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Posts posted by swordslayer

  1. Here's my 2 cents. 

    My favorite is Hydroid prime. I've seen inaros mentioned, and he's really good too because u can get over 6k health on him. But... When running solo, you have to be able to take out enemies one on one and as hordes. Mesa is one frame I haven't played with, but ik enough about it to say it's a boss killer. And ok at hordes. But here's how I see Hydroid as being one of the best solo/all around frames.

    Here is Hydroid primes first qualifier: I just ran the first 2 missions of a sortie solo with it. An ext and a spy. I ran the arca plasmor and gram as heavy. Arca plasmor with a radiation build, doing close to 12k rad dmg with No forma. Arca was one shot killing almost everything on the first mission, ext, and only big bosses on the second mission, spy, took more than 1. Now, hydroids powers are:

    1. A meteor shower of water bombs that knockdown and damage enemies in AoE. Can hold and charge up to increase dmg/effect area. This ability is SWEET if you have a melee with high finishing damage. Enemies are constantly knocked down and you can spam finishing strikes. Not boss killer but good at everything else bc of finishing dmg capability. 

    Ability 2: water rush. Basically, blast urself forward, damaging, knocking down, or even killing enemies in ur path. U can't be knocked down during this and is a nice way to extricate urself if caught in lots of enemies and can't get out normally. 

    Ability 3: melted butter pool. Basically u become a pool of water on the ground. U can't get hurt, and u can move so ever slowly around the ground towards enemies or plant urself in a path and let them run over u. An enemy enveloped in ur pool is damaged as long as they stay in ur puddle of ur frame. You can then activate ur 4th ability, tentacle swarm, that then spawn out of only ur puddle. So as ur a puddle u can use ur tentacle swarm ability as well for increased damage. 

    4th ability: tentacle swarm. You can charge this ability to create a larger AoE with increased # of tentacles. More tentacles More enemies they can trap. Enemies that run into the tentacles are caught and flung about while being dealt relatively massive dmg. They can't shoot. They cant melee. They can only be flung about while u laugh at their stupidity for being caught and getting the loot as they die. I can run a interception mission (lvl 20 Enemies or so) solo and hold 3 plates because on one I use tentacles swarm. Other I use the water meteors, and the last I clear with weapons, and I continuously just run between each plate killing mobs, keeping plate at 100%, then go to next plate and reset all abilities. 

    So first qualifier is he can run higher missions solo (as my sortie ext and spy prove). Second is he can control mobs super well. Third is he allows you to play missions solo that normally would be very difficult, near impossible without at least 2 players. Sort of 4th, he can become invicible like limbo by going into a puddle (which honestly has a very slow energy drain while active) while still being able to deal decent damage, which is increased when casting tentacle swarm too. I have just a flow mod and have max 450 energy rn. With zenerick focus group u can spam abilities forever. 

    Here's downsides in my mind: somewhat lower health and shield than some other warfraness. With max reg vital, redirection, and vigor, I'm at 1500 shield and about 870 health. U gotta watch that health bar sometimes. Doesn't run very fast too. However, bc of his tentacle swarm ability, if u need a rest from enemies, I can find a dead end hallway, run to one end and put tentacles at door or far end. No one will be able to hurt u if placed properly and u can regen shields or health if u have aura for health. 

    Ik that's a lot and I apologize for length, but no one's done very detailed reasons why they like theirs better, so there's mine. I've played with about half the frames out there and Hydroid is by far my favorite. Thanks

  2. I want a straight up, simple, back to the basics double edged sword. Pure hard, cold metal, none of the fancy stuff on the rest of the swords and stuff. I'm not syain the other sword melees are bad, I have several and love them, the gram, the galatine, nami solo, jaw sword, and I love them all, but a old style, straight, double edged, 2 handed sword i think would be a great addition. Please Warframe ADD!!!

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