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Posts posted by Charlemane

  1. Dear DE,

    PLEASE give us a faster way of cracking relics. I don't care if I can dissolve them for traces/endo or whatever, because as it stands it will take me more than 16,175 hours of playtime to crack every last one of them assuming an average mission time of 5 minutes per relic, which is more than five times the number of hours I have actually played your game.


    • Like 5
  2. As a dojo owner and decorator, I would like visitors to see the welcome message in my drydock.

    Issue: Note beacons are invisible while looking at them from inside the railjack.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Place a note beacon (platinum deco) within the visual cone of the railjack. in front of the center entrance.

    2. Enter the railjack.

    3. The note beacon decoration is missing.


    STSR clan dojo, Drydock with decorations at capacity.

  3. Would it be possible to get the Tactical Avionics placed on a hold switch? That way if you hold the designated key while you are piloting, you can activate a tactical avionic without going to the Tactical Map. As it is, it's stupid clunky if you are flying and you end up burning 4 to 5 seconds of your 10 second ability just because you had to fight with the interface. For example, holding down the ALT key lets you press 1 to activate a tactical avionic instead of a battle avionic.

    • Like 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Not a bug, but it is a confusingly labeled cosmetic decoration.

    From a QA standpoint this kind of confusion would qualify as a bug.
    To clarify, there is a mismatch of expectations. You have players who are investing several days worth of standing (weeks, at lower ranks) and dropping this on a console that should offer access to simaris' offerings but instead just sits there doing nothing useful. This conflicts with the ludoplex decoration that allows players to actually interact with it. That said, the tech is already there, they just need to hook it up.

    Three ways they could tackle this issue.
    1. Just add the ability to access simaris' offerings from the decoration. (match expectations)
    2. Change the title and description of the decoration to not confuse players. (change expectations)
    3. ignore it. (aggravate expectations)

  5. Use Case: As a player, I frequently donate my personal decorations to my dojo so that I can use them with style

    Expected result: 
    Placing the orbiter decoration inside my dojo would allow me to access simaris' offerings from inside my dojo, similar to the Ludoplex.

    Actual result:
    Cannot access Simaris' offerings from the console I placed in my dojo.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Spend 75,000 standing on an offerings console.
    2. Donate the console to the dojo.
    3. Place the console somewhere inside the dojo.
    4. Access the console.

  6. Argument for change:

    The current PvP system feels disconnected and has little to nothing to do with the main game. You can play nearly the entirety of warframe without ever batting an eye at it, and there is no real benefit for participating aside from mods you can't use in PvE, and player cosmetics that I've never seen anyone wear. Granted, the fact that you don't have to play it is by design, and there would probably be a royal S#&$storm if it became a gate for progression.

    However, this is not to say that it is bad. I've actually had a lot of fun playing the PvP aspect of it, despite the lack of incentive. Maybe this comes from being at the maximum rank with nothing else to do other than walk in circles in my orbiter or decorate my 100 room solo dojo (or walking in circles in said dojo), but it's a refreshing change of pace for me. So there, I've said it. I actually like conclave. Wow. Or at least I like it when I'm not waiting five minutes for someone to actually play it. I think there is a lot of unexplored potential there, but that's a different conversation. Rather, I'd just like to open discussion on what might be some better ways to encourage more people to try the mode out and or make it part of their regular play time. So here's what I am proposing:

    If you want to get more people playing Conclave, especially in the mid to late game, tie Conclave to a resource that you can use to augment the existing game loop.

    No gates, no mandatory requirements, just a fun little modifier that may add some perks and/or make a few lives easier. 

    Change in detail:

    Let's say we take an already established, lore friendly resource that is collected during Conclave but really, only symbolically, 'Oro'. In PvP matches you collect Oro as your scorecard. Generally speaking, the more Oro you collect, the more skilled you are either actually playing Conclave, or at least at using whatever meta-cheese weapon currently works best for the mode (or you are just very good at swooping in and stealing it). First part of this change, give that Oro to the player who collects it.

