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Posts posted by vladimmi

  1. 7 минут назад, -AoN-CanoLathra- сказал:

    Which, while it isn't so hard on Keyboard and Mouse, it is absolute torture on a controller.

    Console players have no automatic rifles (or maybe shotguns) or something with large area damage? Isn't it possible to do with two consecutive shots to the same point - one destroying Dargyn and another one killing pilot?

    Always thought "challenge" should be challenging.

  2. Just return to the clan dojo until you have all available there stuff built and ranked up. As for the ranking itself - defense missions like Saturn-Helene or Sedna-Hydron are best places to go. And you can use affinity booster to make it even faster.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Fiftycentis said:

    you can use volt's shields, limbo's cataclysm, loki's radial disarm+decoy, full range bastille vauban

    instead of frost snow globe, or a full range/duration rhino, there are many ways to get rid of enemies in those type of mission that don't involve a frost, vs infested there are even more ways to stop them, ember 3rd, nezha 1st

    ...full-range banshee's ult, ember's ult, nyx's ult, mesa's ult with trinity (to recharge energy fast)... looks like any warframe with ranged aoe will work.

  4. 1) You can buy scan improvement from Simaris and get unlimited scans.

    2) Helios weapon is very powerful afaik. Maybe the most powerful of all sentinels. But I still prefer Carrier :)

  5. 4 minutes ago, divinebladegod-true said:

    но я уже написал модерам форума и админам Megan Drew Vladimir я думаю что хоть один из них должен помочь хоть как-то


    Дальше, видимо, только ждать. И восстанавливать доступ к почте, само собой.

    PS: [DE]Rebecca - коммьюнити-менеджер, можно еще ей попытаться написать.

  6. 2 minutes ago, k222222 said:

    Знаешь. Меня забанили за слабый пк( бан был вчера). У меня постоянно пропадает коннект с людьми и я не мог загружаться к ним, так после  позовчерашнего или вчерашнего патча меня забанили. Я влил по последним подсчетам 59к рублей, потратил кучу времени и т.д. а в сапорте пишут что я читирил=)  Это же норма для ДЕ. Мы не будем банить аккаунты людей которые играют с читами на кислород и стоят по 10 часов на выживаниях на 1-3 ранге, а забанем фаундеров и т.д. за просто так) 

    Влил 59к на донат, но не смог проапгрейдить ПК? Конечно, виноват саппорт!..

    По теме: можно попытаться написать в приват через форум коммьюнити-менеджерам, посетовать на бездействие саппорта в течение такого длинного срока и постоянные ответы бота. Но нужно владеть английским минимально.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Azlen said:

    And the game never even tells you where to get his parts, which is beyond stupid. I'm a wikiholic so it didn't matter to me but still. Everything involving acquiring Nidus has been poor game design.



    Anyway, his quest is the most boring quest in game (the only one worse, imo, is Atlas quest) so it's better to buy it than Inaros. Just as topic title said, there is no choice :)

  8. OK, so I went to Simulacrum to show how easily Bombards can be handled. Video (did fast so sorry for the taskbar etc):

    This is not a guide or anyway example how to act. I've used Valkyr because it's one of the most agile warframes and while it has immortality with 4th ability or incredible 2nd one, I've not used them as intended. This Valkyr has VERY BAD build - it doesnt even have a reactor installed, so Warcry is not as efficient as it can be. You can see how many times they hit my health or knocked me down. With proper builds and skills you just dance moving fast from one enemy to another killing them one by one.

  9. 2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Which is not the topic.

    Topic is "remove one-shots", my opinion is "no, they should be to cause at least something dangerous to players and because they are easily avoidable". That video just proofs possibility to handle bombards of anything high level. See no reason why you try to go offtopic and discuss other mechanics like units FOV or missiles behavior.

    Additionally, I cant see anything bad for space ninjas to constantly run (did you ever seen lazy ninja sitting in the center of enemy pack?) or use tools to protect themselves (Frost sphere, Volt shields, etc).

    13 minutes ago, Vicious_Vipa said:

    I did the Survival Sortie day before yesterday with Volt against Corpus. These enemies are NOT level 200 of course.

    After getting one shotted many times I had to realize that the only possible way was to hide in a corner behind my shields (making a mind-note NOT to ever use Volt in such a mission again).

    Sure, because that's the one of the ways that frame should be used. You should learn their abilities, pros and cons and choose suitable so if you prefer another style - use another warframe. Possible use of Volt can be melee build with usage of acceleration. Adding Naramon focus school will even make you absolutely invincible.

  10. 6 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Why would you want to discourage them is beyond me.

    Because I see no broken mechanics behind being one-shotted by one top type of faction units. Bugs with animations and similar - sure, to fix. Powerful enemies that can cause real danger to players - no, they should exist because general mission level is way too casual now.

    UPD: same way one can ask to neft Corpus Nullifiers because they are way too overpowered - absolutely immune to any enemy abilities and cannot be one-shot with any players weapon.

  11. 1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Any reason you want to have missiles flying after you making 360 turns?

    Why not? After all, you can shot it (in theory, never did it myself, probably), you can hide from it behind obstacles, etc.

    2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Any reason you want enemies to point their gun at you when you are behind an obstacle?

    Because they can hear you? Because they use technologies like radars and so on to detect you?

    3 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Any reason you want enemies to deal damage before the shot animation is played and you are the host?

    Agree, nothing to say.

    3 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Any reason you want enemies being able to shoot in 360 fov no matter which direction they are facing?

    That enemy can be drone with 360-degree sensors, psyonic with extra abilities or soldier using some tech to detect enemies nearby - same way you can see enemies marks on your radar and even analyze their warning level.

  12. 1 hour ago, Vicious_Vipa said:

    EVERY frame is squishy against a level 200 Bombard.  There it doesnt matter anymore if you are Banshee or Valkyr with Steel Fibre on.

    Nope, because you can be invisible, you can disable or kill bombard before he shots you, you can keep them far away, you can block their shots with shields... Any reason you should be able to just stay in place and be alive under heavy damage?

    There are players who want the reverse. There should be more hard enemies, more challenging locations with great rewards because sorties are not so hard and raids are more boring than challenging. Why top available planets have enemy levels so low so, for example, Sedna interceptions are full of players with just built warframes/weapons to rank up?

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