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Posts posted by SnipingZero

  1. I've posted a longer version of this response to TwiceDead in another thread:


    Volt is on the same scale when it comes to Corpus.   Ember is on the same scale when it comes to Infested.

    I guarantee you I can clear rooms that would explode to a Molecular Prime using a Volt, Ember, Mag, Rhino, or Banshee nearly or equally as effectively.  Once MP stops being able to room clear due to monster level, all those other frames would fall off in amazingness too.

     It's true. You can do that with Ember or Volt, except for the fact that those 2 frames have a particular enemy to rely on for the effectiveness of their ulti AND that they are way more exposed to damage when they activate it. Try to stay with a volt without any cover floating in the air during a storm of dera bullets hoping your power will kill every corpus in time or to throw yourself into a horde of infested with your Ember's ulti activated when it can hit just 3 enemies at a time. 


    Those are all excuses and if everyone of you keeps saying that Mprime is not OP it's just denying what's most obvious. But it could be just as simple as it sounds and as it looks: just reduce it's base range and it's done. The craziest thing in that ulti is that it can cover almost a whole defense map and oneshot a lvl 50-60(by the new dmg 2.0 scaling) wave in the blink of an eye. That RUINS any gaming experience in this game. It's undenyable.

  2. I think that a 10-15% of proc chance would be fairly enough. With hammer shot and rifle attitude it would come up to 25% max and considering the presence of firestorm and multichamber would fit perfectly. But seriously, 1% is ridiculous for an elemental damage weapon. I'm noticing the same(lesser, of course) on synapse. It can't even be improved by modding!!!

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