    1. Oro resource:

    Instead of just being some lore based mcguffin, make it tangible. Track it, give it an achievement, whatever, but add it as a collectible, spendable resource, and one that is relatively easy to get even if you don't have a high degree of skill. Give away bucketloads of the stuff. Did they complete a match? Awesome. Give 'em some Oro. Did they not do so well? Give 'em some Oro anyway, but a minimum amount so that they can still progress toward better mods/cosmetics. Did they finish first? or were they avatars or death and destruction? Give 'em a lot more Oro. Did they not move at all during the match with no inputs whatsoever? Give 'em nothing because they're probably afk farming. Point is, this resource should be easy to acquire, and moreso if you try harder to acquire it. It need not only be for deathmatch either. Did your team win? Super. Winning Side gets more Oro over the base minimum, plus rewards for assists and kills. Reward accuracy, reward lethality. Reward a lot of S#&$.

    So great, lots of a useless resource. Now let's do something with it.

    2. Spend Oro to augment pve missions.

    In the spirit of the conclave, a Tenno should challenge themselves to achieve newer and greater heights. A type of mission modifier already exists for arbitration modes and the new disruption mode, so this would be in a similar vein, but it would have to be something that players want. For this I want to break down a player's wants into two categories, conveniences, and challenges.

    A convenience improves QoL for a player by giving them something that they would not otherwise  have through a different mechanic.

    A challenge mixes up usual gameplay for something more difficult, the carrot being the player gets a more desireable reward, or a boon.

    Here are a few examples that I would personally love to see.

    Conveniences: (all conveniences require you to spend Oro)
    Reduced mission timers - Spend Oro to progressively turn that survival timer from 5 minutes to 4, 3, or even 2.5 minutes instead of the default timer.
    Extra garrison - Increase the number of enemy spawns or their spawn rate by 1.5X, 1.75X, or 2X- Great for farming resources.
    Rotation skip - Start a reward rotation at ABC, BC, or even C.
    Void instability - Void fissues start appear during the mission, allowing you to earn void traces passively.
    Advertising - Higher chance of invasion by marks.

    Challenges: (challenges grant boons, which I'll outline after this.) Challenges are free.
    Hard targets - increase enemy levels by 25, 50, 100.
    Elite training - increase enemy accuracy by 100, 150, 200%
    Ohgodno - more nullifiers
    The floor is lava - Take nonlethal health damage while grounded
    Nightmare - Add any of the nightmare mode modifiers.

    Boons: boons are locked behind challenges.
    Decreased Oro cost for conveniences
    Higher level item drops such as more meso, neo, or axi relics.
    Rare enemies spawn more often.

    The new game loop:
    Players can opt out of Conclave with no ill effects.
    Players that opt into Conclave earn Oro
    Earn more Oro for doing well or playing better in Conclave.
    Oro can be spent to make life (easier) / (harder but more rewarding).
    Balance boons/conveniences to consume Oro faster than it is generated (much like void traces).

    This approach encourages use of Conclave matches without mandating it; provides tangible, desirable benefit to the player often in the form of saved time; and does not step on existing boosts available for platinum (e.g. resource boosters are even more beneficial with more, higher level enemies).

    Your thoughts and your own ideas are welcome.

    • Clan name STSR
    • Clan tier : Ghost
    • Clan Platform : PC
    • Your Clan Role : Founding Warlord and sole architect/contributor

    Entire Album in no particular order: https://imgur.com/gallery/1NEkQJO

    Hoo boy! Okay so this is going to be quite the list as there's a lot in my dojo that I need to show off. But for starters, an introduction.

    I'm Geritz, I go by Charlemane on PC and I am the founding warlord of STSR. I've been around since about beta, and my clan was started just after DE released the new dojo tileset. I started seriously decorating about a year back when I saw a prime time that featured another ghost clan who had taken to doing some crazy insane builds in their dojo and I wanted to do the same. I love showing this place off, and if I'm online, pm Charlemane to get an invite if you want a guided tour. And before you ask, yes. I did all this by myself. Anyway, here we go.

    Spawning Room: Community Center, Tennogen Bar and Grill, Ayatan Space Dragon.

