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Posts posted by G3N3515

  1. What about the Vasto? That seem like a warframe thing? No, well then..... Thor's hammer would fit perfectly in.

    True, but I feel like revolvers are necessary in at least the majority of shooters. But, problem being that's kinda unusual in almost any case, and it'd basically be a Fragor you can throw like a boomerang.

  2. the ability to bang the hammers together and create a shockwave or big blow :) 

    2 hammers sounds like fun


    also maybe a hammer like thor that you can throw and comes back! :D


    Although a Thor's hammer, might be a little unlike a weapon that'd be in Warframe, in my opinion.

  3. Imagine a chainsaw katana.

    Beauty. I'm not talking about a legitimate chainsaw, but like, think of a sword with teeth, basically. It'd be less of a chainsaw though unless it was under constant movement or something, and that'd kinda be unlike Warframe. I'm settling on a toothed sword. 

  4. Eh, I'd like to see something like that, but I'd like to see more guns first personally.

    There are enough melee weapons as it is, but as soon as they begin to expand the amount of weapons of all kinds, it'd be a nice thing to see. 

  5. With Fragor being the only hammer in-game, I'd like to expand out the idea a bit more- presumably, a pair of small hammers-


    The stats though could vary between two ideas I have. It could have a very high attack rate, with moderate to low damage, and of course some other minor advantages/disadvantages added. Or of course, have a slow-ish attack right with higher damage. 


    I know it seems a bit plain at first, but I want to see some other ideas to make the weapon a bit more.... different?

  6. I'm in the process of getting a new Warframe. I've finalized between the two, Nyx and Ember- and I want to know what Warframe would be generally better to use overall. Which one would be easier to use and level up quickly, to do high damage or support my team when it's needed, etc etc.  I know it's hard to finalize what Warframe is best overall, but I just want to see everyone's opinion so I could get a new warframe to 'replace' my Volt warframe. 

  7. My FPS isn't a thing I have problems with often, if not at all. But I have no experience with coding and the matter so I guess I'll cling to hoping they fix it, or I'll just have to plain up deal with it. Thanks for letting me know, otherwise.

  8. As minor as this problem is, it can be pretty annoying to me- intended or not for the game. Especially when I'm trying to rush to extraction.

    I'm pretty sure every time I sprint up stairs (or use the speed power with my Volt warframe) it'll just stop me in place so I can't move.

    Minor as it is, maybe even a quick thing to fix, but really, after a while of running from those 300000 Grineer soldiers running behind your back, occasionally totally kicking your &#!, sprinting up the stairs and coming to a sudden hault so you're an easy target can become a little frustrating until we have to move our poor little thumbs to press the space bar so we can actually start moving up the stairs again.

    Not sure if it's just me who has this stair glitch where I'm sprinting and come to a sudden hault upon reaching halfway up that flight of stairs. (ramps included) Because it can be annoying or a waste of power when using, say, speed for Volt. Anyone else who has this problem, let me know so I'm not alone.

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