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Posts posted by Cap_sai_sin

  1. At 10:40am ET today I was trading with another Tenno, OneFreeDom, and after the trading was complete, I received a message that I was unable to receive the updated offer from the other Tenno. The [Mesa Prime Neuroptics Blueprint] I was trading disappeared, but I did not receive the 14 plat offered. This seems like a highly exploitable bug. 

  2. I clicked to start an item in the Foundry, and it started the item I clicked, as well as the [Paris Prime] I was planning to trade as a set.

    I have a Logitech G502 mouse with no macros or multiple click functions installed.  I've left the [Paris Prime] in my Foundry (unclaimed), as I already have one Max Ranked (included screenshot).  There was no verification to begin crafting either item, so they both started immediately, and there is no way to undo the start of the build once it begins.


    I wasn't sure if/what to do about the build and searched the forums for similar posts before creating this topic.

  3. 3 hours ago, Jackel7 said:

    Question: When are players who lost items(prime parts) during a host migrations on fissure mission gonna see them return? Ex. I was doing an Axi interception mission against the infested and my relic dropped Cernos prime blueprint on second wave and 2 other players on my team picked it and two second after starting new wave a host migration happened and the pop-up for network lost appeared 3 seconds later. My Relic was consumed  yet I have no Cerno prime blueprint which means the other 2 players don't have it either!

    Furthermore this has happened to other players!



    Agreed! Although, I've lost 2 primes and one other in one lost migration, twice in the same day.  Wouldn't hurt as bad if the relic AND the blueprints weren't gone. 

  4. A public mission I was in with Igogain912 and another public-added player was unable to complete.  We spent a considerable amount of time searching for the remaining 4 enemies but were unable to find either the room they were in nor the extraction point.  The map had indicated that the "next" enemy was below us in a large room with no access down from that, nor any bordering rooms.  We searched all the walls, floors and ceilings throughout the entire discovered map, including the in-floor grates and water tunnels usually in the Void.

    I was going to get a screenshot, but one of the other members quit, we host migrated, then my UI froze and I was removed from the mission when my client was restarted.

    From about 1800-1830 EST.

    Location: Teshup - Void

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