limitation is already there would be nice bypass that and use whatever you want. Like how in other mmos work like in wow or tera-aion etc. /emote/smile for example.

    good luck typing an emote while being shot at, just pick the emotes you like before a mission for quick access.

  4. ii want more emote that are interactive like handshake, help me get this to somewere DE can hopfully see it, this is a list of emote warframe in my opopinon NEEDS, a high five,fist bump,down low with a random chance to be to slow.a hug,a multi person dance that dosent look lame af, rock paper sissors. thumbs up thumbs down the other tenno can choos his response, a middle finger for that one guy,you know the one.and maby a pose, like the ginyu force do in DBZ. just becuse it would be neat for squad screenshots. pls add your ideas and help me get attention so we can maby get to TF2 levels of emote nonsence and make the world and other tenno feel less flat. also if the oporator could pet kubrows and kavats and helminths that would be cool to. also this was copy pasted from my steam discusion after someone told me it would be more likly to be seen here, also any interactive emote ideas you guys have would be cool beans.

  5. On 12/29/2016 at 2:33 PM, Skrewyluie said:

    Why do they have genders? Wouldn't they have developed far beyond the need for reproductive organs being a parasitic creature that spreads through infections? 

    the devs probly will add in size and color difrences and the ability to imprint them so, male and female r probly just for ppl who like to horde all the type's and being that there just mutated kubrows, u could argue that the parasit just kept the embros gender, cus reasons.

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