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Posts posted by GazeK

  1. 1) Whenever I get host migrated in an Index run and get placed into a separate session, enemies stop spawning. Once the timer runs out due to not being able to get any points from non-spawning enemies, there is no Mission Failed or Victory screen and you are eternally stuck in an empty Index arena. Last time it happened was a few days ago (have been lucky enough to not get host migrated since then) so I can't remember if you can even abort the mission through the Esc menu or if that doesn't work either.

    2) Whenever I am in an Index match and I stay invested while the rest of the team extracts, I am stuck with the view you get when the Index first starts (camera viewing the banking console or the score board while the cephalon talks). Mind you that the match seems to be running while the frame is stuck, because I somehow got killed by a Nemes. When I got killed, there was no respawn countdown and I was eternally stuck watching my corpse lying on the ground. Aborting through Esc menu wasn't an option and I had to Alt+F4. This happened twice in a row before I figured I can't afford losing another 50k and had to extract along with the others.

    These two bugs combined have cost me 400k credits. It's like Glast Gambit all over again, except this one isn't an intentional feature (I hope).

  2. This happens to me too... a freaking lot! 90% of the time when I try to join a squad for a mission (play a mission with my matchmaking set to public in general) it starts host migration right off the bat as soon as the mission starts! I am forced to play solo because of this, but hell even in solo mode the game crashes sometimes. This game was fine for a while, but lately, it has become broken as hell. It has come to a point where I rage quit 90% of the time I play this and I play EVERY SINGLE @(*()$ DAY!

    This game is like a guilty pleasure for me, despite being so broken and crashing a lot, I still love. DE, fix this crap, don't make me regret at the time I have invested into this game.

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