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Posts posted by (PSN)Green4774

  1. I wish that they wound change Tailwind to a toggle. And activating it puts you in that hover mode. Sprinting while you're in that hover mode would propel you forwards like tailwind is now


    And I wish that air burst would vacuum enemies together from the point of impact

  2. Just a console scrub here, I haven't been able to try the new changes personally yet, but I thought I might throw my hat into the ring with Zephyr while it is still fresh. Complete respect to the developers, but I think Tailwind needs a big change. Before it's change it was pretty hard to control, and I've seen tons of forums and comments on it being hard to control after the changes. When I've played Zephyr in the past my biggest problem with her was that I didn't feel like I was in control of her movement. I would activate the ability then launch, and then try to improvise and course correct in the air and hope I don't crash into a wall. For a frame that is supposed to excel in mobility, it feels clunky. I know that scrapping abilities is something that generally doesn't happen in these revisits, but I think an exception could be made here. Excal had his Super Jump and that was scrapped, there isn't a whole lot of difference between the two.


    I thought of one idea to replace it that I think might be pretty good. Basically when you activate it, you hover in place. (Like what her new charging mechanic does now) It would be a toggle based ability so that you could stay in the air as long as you want. And then when you hold the sprint button you fly off in the direction you're facing (like tailwind) Then letting go of sprint would put you back into hover mode and stop momentum. This would let her stay in the air indefinitely and also let her have more control. Essientally giving her flight, which has probably been the most asked for thing for Zephyr for years.

    Up in the air like that she could guide her tornadoes from a bird's eye view. Hopefully her Air Burst will vacuum enemies together from the point of impact. So she could group enemies together from above, and then have a tornado scoop them up.

    Just the idea I had for her. Thanks for reading

  3. As most of you probably already know from the Dev Workshop, Ember is up for some changes. The goal of these changes were to prevent Ember from wiping out all enemies in a large area before her teammates even had a chance to during lower levels, and also improve the damage that she does to enemies at higher levels. This is definitely something that Ember needs. However the proposed changes will not affect her to greatly. Essentially they doubled her damage, cut her range in half, and doubled her energy cost. The mod Overextended almost completely negates those changes all by itself by almost doubling range and by cutting damage to about half. She will still be able to dominate in low level gameplay, and will still fall behind during higher levels. I think that the best way to balance Ember is to tweak her abilities and add a bit of scaling.


    1. I'll start with World on Fire. It's description says that this is a Damage Over Time ability. But the way it currently performs isn't at all. It seems to either instantly kill in low levels, or do almost no damage in high levels. I think that it should be changed to do reliable damage no matter the level, but also not kill passively. I propose this

    • Reduce base damage of ability to 50
    • Add 2% of an enemies current health 

    The drop in base damage will prevent it from immediately killing low level enemies. The percentage of health, all though low, will drastically increase it's damage against higher level enemies. The percentage is low because of how it can be boosted by Accelerant. The reason that it is a percentage of the target's current health is so that World on Fire will have diminishing returns. This iteration of WOF will allow it's damage to scale up really high, while at the same time being almost non-lethal.It will be a reliable DPS ability that focuses on whittling the health of enemies down while not outright killing them. 


    2.  Fireball. It is an ability that is almost never used. It had identical damage to WOF so there was no real incentive to use it.

    • Keep base damage
    • Add a % of an enemies total health  (say 10%)
    • Maybe add a charging mechanic

    This change is a little different than the WOF change. Going off of total health instead of current health. This way it will have a lot of extra damage and can be used to finish off enemies that are low on health. The idea is that WOF will whittle enemy health down and put them in range of a kill on fireball.


    3.  Accelerant is her Heat buffing ability. It has always been a really solid ability. But due to her 1 and 4 getting buffed with % based damage it might need to be nerfed a bit.