    Tennogen Bar and Grill


    The Tennogen Bar and Grill


    The Tennogen Bar and Grill - Bar view


    There's a lot I love about this little place. I was practically giddy when I saw the fans added to the decorations list so I had to add them here. This is part of the first room that people see when they visit the dojo. The bar is stocked with various items, as well as kegs of various substances hidden just behind the counter. The grill comes complete with a big screen TV, fans, a cash register, standing tables, pay phones, and even a little arcade game for bored tenno. After a long trading session I added the posters on the window in the same vein that you would see diners put up pictures of their customers or current stage events. Personally I have a love/hate relationship with the lighting in this game. Thanks to my color choices and the cast shadows this comes out a little dark, but I can't help that. All this sits next to the trading post and treasury (not pictured).

    Ayatan Space Dragon



    Not the visitor I had in mind...


    Dragon Forward View


    This guy is the most recent addition to the place. He sits across from the bar and is one of the first things that people see when they visit to give them a general idea of what they're getting into. There's a lot of fine details on this thing that are hard to point out in these pictures, and a lot of those details are still spawning in. It's going to look awesome when it's done, but I wasn't about to wait the rest of the time I needed in order to get a finished shot. This guy ate up the last bit of capacity I had to spare in the community center, so he's the last piece for this area.


    Observatory 1: Council of Elder Gods



    Council Concept Art View




    Sacrificial Altar to AyaTom.


    While the bar was my first project, this was my first really huge project, and it's a two-parter. Ignore the spider for now, there will be more on that a little later. I was really inspired by one clan's use of the observatory as an art piece and I wanted to do the same. I don't know if I achieved the same level of artistry, but I'm happy with how it turned out. The inside of the observatory hosts three gods watching over the solar system and deciding the fates of mortals. I built this part first, wanting to do something with the orokin props that was interesting. The bushes at the bottom of the staircases were a pain to place. Outside is the altar, on the teleporter network it's labeled as Sacrificial Altar and teleporting there will drop you dead center between all the worshipers and Tom. The lights are oriented so Tom is staring directly at you when you port in. Fun stuff, little creepy.


    Club Tenno



    Club Tenno From Above


    2nd Floor Balcony, Side view


    Dance Floor and Sound Stage


    The View from the Stage

    7YiX23Z.jpgThis was my first truly gigantic build. I wanted to do something with the largest clan hall but it was difficult trying to find a workaround for the huge balcony in the center. This is what I settled for. The club is complete with a sound stage, dance floor, side seating, and even the AV booth where the sound tech stands during a performance. there's a wet bar on the second floor, poles for dancers, a little VIP section on the top floor and a catwalk that surrounds the entire room to give a better view of the giant dragon skull. (I like dragons, okay?) I can't even begin to estimate how many resources I dumped into building this room. It's nothing compared to the next one however...


    The Spider's Nest



    Bit of an infestation problem...


    Better view of nest


    THIS. WAS. A. MONSTER. There is only one special effect in this room. Building this was both fun and an exercise in patience. The web was built up section by section, and the spiders were built as I found time to create them. The giant spider in the middle was the first one to go up, and from there the project grew out of control. All of this was inspired by the icon that my friend made for me for our dojo. This is probably the most shock value I get out of my dojo next to a feature I'll cover a bit later. I love the responses I get when visitors see this place. 


    Walk of Leaves


    Walk of Leaves


    I have to admit I'm happy with how the lighting turned out...
    PJiGvXG.jpgLeading the way back to the 2nd floor elevator, I wanted to do something the long corridor clan hall that involved greenery, well red-ery in this case. I'm super happy with how it turned out. Originally the idea was an upside down garden, and I really wanted to break the dimensions of the room because of how boxy it all felt. I used the bridges as a base support for the terrain to sit on while I built up the cylinder and went from there. I love the lighting here. It wasn't intentional, and I couldn't see it until it finally spawned in, but when it did I was pleased with the result. I put all of this portion up before we got the new nature decorations, and when I saw the butterfly special effect I knew exactly where it would be going.


    Sea Cave Tunnel



    It's okay! there's a grate to keep the leak in check!


    blub blub...
    FobVjBr.jpgThis room was fun. It's directly connected to the 2nd floor elevator so it's the last thing you see before going up. I wanted to do one of those walk through aquarium things, but due to a lack of animated fish I settled for an underwater cave section instead. I used the new natural rocks to form the framework for all of it, and I like how it turned out. Next floor...


    Venus Room


    Or, me abusing the decorator tool to get a better screenshot.


    Other side of room
    I5gagim.jpgI really, really wanted to do something with the new rocks when they were added with the nature patch. This is the result. This room needs a centerpiece, and there used to be a tree there, but it was too big and obstructed too much of the room to be practical. This room is a little off the road on the 2nd floor though so I tend to skip it if I'm short on time for the tour. Eventually I'll be putting more stuff in here, but until I'm done with observatory 3 it's staying as is.


    Statue Foyer



    Might need a bit of a trim...


    2nd floor view.

    This is the trophy room. I keep all the trophies (not many I assure you). Stashed in the side while I let the nature go to hell. There are waterfalls around the area to make it look like whole area was under a lake and caving in. Fun.


    The Hangar


    My favorite room.


    Back view of Hangar Tower Control

    Grineer Knockoff Railjack8DEwZBm.jpg

    Full Hangar


    Cargo Control room

    Why yes, in fact you CAN go inside!

    Hatch Controls

    Cargo Storage

    The Bridge! albeit without power...
    kWmqdnp.jpgI love this room. I love everything about this room. This is technically the second observatory installed in my dojo, and it's the one I've spent the most time on. I wanted to build a hangar after seeing the Railjack segment from Tennocon, and I'm super excited for it. So excited I couldn't wait. This room houses a Hangar control tower, a complete loading bay with cargo control room and cargo ramp, and of course grineer knockoff railjack, or as I like to call it, the GKR showstopper. This thing is huge. The hangar is huge, and I spent literally all the cap in the room building up all of it. I love how it turned out, minus the unfortunate side effects of the lighting engine. some of these pieces are completely black because these props are in a space they were never meant to be. Can't be helped. Still super impressive, however. It's my next to last stop on my tours usually.


    The Galaga Star Lounge


    The end of the line

    Featuring a dead feature!
    gXjXnRV.jpgThere's a bit of a story on this room. this is technically standing above my clan's orokin lab, which before the days of the armistice could be used to build solar rails. No more. When a solar rail was being built this skybox would rotate in front of the orokin lab where the doors would open up, but since the armistice that became impossible. the only way to see this now is to jailbreak the room using a platform like a kuva barrel and switching into the decorator tool. I used every inch of capacity for this build. I like how it turned out, and the story behind it is usually what I finish the tour with



    And that's it! That's the whole tour! My dojo is constantly under construction with new projects, and I love showing people around. PM me in game if you want to take a look around or have a tour or look for my dojo tour call in the PC trading chat. I don't even care if I place tbh, but I hope to see more visitors soon!

    • Like 2
  7. Expected Behavior:

    Power throw adds punch through to my throw, as described on the mod.

    Actual Behavior:

    Punch through cannot be confirmed, but my glaive explodes in my face at the end of its flight time especially in close quarters. I didn't ask for this...

    The power throw mod will add the explosion that occurs when you activate channeling to the end of a throw attack regardless if you channel or manually activate it with E.

    If this behavior is expected, it is not listed in the mod's description.

  8. Excepted Behavior:

    When I throw a glaive at a target, either with a secondary weapon equipped or without,
    And my glaive passes through the target,
    Then I will hit my target.

    Actual Behavior:

    The Falcor will pass through and/or bounce off a target without ever registering a hit in any direction of a throw. The effect seems more pronounced when the primed reach mod is removed. Frequently reproducible.


    Tested on Adaro Exterminate with:

    Glaive: Occasionally has this problem.

    Glaive Prime: Works as expected, target is usually hit when the glaive passes through or bounces off the target.

    Falcor: Frequently misses a target that the mesh passes through, flight is unpredictable due to the homing mechanic. When throwing directly at a target, the target is not struck or the glaive passes completely through the target without causing damage. This is a problem.

    Cerata: Always bounces off a target regardless of the throw. Occasionally deals no damage.