    • Change multiplier to 2+(PowerStrength x .5)
    • Extend the effects to other heat based elements like gas, radiation, and blast

    Accelerant allows Ember to sort of double dip into power strength. Allowing Accelerant to stay at 2.5 would make the percentage based attacks do absurd damage. For example

    100% Power Strength     WOF Deals 2%enemy health.  Accelerant boosts by 2.5 then WOF does 5%

    200% Power Strength     WOF Deals 4%enemy health.  Accelerant boosts by 5 then WOF does 20%

    300% Power Strength      WOF Deals 6%enemy health. Accelerant boosts by 7.5 then WOF does 45% 

    So right now Accelerant affects her abilities almost exponentially. If the multiplier formula changes, then it gets a little bit more reasonable

    100% Power Strength    WOF Deals 2%enemy health.   Accelerant boosts by 2.5 then WOF does 5%

    200% Power Strength    WOF Deals 4%enemy health.   Accelerant boosts by 3 then WOF does 12%

    300% Power Strength    WOF Deals 6%enemy health.  Accelerant boosts by 3.5 then WOF does 21%

    This isn't nerfing the base multiplier of the ability, just the way the ability scales with power strength. While also giving it more versatility with the other elements.


    4.  Fire Blast. This ability has low base damage and leaves behind a ring that doesn't do too much. It does have a knockdown effect that does have it's uses. Due to accelerant getting nerfed a bit with theses changes, it also affects the damage output of this one. A few changes I would recommend would be...

    • Reduce base energy cost
    • Add a charging mechanic to boost damage a bit. (to compensate for Accelerant changes)
    • Charging also affects the range of the ring 
    • Allow the ring to to be effected by range 
    • Enemies inside the ring take damage (currently enemies only take damage from the fire, and are safe in the middle)

    This ability would be more of a crowd control ability and offer some light damage in the ring. Due to having two abilities going off of enemy health, it would be beneficial for her to have at least one ability with flat damage



    All of these changes would help Ember in her role as a Damage/Caster. Her WOF would keep it's range and Crowd Control capabilities, will stop her from dominating low level missions, and will help her damage scale to higher levels. Her Fireball will have much more power behind it allowing it to scale even better than WOF, and creating a sense of synergy between the two. One weakening enemies, while the other strikes them down. Accelerant gets more versatility, at the cost of a lower potential damage multiplier. And Fire Blast gets a few Quality of Life changes.

  4. Since the rework focuses on Undertow the most, I think his abilities need stronger synergies together. This first update for him feels like a very strong step in the right direction.


    Tidal Surge:I think that Tidal Surge should become a toggle ability when used in Undertow. While it is toggled on he would be able to steer and move around more reliably instead of straight-forward bursts. This would allow him to surf around and pick up more enemies.

    Tentacle Swarm:His fourth ability Tentacle Swarm still feels aimless. It should be given a new purpose in dragging enemies to Hydroid inside of his Undertow. When the enemy has been dropped into Undertow the tentacle would dissolve and would search out a new target in the cast radius. Also, if Hydroid is not in Undertow or the cast radius of Tentacle Swarm, the tentacles would drag enemies to the Kraken in the middle where it would do similar damage to Undertow.

    Undertow: Needs some tweaking to its damage and scaling formula.  Also allow for allies to fire into it similar to Nyx's Absorb or Mag's Magnetize. One of the biggest complaints about Undertow is that it shields enemies from allies. New Hydroid is also very energy hungry, reducing the base cost of his abilities while in Undertow could help him out. 

    Tempest Barrage: You got me there. I'm not sure what to do to it. Possibly allow it to add to the DOT in undertow?

  5. My idea for Mag would be to make her Pull act like normal when tapped, but when held it acts similar to the Pull ability from Mass Effect. Levitating the enemy in front of her. From there she can melee it or drop it inside of magnetized. She could also use it as a human shield.

    Magnetize would be the exact same, but ally fire isn't redirected.

    Polarize should strip armor and shields based off of their base value similar to Oberon. But the damage it does should not.

    Her 4th ability I'm not too sure about, but I was thinking something like "Reverse Polarization" This would be a complete change from Crush. It would alter the effects of her other abilities. An enemy being held in front of her would be thrown when activated. Magnetize would collapse in and detonate when aimed at and activated. (She should be able to do this herself without an augment) And when aimed at none of her powers it could give off some light crowd control of some sort.

  6. An alert for constitution appeared on Uranaus on the Grineer Sealab tileset. The mission went normally but by the time I had gotten to where extraction should be there were still 60 or so enemies. I tried to go back but the doors got locked down. Now I'm stuck in the last room with no way to hack a console

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