    Equinox [Enemy Radar(5), Cunning Drift(5), Overextended(5), Constitution(3), Augur Reach(5), Augur Message(5), Primed Continuity(10), Fleeting Expertise(5), Calm&Frenzy(5), Stretch(5)]

    Pyrana Prime [Convulsion(5), Suppress(3), Lethal Torrent(5), Riven(8){+Crit,+Slash, +Toxin, -CorpusDam}, Barrel Diffusion(5), Primed Pistol Gambit(10), Primed Target Cracker(10) Hornet Strike(10)]

    Falcor [Gleaming Talon(3), Primed Pressure Point(10), Riven(8){+Heat, +Melee, -Critical Slide}, Vicious Frost(3), Shocking Touch(5), Primed Fever Strike(8), Primed Reach(10), Drifting Contact(3)]

    See attached video.


    The effect seems more pronounced without the range mod equipped and is reproducible on a number of different glaives. It may have something to do with a throw or charged throw modifying the weapon range.'


    Link to video demonstrating the bug.

  9. Expected Behavior:

    Push/Pull results in the object being pushed away or pulled closer within reasonable bounds.

    Actual Results:

    Push/Pull snaps the current object to a distance of about 30m in front of the camera, and then disallows pulling an object closer than that.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Select an existing object.

    2. hold X to activate push/pull mode.

    3. Move the mouse slightly.

    4. The object will snap to a distant minimum distance.

  10. Expected Behavior:

    Constrained movement allows moving an object in both directions.

    Actual Behavior:

    Constrained movement only allows moving in one direction if the movement passes through another object.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create an object and fund it.

    2. Create a second object and fund it.

    3. Select the first object and then using constrained movement pass it through the other object.

    4. The object you are moving now only moves in one direction.

  11. With the recent addition of the Dargyn as a vehicle you can commandeer, I've noticed that the controls are far and above better than that of the archwing. There is no bs flight assist, no bizarre flight ceilings, and the craft itself just feels like a vehicle. Contrast this to the archwing, which is difficult to control at best, and thanks to the flight assist, makes flying in a straight line on the plains of eidolon completely impossible (which I find baffling).

    Is there a team looking at the archwing mechanics or any planned changes in the near future?

  12. 45 minutes ago, AandOE said:

    Ammo. My current sniper gun range means that running it more than once is impossible, because ammo counts still exist. If getting rid of ammo entirely is unfeasible, then having Cetus' ammo dispensers would help. Especially since I'd like to do more than just one range in a room.

    Specialty walls/floors/ceilings: Not sure if this may work, but place a wall spawner at one point, and a connected wall ender at another point. All space between the two would be filled in with the generic wall pattern. Sizing would still work for width and thickness, but the length would remain as is. This would help facilitate things like long gun ranges and the sort, as well as the strange boundary line for the red no-go barrier.

    Red Barrier: This is great for making Warframes unable to pass, but Operators can go right through them. Perhaps a glowy green barrier that acts as a Red Barrier+, to prevent both Warframes and Operators from going through? There might even be another color, that allows just Warframes through.

    Got it, thanks!

  13. 10 hours ago, Arcira said:

    Some things I´d like to add:

    Not a specific obstacle curse problem but object rotation/orientation should be seperated from the cam angle. Placing objects can be quite tricky.

    When leaving the curse your are randomly spawning somewhere in your dojo. The enter and exit point via console should be the same and leaving with "esc-> return to dojo" should spawn you in your dojo spawn room.

    A little bit more stuff like traps from the orokin tileset (Icefloor, moving blocks, etc.).

    Also a lot of decos don´t have size scalings.

    Edit: for some reason you can´t use "2" (place another x) while amin on anotherobject

    The direction of axi rotation depends on wether you are doing it on ground in midair (surface snapping mode). That´s a bit confusing

    After failing a run you are immune to traps for few seconds if you enter the curse immediately

    Got it. Filed some of the suggestions under a new bug section.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    I also just noticed that there is a Max of 6 checkpoints... I'm half way into my Course and I've used them already, otherwise you could just skip major parts of the course... I'm not sure how else to force a player to not skip a section to save time without them.


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